
Wednesday 22 July 2020

Another Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and have been enjoying the fairer weather, I managed to get two loads of washing done and dried which is a bonus, although it's getting frustrating looking out at the lawn as the grass has gotten so long, Paul tried to mow it last week but apparently as fast as he put petrol in it leaked out, so I have ordered a new part, in the mean time, the bees are enjoying the clover that has taken over the lawn! 
Yesterday I got to spend the afternoon with Lucy, we went shopping and bought and ice cream and enjoyed the sunshine, we were surprised at how many people still didn't wear masks, like they are only effective after friday when they become compulsory! We have worn them since we received them because despite making it harder to breathe I would prefer to take every possible precaution to stay safe and keep others safe, rant over, Soap Box returned to its cupboard.

Now on today's card, I know it's completely different to anything I have made recently but quite like the style of the cards in the 'Die Cut Book' that I bought in The Works' for £3, there are enough die cuts to make around 12 to 14 cards, which isn't bad for the money.
I took the basic pieces for the card from the sheet and after using a sanding block to remove the 'pips' that hold the pieces into the sheet, I then inked around the edges of all of the pieces I built the 'decoupaged' areas up and then placed the card front onto a mat of black card (to pick out the black in the card front) and then onto a piece of 'Crumb cake' lastly I used a piece of Petal Pink to pick up the peach tones in the card, I used this as the base card.
I added some sparkle by way of  a glitter pen, which gave a lovely highlight to the berries on the card, I traced the letters with the pen too, although it doesn't really show up on the camera.
I was pleasantly surprised about the quality of the paper in this book and I'm looking forward to making the rest of the cards up.

I am waiting for an appointment with the GP today as my anxiety is really getting the better of me and I am in a fair amount of discomfort, they were supposed to get back to me yesterday but didn't, so hopefully I will hear from them this morning.

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you, especially our Margaret and Lynda,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-lovely Card today, very different from your usual style. The pack from The Works was a bargain.

    Good luck when you phone your GP later.

    Not sure why people aren’t wearing masks-surely the thoughts of ending up on a Ventilator on Intensive Care is a good enough reason to wear one?!

    Yesterday was a very long day-10 hours! Hopefully today will be better-only interviewing this morning then returning to my own job this afternoon. I don’t plan to do much this evening!


    1. Sounds like yesterday was a gruelling one Michele. Today’s datpy sounds much better providing you don’t have to many problems to go back to. Take care my friend.

  2. A lovely card SANDRA and what a bargain I can’t wait to go shopping but I am still too anxious to go and my “bubble” is still very small
    I am looking after Charlie this afternoon for about an hour Yay! So excited! That’s put paid to any crafting Do I mind? No way!
    Have a great day all and take care Big hugs to LYNDA and MARGARET xx

    1. How lovely Karen that your getting to look after Charlie this afternoon. Enjoy.

  3. Lovely card today Sandra. The pack from the Works seems to be well worth the money. I’m using the 12x12 paper pad we bought at out works when we were having classes with Ronk. My word that seems light years ago.
    Hope you manage to get an appointment with your GP today. I met my friend Paula & Marion yesterday morning. The coffee shed at the Leys we’re doing a roaring trade. All the tables were outside and all 2mtrs apart. Plus people had brought their own chairs to sit on and meeting friends. We wiped the chairs down we were sitting on, although I did have my own chair in my boot that I take to Thrupp to sit on, as I won’t sit on the benches. Can’t sit on the grass as I’d never get up again.
    Take dare everyone and stay safe.

  4. Morning everyone.
    Lovely card Sandra and such a good price from the works.Hopefully you get hold of your GP today,take care x

    I hope the day is better for you Michele and for anyone working the day is not too long.
    Our walk today is up to the doctors and chemist, I'll be waiting outside but OH have to have his mask. Looks like it could rain so hope to be back before if it's come.
    Have a good day everyone and many hugs are being sent to you all ! Maria xxx

  5. Morning ladies,

    Lovely price for the card book Sandra, I'm not going into smaller shops at the moment due to still having to keep social distance so I might order this book for Milly-May.

    We had a lovely week crafting, my Daphne's diary kept her amused with all the fun things to cut or pop out to make. Masks, flowers on BBQ sticks and drinks straw toppers. Then Uncle Jamie took an afternoon off to join us experimenting with DAS air dried clay using my Forever Moments moulds plus a few Katy Sue ones. A lot of fun and laughter we had, they do not see a lot of each other enough with Jamie always working away, now he's home still recuperating she has had all week to see him.
    Took her home on Saturday and had to chuckle when she was cuddling her baby brother and when he became unsettled, She shouted out to step-dad to be Stephen, 'Daddy, your baby is crying!' hahaha, nothing about my brother but your baby lol

    Still finishing off all the projects I started during the lockdown. I like to have 3-4 items started so that when I lose inspiration I can pop over to the next one for a break. Result is my craft room is untidy again as I look through all the boxes for items I cannot put to hand as they are in different boxes to where they should be. Totally organized chaos at the moment. my sister and BIL are coming on the 31st July for her birthday weekend so everything needs to be done and craft room tidied.

    Not sure whether we will be going out anywhere as now school holidays are upon us I am still very wary straying too far from home, maybe a couple of visits to NT properties would be more comfortable for me? Loads of room in the gardens to keep safe distances.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl, sound like you had a fabulous time together. So funny sayings do come out from young ones mouth, not easy to keep a straight face with my SIL grandson Louis, he does come out with things sometimes
      Hope Jamie is doing alright and improving, tell him to take care. hugs xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What great value this book is Sandra, for such a reasonable cost you can make so many cards, and today’s card is really pretty.

    Lovely that you got to go out with Lucy, so it’s lovely being with the girls together it’s also nice to have some one-to-one time, Bet you enjoyed those ice creams!!!

    KAREN, enjoy your time with Charlie, he will love having you all to himself, hope he doesn’t sleep too much and you and he can have a nice little chat. I used to love talking to ours when they were small, okay they can’t answer and maybe don’t understand everything but it’s lovely when you get that moment - it’s almost like a click when they look into your face with a lovely knowing smile - like a connection.

    The forecast today isn’t wonderful, but at the moment we have sunshine and i have got the garden door open so it feels good. Hope it’s the same where you are ladies.

    Whatever you’re doing have a good day, love and hugs Brenda XXX

  7. Hi everyone
    Great card Sandra. Can see the book of die cuts coming in very handy.
    Glad you had a lovely afternoon with Lucy yesterday.
    Off work today, so I’ve been playing with my new stamps. Have lots of ideas going round in my head, but just going with the flow!
    Enjoy the rest of the day. Hugs to all xxx

  8. Hello All, another beautiful day, neighbour still doing their garage so too noisy to go out.
    Sandra lovely card today, l have had several of their paper 12x12 pads. I’m not going out yet as too many holiday makers around.

    Too hot to do much, so a lazy day reading, did a huge load of ironing this morning.

    Sandra hope you get to see you GP soon, and she has some answers for you.

    Enjoy the rest of your day, apparently it’s going to rain tomorrow. Lilian

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. A quick comment as it keeps vanishing! Love today’s pretty card. Great value as usual from The Works.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda and Mum. Take care xx
