
Thursday 30 July 2020

An old card for 'Throwback Thursday'

Good Morning Ladies,
I hope that you all have a lovely day yesterday, it was another bright sunshine day!!!!
I was luckily!

Todays card is one of those cards that makes you smile when you open them.

I used a white piece of card and stamped the 'Have a Lovely Day' sentiment in the bottom right corner, I then added a piece of blacks satin ribbon to the top of the card and finished with a little red resin flower.  I die cut a large pile of leaves and a load of die cut flowers, I then sat and arranged them down my card, popping a black pearl into the centres of each flower. I wanted to tie the black ribbon and black stamping into the card. I stacked the red flowers onto of one another and offset them to make the flowers fuller.
I quite like the boldness of the colours, the matting and layering really make the colours pop too.
I hope that you like my card,

I have a quiet day planed, what are you all up to?  Whatever you are doing I hope that its ends up a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a bright, cheerful card today. I love the Lacey flowers & leaves.

    I’m off over to the other hospital site this morning for the last of 4 training sessions. Back to my own job after lunch then some final checks ready for tomorrow as we’re being audited. Aseptic Units are required by law to be audited annually and the regulations are extremely strict as you would expect given the type of drugs we make. It’s a gruelling & stressful day so I’m hoping we might finish early (4pm) which would be a lovely treat.
    Looking forward to speaking to my Uncle tonight-phoning him for a chat.


    1. I hope today isn’t too stressful Michele and that you do manage to finish a bit earlier.

  2. Morning Everyone
    A very pretty card to start the day SANDRA.

    Well we're nearly at the end of another week and we still have to see some warm weather here.Again it's a very grey start to the day and chilly.

    I need to get my CC photographed today and get a birthday card started for a lady who is going to be 80.I got the request on Tuesday.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with loads of extras for Dear Friends in need.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

    1. I’ll send you some warm weather up Janet.

  3. Lovely card SANDRA It would make a fabulous Christmas card too
    I’m having tea on the lawn with a few neighbours this afternoon which will be lovely as due to the weather we haven’t been able to meet
    I started a cc yesterday I need to finish that too
    Take care all x

    1. Enjoy your meet up with your neighbours this afternoon Karen.

  4. Lovely blue sky this morning, supposed to be a very hot day.

    Sandra great card, love those flowers, I have that die set somewhere.

    Finished my new journal yesterday, just have to add some finishing touches.
    Sewing the signatures in was really hard, not sure it’s worth the time it takes, easier just to buy one, but I wanted a mix of different substrates.

    Have a good day all, looks as though the virus is spreading again, so take care, Lilian

  5. Great card Sandra. I don’t remember seeing this one before. Perhaps it was shown while I was on holiday.
    Another lovely day here as well. Fingers crossed it stays that way for Saturday when I off up to see Sophie’s new house.
    Not to sure what’s happening today. I saw yesterday on Facebook that a pub in Brampton had someone in last Friday & Sat whose now tested positive for Covid. Makes you wonder where on earth that come from. I suppose everyone who was in the pub needs to self isolate. Fingers crossed they do. Mind you by now it could be in work places etc. Bamptons not to far away from me. I go through it on the way to Craig’s.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  6. Hi everyone.
    Beautiful card Sandra, love the flowers.

    It's a gorgeous day. Sending up north for you Janet.
    Karen- have a nice meet up with your neighbours.
    Michele- hopefully today is going to plan. Hope your Uncle is doing alright.
    Pat- do take care when going out. Had a feeling that when now the pubs and shops are opened again that this virus would spike again.
    We left for our walk this morning an hour earlier as the heat does take out on me, so that's done and now we having our brunch. Will sit out and read later but also hoping to start on the cc for this week.
    Have a nice day and hugs are sent to you all xxx

  7. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous card, I love the flowers.
    Very hot here today, and forecast to be hotter tomorrow!
    Not doing much this afternoon, maybe some more crafting.
    Hope you’re all well and having a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I’m doomed trying to comment on the blog. I had quite a bit written when John called from the back door are you free. I put the I pad on the arm of the sofa and was only outside for a few minutes came back and my comment had disappeared, I will try to remember what I was waffling on about !!!

    Went to Croydon this morning to pick up daughters birthday present. Also presents for John and SIL (they share the same birthday) funnily enough our other SILs birthday is on our wedding anniversary. As we will be seeing the family on Saturday thought I had better get a wiggle on and sort out presents. Anyway that’s sorted so don’t have to brave the shops again.

    Sandra love today’s card, as Karen said it would make a lovely Christmas card, change the sentiment...... job done.

    Kayan hope tea on the lawn went well, it’s been a lovely day here perfect for afternoon tea on the green.

    Can feel a nap coming on better say bye before my eyelids lock together!!!

    Enjoy the rest of your day ladies, take care and stay safe, Love Brenda xxx
