
Tuesday 1 September 2020

My Birthday Card from Pat


Good Morning Ladies, 

Can you believe we are in September, I feel like I go to bed and wake up and a month has past, I guess we must start thinking seriously about our 'C' cards!!

I hope that you are well, it was a lovely day here yesterday, well it wasn't as cold and it didn't rain, I spent most of the day in my craft room tinkering with my Album, I zm really enjoying it, I'm glad that I let Danielle persuade me into starting it, we have been video messaging while making our Albums which has been lovely, she's a 'pro' though, she has made some stunning Albums and creates the actual album in minutes!  If mine turns out half as good as Danielle's I would be really pleased.

Today I am sharing the card that Pat made for my Birthday, its absolutely stunning, Pat has used a combination of beautiful Groovi Plates to create this look,  I love the sentiment panels, believe ne, they are harder than you would imagine, so having tthree perfectly placed panels is genius, I love how all of the floral detail weaves in between the pznels too. the combination of the stunning Groovi work and the beautiful shade of green with the pretty pink makes for an incredibly beautiful gift, thank you so very much Pat for my card XXX

I hope that you all have a lovely day, 

Love and hugs to all of you  



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your Birthday Card from Pat is just stunning, so beautiful.

    It’s definitely autumn-dark early in the evenings & it was still dark when I got up this morning. Heading in early to start checking my emails before everyone else arrives.


  2. Stunning card PAT I still have my little piece of Groovi we did at Watford
    I finished crocheting the shawl and I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed doing it It was a really calming therapeutic project
    I have training at work today It’s with the team I am re-deployed to I am dreading the idea of going back to my “old” job
    Take care all xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    PAT-what a stunning piece of ART.Such delicate work and beautiful colouring.

    Yesterday wasn't too bad here.We had some sun but it was quite chilly and the heating went on at tea-time.
    I need to get one or two crafting jobs done this morning so that I can sit and watch the 'Tour' this afternoon.The riders are having very different weather than usual with torrential rain and winds not like baking sun in JULY and they're still in the South of France.

    Have a good day whatever you allhave planned.CAFE open as usual.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    I’m glad you liked my card ladies that I made for Sandra. I must say making the plaques from a tag Groovi plate isn’t to complicated once you know how. Mind you I do have a couple of them that one plaque is wonky. I wonder if Keith will come to fix my tap today. If not I’m calling a plumber. I’m not a bit like Karen who has a to do list which over the years is getting longer. It seems as if their house is falling to bits before their very eyes. Karen said he’d be very angry if she got someone in to do her jobs. I’d rather get them done and blow him being cross that crying because he won’t do anything. He’s on 2 weeks holidays now but probably won’t do a lot. He’d do anything for anyone when he decides to do it. I wouldn’t ask him to do a job for me but Karen said he’d do it.
    Blimey I’m a moaning minnnie today. Better put my soap box back.
    Quite dull here today but doesn’t look too windy. Hopefully it’s not to chilly out.
    Take care everyone and stay safe.

    1. Pat your card for Sandra is amazing your really a star of groovi well done xx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Im glad you had lots of wonderful birthday cards actually on the day this year, although you would both have preferred to be away as usual. A lovely card for you from Pat, and in your favourite colour too. There has been so many beautiful cards shown over the last few days along with the gorgeous album from Lilian for you. Looking forward to seeing the one you made with Danielle. I love it when you have your Aga on in the winter. It is lovely to sit in there with a cup of tea, so warm and comfy. I’m not surprised you have put it back on and several of you have the heating and or blankets on as it has been nippy sometimes hasn’t it! Far too early for that, we should still be having summer sun for at least the next few weeks! No doubt you both really enjoyed your walk around the village scarecrow trail. At least we are having some dry weather in between the heavy down pours! Xx
    Lynda, so glad that you are managing to walk a bit more. Hugs for you and Terry from me and Mum xx
    Mums gout has cleared up, thank you from her for all of your lovely words. She sends you big hugs back. I did have a surprise when I walked in to theirs on Friday to see that Pop had trimmed Mums hair!!!!! Actually he had just taken a couple of inches off of the bottom and around the sides and had made a really good job of it. It looks lovely Mum doesn’t it. I must admit it has been odd seeing Mum with hair well below her shoulders and without the usual soft perm but I know you prefer it too don’t you Mum. Love you xx
    I have a couple of cards that must be done so will start them later but still have no mojo at all for some reason. We all seem to have the same problem during the year don’t we. I wonder why when we all love crafting the rest of the time? Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  6. Hi everyone
    Such a beautiful card Pat. Love all the detail 😊
    Looking forward to seeing your finished album Sandra.
    Pleased to hear your mums gout has cleared up Sue.
    Turned warm again after another chilly start. Was thinking about having the heating come on in the mornings, but seeing the forecast it looks like we’ll be having some milder nights over the coming days.
    Enjoy the rest of the day. Hugs to all xxx

  7. Hi everyone.
    Gorgeous card from our Pat Sandra, very nice.
    Beautiful day but it is a bit chilly at times. Had a good walk then some gardening like cutting the grass and deadheading some plants on the patio. Hoping to get some help later on from Son to dig the borders. The weeds and rambles are growing well.
    Sue- glad mamma is better. Give her and Pop a hug when you see them next.
    Lynda- hope the mew bed is comfortable and you get better sleep. Hope you both are ok.
    Sonia- hope your cold is getting better, take care.
    Pat- get the plumber in. I mean how long do you think you have to wait? Love your groovi cards, they are beautiful.
    Hope you all have a alright-ious day. Hugs to all Maria xx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    It's a lovely day today the sun is shining but still chilly and the wind is quite chilly.
    I did get in my craft room this morning but unfortunately my knees were very painful so couldn't do
    Anything I forgot I started to have a sort out wow the table was piled high. So now both my legs and arms are aching really badly so I'm a bit tearful
    Sue thank you for extra Hug's
    Pleased mum is improving and not in so much pain.
    Love and Hug's Lynda xxxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a beautiful birthday card you received from Pat, it’s a real keepsake, thank you for sharing it with us Sandra. xx.
    PAT your card is a work of art, I just love everything about it, Flowers, colour, sentiment, my eyes were drawn to the edges, it must have taken forever to creat just the edge ( think its called picot edge ) It’s so beautiful.

    Not a lot happening here, I walked over to the post box a little while ago, posted a letter to my sister, she wanted some inspiration for her cards, it’s funny when she asks I can be like a mini production line, when it’s for me - my inspiration goes out of the window. Anyway the sun was shining so a pleasant little walk. John always offers to go for me, but I feel I need to get out, even if it’s just over the road.

    SUE so pleased MARGARETS gout has cleared up. Please give her a big hug and tell her we miss her. xx

    LYNDA sorry to read you are in so much pain, big hugs on there way to you. xx

    Take care everyone, Love Brenda xxx
