
Tuesday 14 July 2020

Michele's Commissioned Cake cards

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all ok, have you all blown the dust off of your embossing folders, I have spent a couple of afternoons playing with different techniques, I will confess to getting mixed results, one particular 'experiment' took me a good couple of hours to complete and at the end I was gutted to it went into the bin. I then was playing with inking up my embossing folders to do the 'letter press' technique, I couldn't understand why I couldn't get the ink to transfer smoothly to the surface of the folder, it clicked after I read a couple of your comments on yesterdays card, I was using the ink pads to transfer the ink, I had totally forgotten that the Brayer was the only way to guarantee a even coating of ink, the first one I tried with Brayer was perfect.  I did purchase a new Tim Holtz E folder to have a play with, so I am hoping to get some better results with that.

Lilian & Janet, Brayers can be very reasonably priced, I bought a set of two on Amazon for around £8, although I have to say I do prefer the Speedball Brayer, I bought mine years ago when Barbara Gray used to use one virtually every time she crafted, up until I started playing with my gelli plate the original one I bought stayed in it's box, but now I use them all the time. 
So I do think that they are a good tool to own.

We had mixed weather yesterday, it kept getting quite overcast and then we had a few light showers.
Paul was hoping to cut the grass (well mostly clover) but as soon as he got the mower out the rain started, so he ended up leaving it for another day. So we ended up heading into the craft room/office for a couple of hours, I played with Embossing Folders and Paul did his accounts.

Now after a couple of afternoons of experiments I ended up with a good pile of 'PhD's' but no actual card to share, so I am taking the opportunity to share some cards that Michele was asked to make for a Colleague. Michele wasn't sure about the first two cards (that I actually love) so she made a third one, we can really be our own worse critics can't we?!!

Michele's Description:

"I was asked by a colleague to make a birthday card for her sister (didn’t want Sister on it) but said she likes cakes + chocolate. Made the first two last week, didn’t like them so made the cupcake one first this this morning!''

Thanks so much Michele for helping me out at the last minute, I really do appreciate your support XXX

That's all for today ladies, I do hope that you all have a lovely day, I don't think I will be able to properly relax this week until I have had a call from my GP, I keep trying to think of other things but you know what I am like!!!

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-hood you get chance to have another play in your craft room today.
    Thank you for showing my cards. I won’t see the colleague that’s orders then until tomorrow so hopefully there’s one she likes.

    Work was ok-busy & it felt like everyone had saved up their problems to discuss with me! I had a catch up with my line manager before lunch & she informed me that we had a meeting booked with the Chief Pharmacist (2-3pm) which actually went on til 3:40pm so there wasn’t much left of my day. Today I need to look at the 250 plus emails that arrived last week. Luckily some of them don’t require anything other than printing out but I’m sure there a few that I need to “read”!


  2. Lovely cards MICHELE I like all 3 of them As SANDRA has said we are our own worst critics
    My mojo has gone a bit AWOL at the moment I couldn’t settle to craft yesterday so asked a neighbour if she fancied a walk around the block She’s had a lot of hip and back operations So we didn’t venture far and then we had tea on her lawn Another neighbour joined us
    I actually “went” to work in my pj’s today So I’d better get a wriggle on and get showered and dressed! Take care xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Love your cards Michele. The cake die looks fab and very versatile. I wouldn’t be surprised if your colleague asks to keep all 3 😊
    Very cloudy day here, and humid with it. Looked like we were going to have a storm a while ago, but seems to have passed.
    Work wasn’t too busy and we had a manual handling refresher course this morning, so that’s up to date for another year.
    Will look to see what embossing folders I have so I can make a start on this weeks challenge.
    Hope you’re all well and having a good day.
    Hugs to all xxx

  4. Hi Ladies.
    Three very nice cards Michele. Don't be surprised if she takes them all, always good to have some when needed.Hope work goes well today.
    Karen- wearing pj's to work , what were you doing ? 🙈
    Sue- what's happening at your house when you say you are moving furniture's ? take care not to lift anything heavy !

    Yesterday did not go to plan for the weather changed drastically from a good walk in the sunshine to black clouds around 2pm and it rained all night so Son coming home from work on his bike at 10.30pm was pretty drenched and it look the same today. Sat outside for a little while to read but got a bit chilly so went in and got looking through my pile of EF's from the tiny ones to the A4's. So many free ones when getting the craft magazines but never seen the day so will do a lot of playing the next few days.
    Sandra -thinking of you and sending you some special hugs, also to Lynda and Margaret and to anyone else who need some.
    Take care all, xxx

  5. Hi All, strange day here, heavy cloud , but no real rain.
    Michele love you’re cards, you always seem to able to make cards that are just right.

    Haven’t done much today, finished sorting my room , so I can do my challenge card tomorrow.
    Hugs to all, Lilian
