
Wednesday 15 July 2020

Embossing Folder Challenge card


Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, we had a mixed bag of weather, I put a loose fitting thin jumper on when I got up yesterday morning but I was soon regretting it, it's always hard to judge as our bedroom and lounge never really get full sun so they stay cool, but when I went into my craft room I could barely breathe!
It was so 'muggy' or 'Close' do you all have different words for weather terms???? 

Today's card was inspired by the great Jennifer Maguire, I have a Tim Holtz 3D Embossing folder called Botanical and I wanted to do the 'Letterpress' technique, so I inked up my brayer with 'Bermuda Bay' ink and ran it through the embossing machine, it's like magic when it comes out, green at in the background with lovely white flowers standing proud.
I added some versamark ink to the very top of the raised parts and added white sparkle embossing powder, just to give some extra detail, everything is better with a bit of sparkle, right???
I then used two old SU dies to create a frame and added the sparkle embossing powder to that too, I decided to use the same embossing folder in the background and line up the pattern for continuity, I used the same colour card as I did ink so that it all tied together.  I finished by die cutting a pile of 'hello's and gluing them together for dimension.
The very last thing I did was to mount the piece onto a white card base.  I quite like how it turned out.

I hope that you are all enjoying playing with your Embossing folders too.

I have Pat coming over today, so it will fell like the good old days, lol, nice to have some company for a change.

I hope that you are all having a lovely day, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I love your card, it’s gorgeous.
    Hope you have s fun time with Pat-are you both wearing masks?
    We didn’t on Saturday as we were all sat outside but I wiped everything down with antibacterial wipes obsessively after my guests left, they’d only been inside to use the downstairs bathroom but I changed the towels, threw the bar of soap out (I’d used a mini one for their visit) but I’d rather do that than worry afterwards. Maybe I’m going OTT but it made me feel better.

    We have. Wet & very breezy day here-not at all like summer weather.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Love your card SANDRA. That efolder looks beautiful.

    We had rather a cool day here yesterday and it's the same this morning along with rain so St Swithens oh no!

    I'm hoping to finish my CC today and photograph them.

    We both wear masks on a Saturday morning and will continue to do so. It's amazing how so many people just don't bother. We both feel that you can't be too careful. Parcels etc are left unopened for a few hours too.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting.The cake box has a lemon drizzle cake in it and the biscuit tin is also full.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all with loads of extras for Dear Friends who aren't feeling too well.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

  3. I adore your card SANDRA I must have a go at this technique Enjoy your time with PAT As it’s such a beautiful day (well here anyway) maybe you can craft outside or not craft at all and just have a good old catch up
    I don’t think you are being OTT MICHELE I do same except we use liquid soap So that gets sterilised to within an inch of its life!
    OH is going to meet his mates in the park this afternoon Sooo I hope to craft and at least start a cc! I have sent an older one to SANDRA already
    Take care all Big hugs all around especially to LYNDA and MARGARET xx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Loved your cake cards yesterday Michele. I thought I’d posted yesterday but when I looked last night I realised I hadn’t or it had got lost in cyber space. It’s a funny day today, a bit windy but dull. Went to bring my dustbins in and found that the dustbin men had broken one side of its lid. The join bit where you open it. I’m not to sure how they managed that I’m sure. I see we all have to wear face masks from next week. I have one that Sophie gave me but better go and find a few more I expect. Didn’t really want to go queuing in shops to find them but needs must now before they’re compulsory. Crikey I’ve been pottering round and see the time is now 11.05 where on earth did the morning go to. Jill’s DIL ( in Colchester ) went in to hospital to have her baby on Monday. Haven’t heard as yet whether she’s had it or not.
    Stay safe everyone and take care.

  5. Hi everyone.
    Love your card Sandra. I was going to do the same technique after seeing it from Jennifer Maguire on Pinterest 😊 I love the overall effect of it.
    Didn’t realise how many embossing folders I have in various sizes, but think I’ve finally chosen one to use. Will try to make a couple of cards.
    Hope you’re having a lovely time with Pat today, and enjoying catching up and maybe some crafting.
    Very cloudy day again here, but no rain yet. I’m like you Sandra, I never know what to wear. More difficult in the mornings - we have to change at work into uniform and then out of it again before coming home (have been since the start of Covid) I find the mornings still a bit chilly, so usually wear a light jumper and jacket if it looks like rain, but then more often than not by time I come home it’s a lot warmer, so I’m too hot!
    Hope everyone is having a good day.
    Hugs to all xxx

  6. Hi ladies,
    a lovely card Sandra. Did you make a tutorial of doing this technique Sandra at some point ?
    Cloudy day and showers. Managed to get the walk in tho before the rain came so were lucky. Wearing a cardi in the house for I'm feeling it bit cold so aching more then norm but hope the weekend will get warmer. Thought we might have a bbq as we also got a new one for this year so would be nice if we get to use it again and sit outside having the dinners. Loved your crop Sandra, it must have tasted so good right from the garden.
    Did some stamping before but it all went wrong so gave up. OH have footie tonight to watch so hope to give it another go.
    Have a good day everyone and big hug are sent for you all xx

    1. Hi Maria. We had a new sofa delivered so that was why Chris and his brother Bob were moving furniture I just supervised 😁xx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I love your card, really pretty and perfect effects using inks and ef. I hope I can master this by using my brayer as I have only tried with ink pads before. I will find out tomorrow 😊
    The weather is very up and down here too. Forecast was 0% of rain all day so I was annoyed when I stepped out to put washing on the line and felt the mizzle (a Wiltshire/Somerset word for light rain) It has stayed like that all day so drying indoors, which I hate especially during the summer. Never mind we can’t always have our way can we. We say it is close or muggy too Sandra. Chris and I have both had a lazy afternoon as we took Phoebe, Paige and Penny home after having them since yesterday morning. It was wonderful to have proper time with them and we all enjoyed a day out at a local farm museum and then the usual request for Grandads special sleepover breakfast this morning which is home made waffles with his special chocolate sauce and fruit compote. Paige always helps him prepare, cook and serve it. It was also the first time Penny has stayed away from Mummy and Daddy overnight. She was good as gold, bless her. A lovely 24 + hours but we both need the rest now 😏😏
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Beautiful card today Sandra, I love that colour. Hope you had a lovely day today with Pat, I’m sure the time just flew by.

    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday, I did try, every time I started to type my message Google would shut down on me. Think I have it sorted now, fingers crossed 🤞

    Michele your cake cards yesterday were great, hope they were appreciated.

    Sue, what a lovely Grandma and Grandpa fix you had yesterday, the sort of time that gives us all wonderful memories, I bet you both needed a restful day today xx

    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx
