
Thursday 20 August 2020

Throwback Thursday


Good Morning Ladies, 

Almost the end if another week, I feel terrible that I have only managed one new card this week, I just don't seem to have had the time or energy to sit and craft  I think you have to be in the right frame of mind to create, to be able to concentrate and be inspired,  it usually takes me longer to decide what to do than it does to actually make it.

So I have added a couple of cards from 2017, they all use patterned papers so fit the challenge.  I am sorry for not fully inspiring you with new ideas my lovelies xx

I have spent last three days trying to get Paul's follow 14 day appointment booked, what a bloody nightmare.  Monday's call promised a Supervisor was calling me back, Tuesdays was the same, Wednesday I actually demanded an answer,  explaining that the Consultant was concerned about inflammation/ infection at our last appointment which means this next appointment was even more important. I got a call back explaining they literally have no appointments at all.  They are having a meeting tomorrow and will get back to me!!!! So watch this space 

I hope that you all have a lovely day, 

Love and hugs to all of you,




  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-two lovely cards as inspiration for us. I’m sure Crafting hasn’t been a priority right now for you.
    I know I haven’t felt like crafting for weeks now, the weather isn’t helping but I’m not feeling 100% either so that doesn’t help. I have some time off work next week (with hubby) so it will be great to relax.


  2. Hi everyone
    Sandra, I absolutely love your beautiful cards, and they are very inspiring. Please don’t be so hard on yourself, it’s lovely to see some older cards 😊
    Fingers crossed you hear back today regarding Paul’s appointment.
    I was going to try to make an appointment with our GP earlier in the week, but after hearing some of the stories on a local Facebook group decided not to bother. People have been phoning and hanging on for over an hour to then be told there are no appointments and to phone back the next day! I did try the EConsult but after going through it all I never got the option to submit it, rather than calling 111. I did wonder if perhaps it would’ve gone through, but I haven’t heard anything so I guess not!
    Looks like a lovely day so far, after a whole day of rain yesterday. Hopefully it stays dry as we got family coming over to celebrate James’ Birthday.
    Have a lovely day, sending hugs to you all xxx

    1. I hope you manage to get through to your GP if you attempt to ring up again Sonia.

  3. Morning Everyone
    I love today's 'throw back' cards and in your favourite colour too.

    At last we have sunshine to start our day here the first this week. We had heavy rain again all day yesterday which really isn't good for the soul.

    Need to get my CC sorted ready for sending in. Other than that I really don't know what's on the calendar for today.

    The CAFE is of course OPEN as usual.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  4. Morning ladies.
    Oh Sandra, they are both beautiful cards.
    Don't be so hard on yourself. You have had a very stressful time of late and we all understand if crafting have not been the priority. Hope someone calls you back today and Paul is getting better for each day, hugs
    Hoping to see a neighbour for a coffee later but I'd like to
    get a cc done too today. I have too many ideas in my head and they just making cartwheels and nothing been done .
    Hugs for you all and extras for anyone who need some.
    Maria xxx

    1. Enjoy your coffee with your neighbour Maria.

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely cards on show today.
    As you can see no one minds about you not making any new cards. You’ve more important things to think about at the moment ( like Paul ). Hopefully you’ll get an answer from the hospital re an appointment for Paul from the hospital. I hope your managing to pin him done so he doesn’t do anything.
    Amber has passed all her GCSE exams and is over the moon. She’s trying to get into Hartpury college Sandra. She already has a place at Moulton College if she doesn’t get in at Hartpury. She’s waiting to her about a telephone interview. She didn’t think she’d get the required grades songadnt bothered. But when she applied for Moulton her Dad persuaded her to try for Hartpury which she did. Anyway she had the grades to get in if they have places and accept her. I said that if they were giving her an interview they must have places.
    Sunny here today with a bit of a breeze. Much better than the pouring rain we’ve had over the last couple of days. Gill in Australia says all states have closed their borders and everyone’s in a partial lockdown. The government reckon that overseas visitors won’t be allowed in least until the middle of next year. If only people would follow the rules we’d probably all be ina better place then we are now.
    Gentle hugs to all who need them. Take care and stay safe everyone.

  6. Hello All, blowing a gale here, but dry at the moment.

    Love your cards Sandra, please don’t stress over not making new cards, Paul is your priority at the moment, hope you manage to sort an appointment out.

    Making chicken casserole for dinner in the slow cooker, always make enough to two day, got some lovely big chicken thighs. Prep takes a while but lovely when it’s all done.

    Must try and do this weeks card today, hope you have a good day, Lilian

  7. Well done Amber
    Your cards are lovely SANDRA and so what that they’re older cards They haven’t dated at all
    I was surprised when you said you hadn’t already got an appointment after your last visit As it was only a fortnight I would have thought you’d have been given a date before you left
    I know I have to wait for an appointment if it’s a couple of months and they send a letter but when my foot was bad they were able to give me the appointments I needed for a week or 2 weeks in advance How hospitals and times change Hope you hear soon And you SONIA
    I need to photograph the one cc I have actually finished but want to make more But the time and inclination just disappears
    Having Tea on the Lawn with a couple of neighbours in a mo So need to get my drink and chair ready
    Take care all xx


  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra I am really surprised how difficult it is for you to get an appointment for Paul, I would suggest if you don’t get a satisfactory response early tomorrow, you ring the consultant secretary and explain the problem you’re having, you should have been given appointment before you left the hospital. I know it’s very tiresome keep on nagging them. Best of luck XX

    Love today’s cards, please don’t apologise for not having made anything new, you’ve got more than enough on your plate, we all appreciate the effort you put into keeping this amazing blog going. xx

    PAT great news for Amber. Tell he how pleased we all are for her.

    Have a lovely evening everyone, Love Brenda xxx
