
Thursday 16 July 2020

Another Embossed challenge card

Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are well, can you believe its Thursday today?!  The weeks are just flying past at the moment,  we will all be seeing the festive things for sale before we know it.

Oh Janet you are so right, rain for 40 days if rains on St Swithin's! We're doomed! lol

We have had a an email from our holiday company to say that they have put all the safety measures possible in place as have the camp site that we go to, so if we feel the need to cancel now it will be at our own expense as there is no 'actual risk' as far as the government saying its ok to travel etc. W have gone through all the travel arrangements and talked through the holiday itself and have decided that we will go, for me it's partly because I know it's the only time in the year that Paul relaxes properly and for Paul it would frustrate him to lose so much money.  We are travelling on the Eurotunnel so will stay in our own car for the entire journey, which is the option with the least risk. Our overnight hotel is a little cabin so no mixing in a big hotel and when we arrive we have our own mobile home.  We will take the necessary products to thoroughly sanitize everything on arrival and in overnight cabin, we also decided to take our own cutlery and plates, cups, bowls, we have some in our picnic hamper anyway. 
It's a weird feeling, normally you are excited about a holiday but this feels totally different.
Soph and Lucy aren't coming with us though, I don't want them to fly because I think the recycled air is a concern, they also don't want to ask for holiday as their boss was good enough to pay their whole wage throughout their Furlough, which I am proud of them for. a lot of people their age wouldn't think twice about asking for holiday! 

Today's card was made with the same 'Tim Holtz Botanical Embossing Folder as I used for yesterday's card. 
This time I used Black card, after running it through the embossing folder I simply used the back of a piece of cut and dry foam to apply some Gilding Wax to the very top of the raised areas, it's hard to capture the shine on the camera but it looks really effective.
To finish the card I die cut the 'Hello' 3 times and glued them together and I added Gilding wax to the top one. I placed it onto a piece of plain black card so that it would stand out from the background.
It looks quite effective in up close.

It was great to catch up with Pat yesterday, it was just like times before pandemic XXX

I get to do it all again with Sue today, XXX

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    Love that Efolder SANDRA. I have one very similar from Crafter's Companion.

    Not sure what I will be doing today. We will be waiting for a delivery this morning but after that it will be a 'wait and see' day.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in when you can.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-love the card, very dramatic. I understand about the holiday-it concerns me that we’re not going away as it’s the only time Phil truly relaxes. We might try a short break in this country when we’re off in October. He’s currently working 12 hour days which is just crazy.
    Yesterday was a day is rich never to be repeated-full of problems & issues. I was very glad to finish work.
    Yesterday was my Dads Birthday, my Brother in Laws (in Florida) plus two colleagues both called Nicola so we definitely remember St Swithins Day!!


    1. Hi Michele
      Sounds like Phil’s working crazy hours so he’ll need a break by October. Sounds like you need one now even though you’ve only just gone back. Not what you need problematic days as your jobs stressful enough without those. Take care.

  3. I love the drama of this card I rarely use black as a focal colour I like black on a card I hope to have a play later After daughter poo-pooing face masks She has now asked me to make her a couple So I reckon I’ll be sewing this afternoon!
    I don’t blame you going on your holiday Your journey there and the arrangements you’ve made sound really thorough
    How lovely PAT came around and that SUE is coming around today I’m too nervous to meet my crafty friends at the moment I just about have the courage to meet up with my daughter
    Have a lovely day all Special hugs to LYNDA and MARGARET xx

  4. Hello All, very gloomy here, no rain yesterday so were ok for 40 days. Wouldn’t that be great !
    Sorry I missed yesterday iPad would not open the page, loved the card you made, I actually have two brayers, tried both with my embossing folders a while ago with no success, I’ll have another go.
    Today’s card is also fabulous, as Janet said I rarely use black card for bases, I think it’s my age.

    Finished my sorting my room yesterday, I now have a bit more room on my desk to work, I get so cluttered, it puts me off crafting.

    R has to go to the hospital this morning as his earring aid has decided not to work, not really where you want to go, but the only hearing centre is at our main hospital.

    Hope you have a good day all and hugs for all, Lilian

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely card today. I rarely use black either on cards. Although you could go round the edge of a card with a black pen as Barbara Grey does. Just go along the side of the card and in theory a bit of it transfers onto the coloured card itself. Mind you that doesn’t usually work for me as you need a steady hand.
    It was lovely meeting up with Sandra again yesterday. Put the world to rights and did some crafting. What more can you want. Need to ring the council this morning as the binmen broke one side of the hinge on my recycling bin. Looked online yesterday but they only have the boxes on there. Not much on the cards today though. Might try and do the picot cutting on what I was doing yesterday.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  6. Afternoon ladies,

    Been rather hectic here as I chose Milly-May to be my one family member to stay overnight!. She has chosen to spend the week with me instead , bless her.
    Clay modelling yesterday...teaching her to play Battleships in a moment then off to the spar shop for a slushy puppy drink after tea.
    More crafting til home time then nanny can have a rest lol.

    love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  7. Hi everyone
    Another fabulous card Sandra, love the embossing on the black card.
    Glad you had a lovely day with Pat yesterday, and hope you had a good time catching up with Sue today.
    Pleased you are able to go on holiday. Something nice to look forward to after so much uncertainty these last few months.
    Nearly finished two challenge cards, just got to stick the second one together. Although it did nearly end up in the bin after I smudged it when I was inking the edges 🙄 Trimmed down the edges and shaped the corners and will leave it as it is.
    Hope everyone has had a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

  8. Hi everyone.
    A stunning card Sandra, very striking on black card.
    Glad you decided to go away and no kids in tow 😊
    Nice you met up with Pat and today with Sue, hope you had a fab time together.
    Pat- any news about the baby ?
    Michele- you need a holiday this summer. Sorry work was so horrid ,hope it was better today.
    Not much done today other then got the cc's together. Had so many to choose from so will have to go through them one day.

    I hope you all had a good day and took care if going out.
    Stay safe, many hugs to you all. xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Love your black card Sandra it really makes a statement. I have made black cards but carefully choose who I send them to! Hope you had a lovely day with Sue. I’m sure you both had a lovely catch up, I’m sure the time just flew by.

    Great you and Paul have managed to work out your holiday, I know you’re going to miss the girls but as you say they’ve had a long time off when they were furloughed.

    Had a little trip out today, we went to M&S food hall in Streatham, it was a real treat for me! Who would have thought a shopping trip would be a treat!

    Hope you have all had a lovely day, take care and sleep well.
    Love Brenda xxx
