
Tuesday 21 July 2020

A Letterpress Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I want to start today with a change to our Challenge......

In addition to using the 'Last thing that you bought' you can ALSO use anything that you have :Bought but not used yet' !!
If you are anything like me that will open up your available stash by quite a lot. I will hold my hands up and say that I have things that I bought last year and haven't opened yet!  I am sure that some of you will have similar confessions.

Now I have a bit of a story to tell about the Embossing Folder that I used for today's card, its called 'Country Floral' by SU and it's no longer available to buy new, I had seen some cards made with it on Pinterest and I loved it so I set about trying to find a second hand one on Ebay and the selling pages on FB, I placed bids on a couple but I didn't win them, the only ones left were in USA and I wasn't wanting it that bad that I was going to pay around £40 with postage etc.  So after a last look yesterday I had given up and decided to forget about it.  
I was sat at my desk and decided to look through my 'New & Not used' box for some inspiration for a card for today's blog, I have a couple of stamp sets that I haven't yet used and the die I used for the white layer on today's card, I then flip the next item forward and there in its packaging all sealed up and new is the 'Country Floral' Embossing folder, I was in complete shock, up until I rejoined SU I hadn't bought any of their products since I finished with them a couple of years back, I honestly have NO recollection of buying it either and there it sat just waiting to be used !! It's a mystery for sure.

The new products that I used for this card are the Narrow White Seam Binding Ribbon and the largest of the 'Ornate Layers' dies which are both SU, I received both of these in the delivery that arrived last Wednesday.
I couldn't resist having another go at the 'letterpress' technique with my new embossing folder, I used a really soft green shade called 'Soft Sea Foam', which I brayered over the embossing folder and ran it through the machine a couple of times. I cut it down to fit inside the largest die cut from the Ornate Layer dies, which I had cut in white, I layered those together and placed them on a base card made from Soft Sea Foam card.  I really wanted to let the beautiful embossing to be the star of the show so I added a tiny 'For You' sentiment stamped onto a small tag that I trimmed with a triple bow made from the Seam Binding Ribbon,  naked bows are just not allowed so I die cut a tiny flower and placed it onto the centre of the bow, I finished the flower with a matching green pearl and added a few more around the card.
I hope you like it my lovelies.

I hope the new addition to the challenge makes it a bit easier for you all,

Have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a gorgeous card. How odd that you should find that embossing Folder in your unused stash-a real mystery.
    I could make lots of cards if I used the new addition to the challenge-there’s an awful lot of items in my craft room that I haven’t got round to using yet!!

    Early start as the interviews start at 9am on the other hospital site so I need to get across there for my normal start time as I have a few things to sort out from yesterday.
    Think I’ll be shattered this evening.


  2. Morning Everyone
    A beautiful card SANDRA and what a 'find' re the Efolder.
    I have yet to start my CC.

    It will not be today though as we have a company coming this morning to look into and give a quote for fitting a stair lift for me. The company assure us that all restrictions will be adhered to. I'm a little nervous but needs must.

    The CAFE is OPEN for you all to help yourselves.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with extras for Dear Friends not feeling too good.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

  3. Beautiful card SANDRA I still haven’t tried the letter press technique How spooky that you already had the folder! I have quite a few unopened packages So I might change my cc
    I thoroughly enjoyed having a play with some gesso stencils and stamps (get me stamps!) Might not be brilliant but I had a great time
    Actually my “playing” was with a new product I must take a photo
    It is beautifully sunny here So I hope to go for a bit of a walk after work
    Hope the quote goes ok JANET Special hugs for LYNDA and MARGARET
    Take care all xx

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Love your card to Sandra and that Soft Sea Foam colour is gorgeous. I did have to smile when you were saying how you discovered you already have the EF you were looking for !!! Have done something similar with a die. Oh for the days when I used to catalogue all my Dies etc.

    JANET hope the quote is reasonable. Will you be getting like for like or something different? the choices out there these days are so varied.

    MICHELE hope the interviews are going well.

    KAREN Forgot to say yesterday - it must have been lovely having Oscar running around causing chaos. I remember those days, we used to soak up every moment. Ours are all to big for that now but we still enjoy every moment spent with them.

    Have two machine loads of washing hanging out in the garden, have been around downstairs with the Gtech, also dusted Not sure what I will do next, possibly play with craft stuff. Oh better get lunch over before I get into crafting. Right that’s me sorted out for the rest of the day
    Whatever you are doing ladies, enjoy, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Gorgeous cards Sandra, oh how funny to find the EF you wanted so bad.
    Many times I have bought the same die or stamp.Have a book to write the things I got in and did in the beginning but over the years it just haven't been done,lazy 😏
    Janet- hope you get a good quote for a stair lift,so many different ones out there. Good luck x
    Karen- hopefully you can get a walk in this afternoon. It is really nice and makes you feel good. I found it a bit nippy first thing this morning but after like 10 min I had warmed up so glad for a cooling shower back home πŸšΏπŸ˜„
    Michele- hope you be alright today and the interviews goes well. Take care
    Brenda - you have had a very busy morning so do I believe you will have a nap this afternoon ? I'm putting a £ on that πŸ˜‰πŸ˜€
    Had a busy afternoon on facetime with my parents first and then a old friend in Sweden who only recently joined facebook was on so I gave her a call and we spoke so long that our dinner had to be changed for I forgot the time 😁
    Going to sit in the garden for a while now before hoping to start on cc, new stamps arrived from China yesterday so I might try to make some backgrounds for it...
    Have a nice day and take care 😷 Many hugs to you all xx

  6. Hi everyone.
    Love your card and the colour combo. Fantastic that you found you had the embossing folder after all 😊 I used to make a note of all my dies, but haven’t done so for years. Wish I had kept it up as it’s always handy for the blog and challenges - you probably notice in my descriptions I end up putting ‘from my stash’ ☺️
    My goodies from Alpaca Pals arrived today. Super quick delivery as I only ordered them on Sunday. Can’t wait to start playing with them.
    Hope you’re all having a good. Hugs to all xxx

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely card today & I like the green colour.
    How odd that you have no recollection of buying that folder I have that problem. Craig brought down a garden chair down from the loft as I’d told him 2 were up there. The one he brought down I’d never seen before. He then found the 2 I’d mentioned but only 1 cushion for it. The other one must be up there somewhere but we have very low beams up in the loft so your virtually crawling around on your hands & knees.
    Take care everyone and stay safe.

  8. Hello All, beautiful day to day. A bit cloudy this afternoon, love again now.

    Sandra love your card, that colour is lovely, as you know I’m not really a fan of green.

    Haven’t done much today apart from a couple of loads washing, didn’t get much sleep last night, so feeling washed out today. Started my c card for this not sure I like what I’ve done, will have another go tomorrow.

    Been very noisy here today ,someone having work done, pile driving most of the day, so no sitting out with cup of tea today.
    R has gone to get a cup of tea, so I’ll say goodnight, Lilian
