
Thursday 23 July 2020

Michele's latest commission

 Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you all enjoyed that glorious day yesterday,  it was so lovely and warm and we had beautiful sunshine 🌞 all day.
The girls went for a picnic in the evening to White Horse Hill which is a local (well not too far) beauty spot,  I think that they are hoping to get a glimpse of the 'Neowise Comet ' that has been on the news   we were trying to see it from our garden on Tuesday night, we didn't see anything though, we are usually quite lucky as our village only has one street light so there isn't much light pollution, it was a bit cloudy though, we may try again tonight, have any of you seen it?

Today's gorgeous card is Michele's latest commission, I love everything about your design Michele and as always your card is finished to perfection, every detail is precise from the placement of those tiny butterflies to your perfectly spaced sentiments.

Michele's Description:

"This us what I made for my Sister in Laws Mums 80th Birthday. Wasn’t given much information-likes pastel colours, flowers , birds & wildlife. Hates cats!! The panels are all at different heights to add interest and not make it too expensive to post (to Scotland). The frame was a Sue Wilson Shadow Box Die I flipped over to extend to fit a larger card."

Thanks so much for allowing me to share your card Michele XXX 
I had somewhat of a emotional day yesterday so my 'Mojo' was hiding under the desk I think! 
Fingers crossed I czn manage more than a couple of hours sleep 💤 😴 tonight.!

Sending love and the hugest hugs to all of my dearest friends, 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-thanks for showing my card. I found this s difficult card to make as I don’t know Nina that well. I just hope she like her card-just need to finish the insert then get it posted.
    I started my challenge card last night but gave up as I was shattered. The interviews etc yesterday were 4 1/2 hours quick lunch break then back over to do my job. Today I have management training all morning on the other hospital site then back to do my job. The emails and queries are piling up so I’ll be glad of a whole day to just do my job tomorrow.


    1. Sounds like you had Avery eventful day Michele. Fingers crossed you manage to clear quite a few of your emails.

  2. Morning Everyone
    Love your card MICHELE and I'm sure the lady loves it.

    I'm off this morning to have my eyes tested and I'll be so pleased when I'm back at home. This will be my first time in a shop other than M&S food hall for the last three Saturday mornings.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in when you can.
    HUGS on their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

  3. Morning ladies,

    Beautiful card Michele, love the pastel pink.

    Off this morning to a locally owned shop just up the road for an over the top hedge trimmer. Next door neighbour has been asked repeatedly by Pete and I and now Jamie over the last 10 years to dig out the brambles that grow between their shrubs. During the lockdown they have grown over up to 10tft high and completely smothered all my plants and shrubs in our border, many of which have died. Over these last few years since Pete was called home I have been trimming them our side and placing the offcuts in our Green garden Waste bin from the council which I pay for. I checked with the council and their advice is to cut them down and give them back to my neighbour. I cannot just chuck them over the fence (classed as fly tipping and we receive a fine lol) but must bag them up before delivering them! More expense on buying the bags hahaha, you couldn't make this up could you? And I have to give them notice of my intentions too to add insult to injury!
    Soapbox firmly back in the corner.

    Nearly another week over, why does time go faster when you are retired but slow when working? Is it that I just am so busy with crafting that time is not noticeable? Hmm, will have to think on that.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  4. Your card is beautiful MICHELE and what’s not to love It’s gorgeous
    I had a wonderful afternoon with Charlie all to myself for an hour or so He loves to be entertained and we “chatted” away He’s almost laughing now and is trying hard to roll over
    My daughter has asked me to do a card for a 2 year old which I’ve printed off I just need to construct it
    Have a good day all Big hugs especially to LYNDA and MARGARET x

    1. I was thinking of you Karen. I can just imagine the pure love and fun you will have had with Charlie. It’s wonderful to have them together but I do love having each one on their own sometimes so know just how you will have felt, especially as Charlie is at such a wonderful age with those gummy smiles. Could we see a photo of both boys? I must get some up to date ones of our lot x

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies.
    Lovely card today Michele. Those shadow box dies are really good aren’t they. You can just put bite sized things inside the boxes. I hope the girls enjoyed their picnic Sandra. I didn’t know there was another comet flying around. I saw the others ones a few months again. There was a website that gave you the times they were over the UK. Your neighbour sounds a bit like mine Cheryl. Quite likes his trees but doesn’t keep them under control. I have loads of apples & plums falling on my shingle. I just pick them up and pop them over the fence. He doesn’t weed his borders either. Pete told his once he had rats under his shed and said he ought to put something down to kill them. He said oh I couldn’t do that. So Pete put some down our side. I lop his branches off and just put them over the fence. I’m not to sure why you should go to the expense of buying bags to put their stuff in. I’d just tell them your going to clear up your side and put them over the fence.
    Take care everyone and stay safe.

  6. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card Michele, your sister in laws Mum will love it 😊
    Another day of crafting today, still playing with my new stamps. I might need to do a bit of online shopping aswell, realised when I went to Hobbycraft a few weeks ago, I picked up the wrong thickness of card - bought 160gsm and it’s pretty flimsy! Also need some more glue, bought Hobbycraft own, but it’s a bit runny for my liking.
    Hope you’re all well and have a good day. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Both Sandra and I use Aileens original Tacky glue which Hobbycraft sell, don’t be confused with a very similar looking one that they also sell though x

    2. Thanks Sue. Will look for that. Didn’t get round to ordering online today, so might pop to Hobbycraft one afternoon xx

  7. Hello, we are supposed to be having rain today, not much yet,very cool compared to yesterday.

    Michele love your card, very neat, I’m sure the recipient will love it.

    Still not started my c card, if the weather stays wet, maybe I will start again today, especially as it’s cooler. I have found several packets unopened, so will have a look.

    Hope you all have a good day, hugs to all .Lilian

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    MICHELE your card is lovely, I’m sure it will be really appreciated by Nina because it’s personalised and that makes such a difference. Hope work goes well today.

    KAREN it sounds as if you had a lovely time with Charlie yesterday, it’s so lovely when they start to react, I’m sure you will treasure every moment XX
    Hope the girls enjoyed their picnic and managed to get a glimpse of the comet. XX

    Finish my chores so hopefully I’ll get to play a bit later, well that’s the plan as I have been trying out some new stamps and dies - with the intention of using them for my CC. Fingers crossed I get my act together, that will be a first !!!

    Hope you all have a good day, whatever you’re doing.
    Love and hugs Brenda XXX

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies in the cafe' today.
    Lovely card Michele, she will love it!
    Not one of my best days but we had a walk this morning at least. It was meant to be a shorter one but there was some work being done so the footpath/red way was shut and it took us another 10 minutes to get around. Sat outside for my brunch but now it's gone a bit chilly. Have things to do as clearing up my work top (again)so hopefully can play a bit later today, if only mojo could stop disappearing would be nice.
    Have a good day everyone and many hugs for you all, Maria xx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I’m meant to be eating dinner but before I forget again I must leave my comment.
    Michele, love the card, and sure Nina will love it with its personal touch x
    Sandra, I hope you manage to sleep better tonight. Sorry the girls didn’t get to see the comet but it’s lovely up on White Horse Hill at night. Thinking of you my lovely xx
    It’s not the best week for our family as Mum and Pop has to have Star their black lab.age 12 put down due to a stroke that left her unable to move. So so sad but at least it was quick and she didn’t suffer. Our pets are one of the family aren’t they. Sending extra love and hugs to you both Mum and Pop xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx
