
Sunday 12 July 2020

Your Challenge Cards



Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all enjoying your weekend, yesterday started out bright and Sunday but around lunchtime it clouded over, I was in two minds whether to put the washing out or not, Paul decided to risk it, I will let you know if it dried before the heavens opened, I isn't as warm as they forecast, well not for me anyway.
Did you all get anything exciting done yesterday?

Now let's have a look at how you all did with Janet's amazing Challenge, my challenge card is above, I will say that I had prepped one other but never got around to finishing it, loved the idea of updating some old original designs though, thanks Janet for suggesting this Weeks Challenge XXX



I shared these lovely Notelets that Brenda made last week.
Brenda has updated these notelets with lovely sentiments, which really finishes them off.

Thank you so much Brenda for taking part in this weeks challenge XXX 

I have to say that I love both versions of your card Lilian,  the papers on both are beautiful as is that gorgeous butterfly. I think that your updated version looks a bit more soft and feminine, that floral background is stunning Lilian.
Thank you so much for taking part my lovely XXX


Michele decided to update a Christmas card for this weeks challenge. 

I love what you have done and the new design works so well, that is a lovely Tree die.

Original cards & a more “fancy card” using the same Christmas tree die which was a magazine freebie, many years ago.  What sounded like an easy challenge was actually quite difficult-not sure why but it was a real challenge!!

Thanks so much for taking part in this weeks challenge Michele XXX



Is this ok (so far) for this week’s challenge 
SW’s HAPPY die Saw Jackie Trinder use table confetti and loved the effect


Here’s a cc The original was made with an aperture card backed with acetate and SW Les Papillon butterflies and a peel off (remember them!)
This time they are really “floating” using JL butterflies and a Hunkydory die cut sentiment AND this time I backed the aperture with card and more butterflies to hide the glue



Here’s another cc for this week
BEFORE is green and Kraft card (What was I thinking? it’s not a nice green or anything) and used CS pearl glue stuff (that has flattened)on SW Striplet die
AFTER is Barbara Grey Indian Summer paper and Nico Drops

Three updated cards from Karen for this weeks challenge, the first is a fun, colourful Man card, the original uses die cut numbers, which do dominate the card a little, the updated version uses Party Table Confetti, such a brilliant idea and they work so well as they are small enough to arrange nicely.

Karen's 2nd card features SW Butterflies, I like the original card but the updated version looks like the butterflies are floating more and I like the pop of colour too.

Karen's third card shows how incredibly different a card can look with a colour change.

Thanks so much Karen for three challenge cards XXX


Janet updated two different cards for this challenge, the first has pretty but subtle background papers and a pretty lace border, the updated version is made using fresher colours and a more vibrant accent colour for the ribbon trim.

Janet's 2nd card was again made with quite subtle colours, the flowers added a real pop of colour, the diagonal pearl trim gives the card some real interest.
The updated card has a more vibrant background with white flowers giving a great contrast, the diagonal pearl border is going the opposite way and seems to look better that way, the biggest difference in both is that the modern versions have stamping directly onto the card, which is a technique we have all gotten better at since the the old 'faux misti' discovery! 

My first CC I have taken a card I made on 01/06/16. and have made the up to date version using the same format but with modern papers etc. (card nos 3351 and 4489)

For my second CC I chose a card I made on 21/09/15 and again I have made a modern version using the same format with modern papers etc (card nos 2988 and 4490)

Thanks so much Janet for two lovely updated cards and for setting us this challenge XXX


Maria used a Kanban Topper as the focal point of her original card, I know this because I have that collection too!  The card style is 'Ticket Pocket card.

I love both of your cards Maria, they both have green in them so they are sure winners for me, on the bottom card I love how you have paired the fresh crisp white with that lovely green backing paper, that pretty tag adds lots of interest too.

Maria's Description:

''20/8  we made the Ticket pocket card, well this is my version of the revamp.

I liked the style so with different paper and topper it look like this.

Just a month later on the 17/9 we were making this kind of card, can't 

remember the name for it , however this is my new version of the same style.

Hope they are both ok for this weeks challenge.''

Thanks so much Maria for taking part in this weeks challenge, your cards are beautiful XXX


Sue has updated a card that she made here a few months ago, I remember at the time that she made it she was instantly frustrated that she hadn't embossed the main stamp. 
So I wasn't surprised that Sue decided to remake this card, this time using clear embossing powder over the black stamped image.
It's hard to capture the shine from the Embossed area but it looks much darker.

Thanks Sue for taking part in this weeks challenge XXX 


Ladies as always I am hugely grateful that you all set time aside every week to sit and make a card or cards for the challenge.
I know that some of you are like me and the procrastination takes longer than actually making the card. Seriously though I know it takes a good few hours to make these cards and it really means a lot to me that you all support me.  It's the fact that you do that makes we want to continue blogging every day, even on my lowest days I push myself to get even a tiny post written,  I looked the other day and I the number of Blog posts I have written was 2,158, which seems unbelievable. I have made so many wonderful lifelong friends from this little blog, in fact I consider you all my family, writing these posts everyday have been a form of therapy, I feel like I WANT to do it for all of you, it gives me a purpose every day, so once again, from the bottom of my heart  Thank you XXX

Sending Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    Thank you all for taking part in 'my Challenge'. Thank you SANDRA for letting me do the Challenge.

    I love Sunday morning to see what everyone has done with the Challenge and this morning is no different.
    I loved looking back to when I first started recording my cards and I couldn't believe that it's as far back as 2010.In those days I didn't have any kind of machine. Definitely didn't stamp and used 'Toppers' bought from a craft channel. It was MARCH 2015 when I took all my courage and sent my first blog card to SANDRA. By then I had my first hand turned machine/had bought dies but still didn't do any stamping.
    How my crafting has changed lol.

    I'm hoping for a quiet day.The sun is shining and the roads etc are DRY!

    The CAFE is OPEN; ready and waiting.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.TAKE CARE ANDSTAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Fabulous cards ladies I really enjoyed this challenge as it was fun looking back at previous makes There wasn’t as much products around as there is now and that probably had a lot to do with it Thank you JANET
    Just had a potter about day yesterday flitting from one thing to another- a bit of baking a bit of swear word a bit of crafting crochet sewing
    As the weather seems good, hopefully we’ll go on a longish walk later Must crack on with a bit of ironing
    Hope the BBQ went ok MICHELE

  3. Morning Ladies

    What a fantastic selection of challenge cards today.

    My paper vases are only decorative-they’re to go over a jam jar or plastic water bottle not to be use as real vases. They don’t have a base so they just slit over something.

    The bbq went fine-my Brother has prepared all the good and they’d brought it with them. We provided salad, side dish’s & drinks. The weather was ok to start then the sun came out. I think my Dad enjoyed the afternoon but you can’t always tell! He went off to walk his dog & my brother and sister in law stayed a bit longer then set off up to Lancaster where they were staying the night in their Camper van.

    Today is looking sunny (not that warm though) so it’s definitely time to get some washing on the line. Think the rest of the day will be a relaxing one.


    1. Great to hear that the BBQ went well after all Michele.

  4. Good morning everyone.
    Lovely to look back at some of your old and now newer looking cards. They are great.
    I made mine in 2016 and boy they looked bad so a bit happier to have this chance to make them again. Thank you Janet for setting the challenge for it truly was.
    Michele- glad all went well and the weather stayed fine for the bbq. I looks like a nice day today too so have a rest and I wish you all have a sunny relaxing day.
    Off for our walk and then hope to get the washing on the line. Brunch out on the patio and reading a book I think is today's agenda.
    Sending hugs and love to all in the cafe' today. Have a good day everyone. Maria xx

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Beautiful cards on display today. It was nice to see the before cards as well.
    It’s a lovely sunny day here as well today. I did my washing yesterday. So I’ve just ironed what needed ironing this morning. I might pop to Sainsbury’s a bit later for some milk and to see what else I can get.
    As it’s such a lovely day I might just take a book and sit down by the canal. I wonder if the cafe has their tables out as I could have a drink as well. They were open the last time I went over but no tables out and they were only doing take away. I’m not to found of tea in a cardboard cup.
    Take care everyone and stay safe.

  6. Hello All, it’s a real scorcher here to day, I’m not very found of this very hot weather.

    Lovely lot to cards today, I not kept many of cards, as I use them, I delete them from my photos. You have all sent some lovely cards, great to see so many different ideas.

    Sandra I love reading the blog everyday, although I know it must take a lot of your time, but be reassured we all love it., and thanks for all the ideas you give us.

    Have a good day, hugs to all, Lilian

  7. Hi everyone
    Fantastic selection of cards, lovely to see what you have all done 😊
    Late to bed last night, and a busy morning at work so I will just be relaxing this afternoon. It’s a nice warm, sunny day here but there are loads of flying ants about, don’t think I’ve ever seen so many!
    Love visiting your blog Sandra and you put so much work into it, so a big thank you to you 😘
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. It’s lovely to see some older cards and how they have been updated/ reworked. Try as I might I couldn’t get the shine of the embossing powder to show so just ended up with loads of photos to delete!
    I agree with Lilian. I may not always show my appreciation of all of your hard work that you put into your wonderful blog but am so glad that you do my lovely. I bet you and Paul will have spent the weekend in the garden having a lovely time weeding etc. Xx
    We had a lovely video chat with Tim, Roz and the girls this morning and have arranged to have the girls on Tuesday for a day out.....hip hip hurray at long last 🥰🥰🥰
    I hope you’ve all enjoyed some lovely weather, sorry it’s been too hot for you though Lilian. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a brilliant display of inspiration, LOVE all of your cards, big thank you to JANET for suggesting this. Sorry mine wasn’t an old card, it took me forever to decide which one was best suited for changing, then my day got taken out of my control. ....... that’s life!

    We went over to our daughters late morning, sat in her garden and had lunch, it was lovely, two of her children were home, student granddaughter started a job holiday yesterday working in a bar in Epsom ( she has done bar work before) anyway she was offered a shift today, it would have been silly to turn it down as she needs the extra cash.

    Sandra, I don’t always think to say how I appreciate cow much Time and effort you put into your blog, you are a lifeline and all of your efforts are truly appreciated, thank you dear friend for going that extra mile with the care and inspiration you give us. You really are a treasured friend XX

    Ladies I hope you’ve all had a lovely Sunday, enjoy a relaxing evening, take care and stay safe love Brenda XXX

    1. A big oops HOW much time..... not sure where the cow came from!

  10. I just wanted to say that I too appreciate your blog SANDRA It is one of my highlights to visit this lovely blog and I appreciate the time and effort you put into it
