
Friday 31 July 2020

Your Next Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and looking forward to the weekend, at least the weather looks lovely for this one. what have you all got planned?

Milo and Bello treated us to a brand new gift on Tuesday night, it was about 2am and I could hear the two of them scuffling about, they then came into our bedroom together which never happens unless they are fighting, so I knew something was up, I woke Paul and told him that they had got something, he got up and followed them into the lounge, he could see something on the floor and thought it was either a mouse or a small bird, so he went to fetch the dustpan and brush to dispose of it, when he returned 'it' had moved and turned over, he put the light on and leant in to see if it was still alive and if flew across the lounge ( I would love to have seen the look on his face), so it turns out that they had somehow caught a Bat, we have a colony living in the trees outside the lounge window for the first time this year. Paul managed to get it into a box and take it out to the trees that they seem to live in, but it wouldn't come out of the box so he left it with the box on its side so it could get out safely, by the time Sue came it had gone so hopefully it was back with its family.  I think I may well have had a heart attack if that thing had started flying around the bedroom! 

Sue came over on Wednesday and we finally got round to some sewing, well it's only taken about 5 years!! But it meant that I blew the dust off of my machine and started using it, I also want to use it with my paper crafting.
Sue needed to make masks, she had bought a pattern with her that she had sketched but she wasn't too sure what to use as the support part around the nose, we looked at pipecleaners and Sue had bought some other things to try.  I suggested trying the style that Lilian had made for me, as it is shaped to fit around the bridge of your nose and stays in place perfectly .  So I turned my mask inside out and we traced around it, Sue then explained all the steps that we needed to take and we were off, there were little hiccups along the way but I couldn't have been prouder of my finished mask at the end of the day, Sue's look great too. Thank you Sue for your tuition and patience XXX

Your Next Challenge

For our next challenge the theme will be "Flowers Through The Seasons" 

So we can make cards featuring Spring Flowers, Summer Flowers, Autumn Flowers and finally Winter flowers. 
We will start with :                           

We will split this challenge over 4 weeks, so this week will start with 'Spring'  flowers, I love Spring, it is a Season full of hope and sees your garden start to come to life, we start to see the beautiful Snowdrops, Violets, Bluebells, Daffodils and Tulips, Lilac, Crocus, Pansy and Iris all come under 'Spring flowers'  So we have plenty to play with, so you can make it look like and everyday birthday card for anytime using any of the flowers above. There are lots of other idea online too.

I hope you enjoy the Challenge, I think most of us have flowers for most Seasons in some form in our stash.
You can used the flowers just as a background or as the Focus of your card.

I am looking forward to making cards for this Challenge, even more excited to see your cards.


I hope that you all have an enjoyable weekend,

Love and hugs to all of you, especially those of you that are under the weather,

Love and huge hugs to all of you,



  1. Hi everyone.
    Great challenge for the coming weeks, and I love your beautiful cards.
    Glad you had a lovely time with Sue and made some masks. My sewing machine hasn’t seen the light of day for years!
    Early start for me this morning as I said I’d take James to work, rather than him having to get up an hour earlier to cycle. I’ll probably feel it later though.
    Going to be another hot day today, already quite warm ☀️
    Hope you all have a lovely day whatever you do. Hugs to all xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Great challenge for over the next 4 weeks Sandra.
    Good to hear you had fun using your sewing machine with Sue.

    Busy day yesterday. Somehow I’ve managed to chip another tooth & the rough edge is catching on the side of my tongue. Goodness knows when il hear from the dentist about my original problem.

    Well-big day today. It’s our Annual Audit-we’ve don’t all we can. This year they’re trying a Virtual Audit with us talking to them using Teams on the computer but we need to be in one of the offices as we don’t have a camera on our computers in the office me + my boss share. Not sure how it’s going to work as we’ll be wearing masks all day!!!


    1. Hope everything goes ok today for you Michele.

  3. Morning Everyone
    A good Challenge for the next few weeks.

    Well here we go again another week has flown by and I have to get all my 'swear' words out today. At least and at long last we have got up to SUNSHINE instead of the grey skies we have had all week. Perhaps we can get windows and doors open too.

    Good luck MICHELE for today. I hope everything goes well and all technology works for you.

    The CAFE is OPEN everything ready for you all.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely cards as usual today. Glad you were able to make a mask. I think we’re going to need a few. It’s going to be a warm one again today. Karen & Co are going to Sophie’s tonight so they can walk the dogs first thing. Amy & Matty will go up first thing as they’ll finish work at 6.30am tomorrow morning. It’ll be chaos with 6 dogs in a small 2 bedded house. Good job it’s going to be nice enough to sit in the garden.m I’ll follow up later in the morning. I’m not up to walking as far as they all do. Livvy is back working at Blenheim Karen said. Craig came over with Romilly yesterday morning to cut my hedge for me. Fancy the cats catching a bat. I know they can fly low but not low enough for a cat to catch them.
    Enjoy your day everyone & take care & stay safe.

  5. Hello, another Very hot day.

    Sandra love your cards, flowers my favourites for cards.

    Still haven’t done this weeks card yet, will try and get it done today.

    Hope your day goes OK Michele, remember audit days, horrendous.

    Well hope you all have a lovely day,Lilian

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Beautiful all seasons cards Sandra, thank you for the great inspiration. Love all of them.

    I think I would’ have freaked if the cats delivered a bat as a gift, Paul is an absolute star getting rid of it. Last year daughter had one in the kitchen, but it was her cleaning lady who found it, it was under the overhang on the island unit. Fortunately one of the boys was home and he managed to get it out.

    Michele hope the audit went well, you relax now and enjoy your weekend.

    Janet, I joined you this morning doing the swearing thing, all finished now so can relax this afternoon.

    I still have to finish this weeks challenge card, I must complete this afternoon as we are going to Essex tomorrow, so get a wiggle on and get lunch sorted then I can play.

    Enjoy the rest of your day ladies, take care and stay safe.
    Love Brenda xxx

  7. Lovely cards SANDRA and a great challenge for the next few weeks
    I hope the audit went OK MICHELE
    Not got a lot planned this afternoon It’s far too hot for me!
    Take care all xx

  8. Hi ladies.
    Beautiful cards Sandra and a good challenge for next week.
    Still playing with this weeks and it's keep going wrong 😩
    A bat in the house 🙈 glad Paul was around to take care of it.
    Michele- hope everything went ok and you can rest this afternoon.
    Janet- glad you got some sunshine.Hope you did the swearword slowly today.
    Now I find it a bit too warm 😯 😊 All windows are open and the fan is on but didn't have a good night so are tired and achy ,hoping tho to craft some tonight. It will be another BBQ, so lovely to sit outdoors and having dinner.
    Have a nice day everyone and many hugs for you all xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Hope it's not too hot for you. I'm not sitting outside it's too hot for me
    Lovely card's Sandra & a good challenge for next week
    Good job you & Sue got to make your mask so clever I looked on eBay wanted one with Butterfly's on they wanted £10 for one
    Hopefully you all enjoy the hot weather today
    Sending BIG HUG'S Lynda xx
