
Saturday 1 August 2020

Mixed Up Saturday Featuring Michele's Magazine Review

Lilian's Beautiful Sweetpeas

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all enjoying the cooler weather today, 34 degrees here yesterday afternoon, it clouded over in the afternoon and we did have a few spots of rain, it never came to anything though, so I think the fan will be on full tilt tonight.

I hope Lilian doesn't mind me sharing this beautiful vase of Sweet peas, I can just imagine the amazing fragrance, mine are way off flowering, so I hope you don't mind me sharing yours Lilian XXX

Just look at my beautiful model !!! It's our Soph modelling my first real sewing project, It's lined and has an opening for a filter too.  I have to thank my lovely friend Sue for her tuition and another lovely friend Lilian for the pattern. I love it and have already made another. 

Michele's  Magazine Review

Hi Ladies

Simply Cards & Papercraft has a great set of stamps & Die free this month

Here’s some ideas of what’s inside the magazine.

Here’s the first feature that uses the free gift. Some great ideas.

Interesting article explaining how to use water colour crayons.

Mixed media article-perfect after seeing Karen’s gorgeous card this week.

Bold inspiration here using Colour block backgrounds,

Metallic Embossing makes these cards look fantastic, perfect for Christmas cards too.

Don’t these easel cards look amazing? They’d certainly stand out.

Great article on dry embossed die cutting-we could all probably try this technique.

Second feature using the free gift-showing that the stamps can be used for so many occasions.

Embossing with stencils-this article shows us how we can more use out of our stencils.

These window gatefold cards would certainly look impressive.

Wax resistant Embossing-what a great look it creates.

That’s all for this week so
Happy Crafting

Love Michele

Thanks so much Michele, such a great magazine review, in fact I went out and bought the magazine after I was finished typing up your review.
One of the features has been featured in a magazine before, the Colour Block feature was in a magazine a couple of months ago, which shows that they must share articles.
There are some fantastic features and some amazing inspiration throughout the magazine.
Thanks for taking the time to write it XXX

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lilian-your sweet peas look so pretty, lovely.

    Sandra-great mask that Sophie is modelling. Glad you were aboriginal start using your sewing machine again.

    Audit yesterday went ok-not the easiest thing to do virtually. The 4 auditors were in their own houses and 3 of us were crammed into an office (all wearing masks). It was tiring but we did manage to finish early.
    Meant to say yesterday that my Uncle is doing fine. Much improved after his extended stay in hospital.

    Up early (again) to go shopping at Morrisons when they’re not many customers in. Places with too many people really bother me but I have to go shopping so early morning is the best solution.


  2. Your sweet peas look beautiful LILIAN
    I love Sophie’s mask The girls will be asking for lots more so that they can colour co-ordinate with their clothes!
    Great magazine review MICHELE I recognised that colour block technique too SANDRA
    I’m glad the audit is done with too MICHELE
    I will have a play later with my sewing machine with your tips re eliminating the birds nest! Other than that it’ll just be a bit of pottering about with a bit of swearing in between
    OH will be watching the FA Cup final Not that I’m truly bothered but he supports Chelsea and I support Arsenal!
    Take care ladies Special Hugs to LYNDA and MARGARET xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Love your sweet peas Lilian, such beautiful colours. We used to grow them and I remember their lovely fragrance.
    Love the mask Sandra.
    Brilliant review Michele, lots of lovely inspiration. Pleased to hear your Uncle is doing well.
    Much cooler here today, thank goodness after yesterday’s high temperatures! Looking forward to some crafting this weekend.
    Have a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

  4. Hi All, very cloudy today, but at least it’s cooler.

    Michele, great mag review, might see it I can find this one on line.

    Sandra your mask looks great, hope you have your pattern.

    My sweet peas are the best I’ve grown here, read that they need feeding during the season, I usually just use fresh compost and let that do, cheap seeds from B&Q.

    Have washing on, it was nice when I started , but looks like rain now. Next job is to clean my bird feeders, not my favourite job but necessary.

    Hope you all have a lovely day, Lilian

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I’ve at yesterday’s post and love the flowers and seasons challenge for this week. Soph modelled you’re first mask off beautifully. You did a brilliant job on it. Your seams were lovely and straight too. I’m so happy that you have already made another mask. I must do more machine sewing as I love it. Maybe we can stitch on card this week? Enjoy it whatever you make xx
    I have to finish last weeks challenge card and send it to you. That is what I will be doing today, along with doing the laundry, which will dry super fast day. It’s not as hot as yesterday though which was so hot wasn’t it. Luckily we were at Mum and Pops and they have air con so it was nice and cool inside. And I helped Mum stay cool by washing her hair for her, and her top and her skirt too, sorry Mum 🤣 🤣🤣 My dear hubby just sat and laughed at us which just made me and mum laugh even
    more 🤣🤣🤣🤣
    Wishing you all a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Thank you Sue for extra Hug's I hope your mum is getting better please give her my love & Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Sandra and ladies
      Beautiful sweet peas Lillian
      Another great magazine review again Michele x
      Very muggy today with hazie sun
      Are Terry has just given Bailey a bath he smells lovely Haha Rea is hiding cause she knows what's coming next. She is going to have one tomorrow.
      Well I think it's knapp time
      Love & Hugs Lynda xxxx

    3. Lovely to from you Lynda.

  6. Afternoon ladies.

    Thank you Michele for the magazine review, lot of interesting articles and I love the ship and lighthouse stamps
    Beautiful sweet peas Lilian, gorgeous colours.
    Well done Sandra to make some masks, very pretty model.
    Michele- glad everything went ok yesterday. Now have a nice weekend. Good to hear your Uncle is doing well.
    Oh Sue, sound like you had fun washing 'mamma's hair 😊 Hope they both are doing alright.
    Ah Lynda, one clean dog 🐶 Good luck catching Rea tomorrow for hers 👍😄
    Thankfully it is a bit cooler today so managed do our walk this morning and then got two lots of washing on the line.
    Was up early, didn't get much sleep again so went down and did cc for tomorrow. OH is watching the footie later so I'm thinking of tidy up my work station again so to be ready for the next challenge for hoping to make them a bit earlier 😉
    Have a nice day everyone, hugs xxx
