
Monday 13 July 2020

A great Embossing Folder Technique

Good morning Ladies,

Here we are at the start of another week, Saturday afternoon and Sunday turned out to be lovely, we were able to sit and relax on the swing yesterday afternoon after we had been to do some shopping, we needed more bird food, they are costing nearly as much as child would to feed, they love Suet Cakes with fruit in and mealworms, I fill that feeder up daily,  its lovely to see them though.

Today's card is one I made 3 years ago this week, it's made using my SU Woodland embossing folder, I will leave the description/method below and the link to the video tutorial that I made showing how I made it.

When I first saw this stamped effect I thought it was a really complicated stamping technique, therefore it would be way above my stamping ability, how wrong I was, it actually couldn't be simpler, my first attempt was a success, I even did my own version of a happy dance (well more of a happy chair wiggle) 😉 teehee!!
I did several more times to make sure it wasn't a 'fluke' but it worked perfectly each time.
You simply ink up the side of the Embossing Folder that has 'sizzix' on (the trees are recessed) using either your Brayer, come on I bet you have one somewhere that you bought while watching Barb Gray on Create and Craft, I blew the dust off of mine that had sat, untouched since the day I bought it!! 
You can also use a sponge to ink it up just make sure you cover only the surface of the folder.  Once you have your background colour down you can stamp whatever you like onto the surface of the folder and it will appear behind the trees.  I saw a lovely card that had a vintage car in the background, another had the Beautiful You Stamp set lady, off for a walk in the forest, I am going to use a Deer Stamp, I think it would make a nice Christmas card, you could add some sparkle too for a Wintery scene.

I am going to try a different technique with this E Folder today, I will share it if it works out ok.

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-gorgeous Card. Can’t wait to see your next technique using this Folder.
    We have s lit of birds visiting the garden too, I can’t put mealworms down though as they’re not good for the Hedgehogs.

    I had a lovely relaxing day yesterday-did s few jobs around the house in the morning, quick play in my craft room then sat outside all afternoon reading. Hubby watched the Grand Prix then prepared our evening meal. He did come & sit outside for a short while but his hay fever was quite bad so he didn’t stay too long.

    Can’t believe a whole week has gone & I’m back at work-it’s been lovely having a break from work.

    1. Karen has a hedgehog that lives in the run along with the rabbit. It’s more like an Aviary than a Rabbit run as they built it for the baby pigeon that Sophie found in the grounds of the home where she works. They built him a little house as well. The hedgehog that is.
      I hope work isn’t too full on today for your first day back.

  2. Morning Everyone
    Love today's card SANDRA.

    I must be the only crafter who doesn't have a brayer.
    I've never thought of buying one for some reason.Perhaps this is the time.

    We had a beautiful day yesterday sunshine all day but it wasn't warm enough for me to sit outside.

    Not sure what I'll be doing today but something will turn up. Perhaps I can make a start on my CC.

    The CAFE is ready and waiting for you allto pop in.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. What a stunning effect Your card is gorgeous
    We had a lovely day yesterday We ended up going to see daughter and the boys who amaze me every single time I see them
    Hope work isn’t too stressful MICHELE
    Take care all xx

    1. Its lovely that you were able to see the boys and your daughter. Fingers crossed we don’t get a full lockdown again. As we seem to be having a few spikes in different parts of the country.

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely card today Sandra. This one I’d seen in the flesh. Had a lovely afternoon down at the canal in Thrupp. Lots of people out having picnics. It was lovely to see families going out on the kayaks & canoes. Although there was a lot of people about everyone kept their distance. I was going to finish me book off but left it at home. I was reading THE GIRL IN THE SPIDERS WEB which I wanted to finish. So just sat and people watched instead. When I came home I had a message from Livvy to say did I want to go up for Sunday dinner. She was making pizzas and salad. I left at 9.45 when they went to walk the dogs. I managed to finish my book before I went to bed. Have another 2 in the series to read now.
    Not very sunny here at the moment and a bit breezy.
    Take dare everyone and stay safe.

  5. Hi Ladies.
    Great card Sandra,I like that embossing folder.
    Hands up, I haven't got an brayer .
    Seem to be another beautiful day so after walk will spend the day reading in the garden.
    Take care everyone and big hugs for you all xxx

  6. Hello everyone, it’s rather dull here today, rain forecast for later, yesterday was glorious, very very warm did a bit of gardening, R has made me a raised bed with a proper brick wall.

    Sandra love your card, have tried to make a card like this, but ending up with a smudgy mess, will have another go.

    Not much else happening here today, have a good day, Lilian

  7. Hi everyone
    Love the card Sandra. What a fantastic technique, never thought of doing that before. I don’t have that particular embossing folder, but will have a look to see what I’ve got that might work.
    Hope work is ok Michele.
    Sounds like everyone had a nice weekend, hope you’re all having a good day too.
    Hugs to all xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a beautiful card. I love the depth you get with this technique. I have tried several time’s to ink several different embossing folders but never had any luck, just a mess. I will try it again though as I really love the effect.
    A busy day moving furniture (well I didn’t do any of the moving) just dusted and hoovered and made the tea and I did some sorting out that was long overdue. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  9. Hello Sandra and Ladies,

    Sandra l love this card, with this technique you have created such depth. I did try to make a copy but mine ended up all speckled, I can’t remember if I used my brayer, I will give it another try, fingers crossed I have success this time.

    Had a busy day cooking, making ready meals for the freezer. I find it works really well for me.

    Michele hope returning to work wasn’t to stressful.
    Lynda Enjoy you special chair. Are you alright after having that fall (slip) last week?
    Margaret Thinking of you, hope Alan is taking good care of you, xx

    Sending love and hugs to everyone, sleep well, love Brenda xxx
