
Saturday 22 August 2020

Mixed Up Saturday featuring Michele's Magazine Review


Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

I hope you are all well and enjoying the weekend, the weather isn't the best, for us though, that's an opportunity to craft!!!

My first picture today is just breathtaking , Sophie's best pet portrait so far!! This is Lewis's (Sophie's partner) dog 'Dexter ' 

Dexter is a Visla, Sophie has caught his personality perfectly,  the portrait is a gift for Lewis's Mum. I know she will love it. Amazing job Sophie XXX

Michele's Magazine Review 

Hi Ladies, 

Diecutting Essentials has a gorgeous free gift this month-a Lily Die complete with edger.

Here’s some ideas of what’s inside the magazine.

First of a few features using the lovely free gift.

More inspiration.

More ideas-nice to see something different than cards.

Interview with Christina Griffiths who designed the Dies.

Dry Embossing using nesting Dies-I’m sure we’ve had a feature like this in another magazine!

Great look using paper.

Brilliant way to use small stamps-very impressive.

Succulents are very trendy right now-at lest these won’t need watering!

That’s all from me.

I’ve made the decision not to renew most of my magazine subscriptions-this is the only one with a couple of issues left. I’ll probably just keep this one as it’s my favourite technique. I found that I rarely looked at the magazines again and if I was honest, wouldn’t choose to have “bought “ the free gift that came with the magazines. Most of the freebies are unused so it got me thinking about my craft room & how full it is. I’ve had a harsh look at everything & will be having a mega destash sometime. I plan to create enough space in my craft room for another table which I can use for alternative crafts like felting or one of the many kits I’ve been bought as presents.
Anyway-that’s the plan in my head, if it ever happens is another thing entirely!!!

This is a small selection of the other crafty items I’ve accumulated.

Happy Crafting
Love Michele

Michele, we are going to miss your weekly feature, I am so very grateful that you have given so much of your precious time to share this amazing feature each week,  you should have been on commission as many of us have purchased magazines on the back of your review.  I look forward to seeing the reviews that you are still able to do, there will always be a spot open for you on my blog my lovely.   It looks like you are going to be super busy with all of your new projects, maybe you could review some of the kits you have tried?!  No pressure of course. Thanks so much Michele XXX 

Ladies I hope you all enjoy the rest of the weekend, 

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                              xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-the drawing is absolutely stunning, Sophie is so talented. What a lovely idea fur a gift.

    My selection of craft kits have been growing over the last couple of years so I’ve decided to focus on them for a change. It might make my find a renewed interest in Cardmaking after having a break.

    Up early to go food shopping-hubby is joining me today!


  2. Morning Everyone
    What a fantastic portrait.Such a wonderful talent and I'm sure the picture will have pride of place.

    Thank you MICHELE for your reviews.I've enjoyed reading them but have to admit that when I have seen the mag in the shop I have rarely bought one as they always seem to cover the same topics as each other.Enjoy diving into one or two alternative crafts. I look forward to seeing completed projects.

    Well it's Saturday morning so I'm off on my weekly 'treat' to M&S foodhall and then straight back.I still cannot bring myself to venture any further into other shops.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.XXXX

  3. WOW! Sophie The drawing is beautiful Lewis’s mum will certainly love it
    A huge thank you MICHELE I know exactly what you mean Subscriptions are all very well but like you say you might not have necessarily bought the magazine So I don’t blame you for not renewing them
    Enjoy your new crafts Card making is definitely taking second/third place for me at the moment I’m enjoying crochet and even a bit of sewing more
    I have a question for you ladies but I’m going to put it on Messenger
    I hope to craft later as OH is working
    Congratulations to AMBER
    I hope you’re feeling brighter MARIA
    LYNDA and MARGARET - take care
    Stay safe xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Fantastic portrait by Sophie, so much detail.
    Thank you for the magazine review Michele. Looking forward to seeing your new projects.
    Hope to do some crafting today as I won’t be going out. The boys have both had colds, and I came down with one last night, so will be staying home.
    Hope you’re all keeping well. Have a good day.
    Hugs to all xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    The drawing of Dexter is Amazing! well done Sophie.
    Love to know how big it is and if you are taking orders ?
    Hope you gardens are not too messy after the 'storm', our looks like the autumn is here with many of the leafs off the trees behind our fence already. Luckily we have a rather nice day with only a quick shower earlier so I taken the chance and hanged the washing out. Had a nice walk too this morning so feeling a bit brighter ,thank you all.
    Michele- thank you for all the reviews you have done for a long time. It has been great to read them but do understand if you stop with the subscriptions, sometimes the gifts are not too your liking and not sure what you think but there are so many adverts in them which I don't like.
    Sonia- wishing you better! Summer colds are no fun, take care x
    Lynda- hope your sore is better and your walking getting better. Big hug for you and CU 😊
    Janet- hopefully you had a enjoyable shopping trip out to M&S this morning ?
    I haven't been anywhere yet but think something will have to change soon-ish for being at home this long is getting me down a bit. Trying to have a walk a day so do see other people around but missing sitting out in a cafe' or going clothes/ craft shopping and not just on-line. I ordered some new stamps the other day, shhhh don't tell OH 🙈
    Many hugs are sent for you all and wishes for a good day. xxx

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Fabulous photo of Dexter Sophie. Lewis’s Mum will love it. Takes a lot of time and energy as your drawing has so much detail.
    Thanks for your magazine reviews over the years Michele. You’ve put a lot of time into doing them for us.
    Been finishing off a couple of cards for the challenge. Now don’t faint with shock Sandra when they arrive in your in box.
    Had a quick rain shower this morning. But the suns out now even though it’s quite windy as well.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    I've had so much trouble with the my phone today not publishing I think I need a new one
    Sandra I love Sophies drawing it's truly amazing she is so talented
    Have you sorted Paul's hospital appointment out i think it's discussteing the way they have treated you
    MICHELE thank you for your your magazine review
    I'm going to try and publish this now and see what happens
    Love Lynda xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    WOW Sophie’s portrait of Dexter is really brilliant. Lewis’s Mum is going to love it. Sophie your talent is amazing. Thank you for sharing it with us. xx

    MICHELE thank you for the magazine review. BIG THANK YOU for all of the magazine reviews you have given us. xx

    Lynda lovely to see you popping in. Hope you get your phone sorted out. xx

    Janet hope you enjoyed you shopping trip to M & S this morning. xx

    Sorry it’s been a busy day and I keep nodding off, think I had better say goodnight.

    Sleep well everyone, love Brenda xxx
