
Sunday 30 August 2020

Your Challenge Cards

Good Sunday Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you have had a lovely weekend so far, we have had a very relaxed weekend,  not that we have much choice in that right now,  but its nice to  spend quality time together however you are spending it, although I would prefer a warm beach if I had the choice. !

Let's have a look at your cards.....


Brenda has used the HoneyDoo 'Floral Crest' stamp to create this beaufiful Birthday card, I love how you have continued the stamping over the frame Brenda, it's an amazing effect.

Brenda's Description:

Yor this card are used the Honey Doo stamp 'Floral Crest'  and coloured it with my Polychromos , I also used polychromos to colour a piece of white card in an ombre effect for backing my happy birthday sentiment. The categories are die-cut, stamping,  favourite colour

Thank you so much Brenda for taking part in this weeks Challenge XXX


Wow Maria, I absolutely love the paper that you have used for your Challenge card this week , I love the Script and the fact that its green just makes it perfect!! 

Maria's Description:

My favourite colour  Green / Heat Embossing and a Ribbon Bow

(the paper is more green then the photo shows)

Thanks Maria for an amazing Challenge card XXX 


Sonia has designed a stunning Christmas card for this weeks TicTacToe Challenge,  I have to say I love the combination of Kraft Card and White together. 

Sonia's Description:

The categories are die cut/stamp/dry or heat embossing. The snowflake circle is a Magnolia stamp which I stamped and heat embossed. The deer is from Spellbinders, the snowy embossing folder from my stash, and sentiment from LOTV.

Thanks so much Sonia for a beautiful festive Challenge card XXX 


A beautiful floral card from Lilian for this weeks TicTacToe Challenge.  I love how you have layered the doily onto another die cut,  it adds to the fancy edge, your beautiful delicate stamping around the corners is a lovely touch Lilian. 

Lilian's Description:

Hi, here is my card for this week, die cut, favourite colour ( for flowers at the moment)
And embossing. Used stamping up birthday blooms. 

Thank you so much Lilian for taking part in this weeks TicTacToe Challenge  XXX 


Two perfect Masculine cards from our Janet for this weeks TicTacToe Challenge . The background on your under the sea card is perfect Janet. 

Janet's Description:

For my first card I used eboss/fav colour/male
I have to admit it's a card I made earlier this year and have never used so it's waiting for a 'golfer' to come along.

My second card this week is for my Great Grandson Thomas who is going to be 7 in a couple of week's time.
I used fav colour/male/nautical.

Thank you so much for two amazing Challenge cards Janet XXX


Karen bought her future Son in Law a Bonsai Tree for his Birthday,  so in true Karen style she had to make a card that tied in with a theme, such a thoughtful touch.

Karen's Description:

Here’s a cc I used 
fancy fold - die cut - masculine 
I googled the image and used Serif for the lettering die cut with a circle It’s a simple fold back card 

Thank you so much Karen, your card is stunning XXX


Two amazing Nautical themed cards from Our Michele,  I absolutely love the composition of your cards Michele,  they work perfectly! 

Michele's Description:

Two challenge cards-good old Ella’s Design to the rescue! Masculine/stamp/nautical. The stamped part is the sentiment inside the card.                                                       

Thank you so much Michele for two amazing Challenge cards XXX 


Pat has had a really productive week with her card making, she has finished off 4 beautiful cards,  I have shared two of them , I wanted the other two to have a day of their own, I hope that's ok Pat.
Pat used Categories: Groovi/Embossing/Favourite Colour  for her cards.

Thank you so much Pat , its lovely to be sharing your cards on a Sunday XXX


Ladies, this challenge was a special one for me with it being my very first 'Cotswold Crafter' TicTacToe Grid, so it really made my day to see so many amazing Challenge cards, thank you all so very much xxxxx

I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend, we are going to have a walk around he village as a lot of the locals have made Scarecrows for the Village Scarecrow Trail, we must take part next year!

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    Oh Sunday morning with my first cup of coffee of the day and CCs who could ask for more.
    Lots of beautiful creations and all different in every way.
    SANDRA I loved this Challenge and look forward to more of your tic tactoe Challenges.

    Well at the moment the sun is shining but for how long who knows. At least we managed to shop and get back home before the rain came again.
    I have one or two tidying jobs to do round my craft table and then relaxing - I hope watching the second day of the Tour de France.Wish we were there.

    The CAFE is OPEN and it's Roast Chicken with veg for lunch so place your orders if you want lunch.
    HUGS are ontheir way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and ladies.
    Sitting here with my morning mug of weak tea and a banana and looking at some amazing tic,tac,toe cards. I love them all and will soon have a look again before going off on our walk this morning. Not sure yet what the day brings but will try my parents this afternoon. They have just got back after touring around in their motor home visiting old friends they met once on a holiday to Cuba. I love to go there but OH is not keen (sure he would like it if I could just get him there) I'm worried because of the covid but they don't seem to have the rules in Sweden at all so as long they are careful I can only hope that they be alright.
    Have a lovely ,relaxing Sunday everyone. Many hugs in the basket inside the door so help yourself to as many you need. Maria xx

  3. These days Sundays are a favourite day - OH at home (he used to work on a Sunday) and beautiful cards to admire All so very different and gorgeous in their own way Great challenge SANDRA and hope you do more of your own tic tac toe
    We’re supposed to be going to a pub for lunch with daughter to celebrate SIL’s birthday and see the grandchildren Yay! My first proper “outing” since lockdown
    Glad to hear the bed has arrived and you had a good night’s sleep LYNDA long may it continue and it helps your recovery
    Have a good day all The weather is supposed to stay dry here Take care xx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Late start for me, I actually managed to sleep most of the night. I’ve had my breakfast & been blog hopping.

    What a fantastic selection of challenge cards today.

    Looking at the scarecrows sounds like fun Sandra.

    We have sunshine so I can put out yet more washing and hopefully we can have a BBQ tonight. In between Skype with the in laws and phoning my Dad.


  5. Hi everyone
    Lovely selection of cards today 😊
    Sunny start here but very cold!
    Mark just off to Tesco to do the weekly shop, but I’m staying here in the warm.
    Enjoy the scarecrow trail, and the rest of the day everyone. Hugs to all xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a fantastic selection of Challenge Cards on display today. Sandra congratulations on making your own tic-tac-toe challenge, I hope you’re pleased with the results.

    Enjoy your scarecrow hunt, sounds a fun thing to get involved in. Make notes for next year.

    Not much happening today, at the moment we are just chilling out with the newspaper.

    Hope you are having a lovely day, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  7. Hello All, lovely sunny day if somewhat chilly.

    Super bundle of cards today, and all so different.

    Sandra enjoy your walk, and scarecrow hunt

    Keeping it short, been trying to set up new tv box, but it’s not working, very expensive piece of rubbish, they are supposed to be getting back to me to help, that was 4hrs ago. It’s given me a terrible headache, usually good at most technical stuff.

    Hope you are all having a lovely day, Lilian
