
Monday 31 August 2020


Good Monday Morning Ladies,

Can you believe that today is the last day of August, I just can't get my head around how quickly this month, in fact this year has gone.  We went into The Range the other day and they were preparing to put out their Christmas Decorations, that just seems crazy right now.  Although I don't think anyone will be sorry to see the back of 2020.

We did venture out for a walk yesterday, Paul managed to push the wheelchair ok, we went very slowly and picked the route carefully, we wanted to walk around and spot all the Scarecrows around the Village Scarecrow Competition Route. the theme was 'Key Workers' there were some hilarious entries.                                                                                                                                                      We finished the weekend with a Roast Beef dinner followed by fresh Apple Crumble made from the apples from somebodies 'Windfall' bucket. When you start craving the big roasts and warming puddings you know we are heading into Autumn. The heating and Aga have been switched back on this weekend, which I am pleased about, I have grown to love cooking in the Aga, it's so easy having it there and on all the time, no preheating or anything, there is also pretty much always at least one twin draped over the front of it !

I have shared a couple of cards from the last couple of years that to me depict Autumn, in colour if nothing else.  Sunflowers on the first card remind me of our journeys through France, as we left to travel down to Spain the Sunflowers had their faces full up to the sunshine absorbing the warmth, on the journey home they all look so sad with their faces to the ground, awaiting harvest.

I hope the cards inspire you a little my lovelies,

I would say enjoy the rest of the Bank Holiday weekend but apart from Michele and maybe Sonia none of us are really aware of what day it is!

Love and hugs to all of you,




  1. Two great cards that really do evoke Autumn At the pub yesterday a friend of my sister in law asked me to do a very personalised wedding card so I will be working on that today I hope to make a start on a cc too as OH is working today
    It was great to chat to some of you last night even though we couldn’t work out how it happened!
    Take care all xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-two great cards. I absolutely love the first one.

    Our heating has come on automatically the last 3 mornings as it’s gitbdo cold overnight. Think we’ll be keeping the blankets on too.

    We’re planning a walk down to the beach this morning before any visitors descend as it’s Bank Holiday . I can’t believe I’ve been off work for a whole week-it’s gone so quickly but it’s been so nice spending so much time with hubby as we can go days not seeing each other when we’re working. We did some gardening yesterday and even managed to have a BBQ which was lovely.


  3. Morning everyone.
    Love both of the cards Sandra.
    Fleece on and blanket too watching some Tv. Waiting for OH to wake up and we are going to a new area in MK for our walk. Washing might have to be hanged indoors today, it's meant to not rain but the sky look pretty grey.
    Sending love and hugs for you all and extras for our dear friends who need some. Maria xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Two beautiful cards today. I love autumn colours! On my bucket list to visit New England in the Fall just to see the stunning colours.
    Back to work this morning although still not feeling 100%. Was pretty cold first thing, I resorted back to wearing my winter coat.
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Sending hugs to you all xx

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Two lovely Autumn cards Sandra. But can someone please let me know what happened to our summer. It’s pretty cold here as well. Keith popped in quickly to have a look at my dripping tap. Apparently the isolators on the pipes leaked a bit. So he was going to see if he had 2 and if not go a buy 2, plus some birthday cards. That probably means I won’t see him again today. A shame as I was going to ring the council in the morning. I’ll have to check first now to make sure he hasn’t bought them.
    Take care & stay safe. There’s still a lot of idiots about.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Two lovely cards to inspire us for the autumnal theme challenge, love both of them thank you Sandra for the inspiration.

    It was lovely chatting to you ladies yesterday evening, my iPad was on the cushion next to me on the sofa when it rang, anyway how ever we got connected it was lovely to see and talk to you. xx

    It’s really chilly again today, so back to log sleeves. Can’t believe the change in our weather, it almost feels like winter has arrived.

    Hope everyone has had a good weekend, take care, stay safe and warm.
    Love Brenda xxx

  7. Hello All, lovely sunny day, chilly morning and evening.

    Sandra two great cards for autumn, love the second one with the flowers.

    Spent all day sorting out view telly boxes, think there ok now, given me a headache.

    Hope you had a good bank holiday, roads have been manic here, shall be glad when the children go back to school.
    Hugs to all, Lilian
