
Monday 20 July 2020

A Festive Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and relaxed after the weekend, we had quite good day weather wise yesterday, after a night of constant torrential rain,  which was good as we ended up spending a couple of hours ripping out our beautiful Clematis, it was so sad as it had so many more gorgeous velvety purple flowers than ever before, it winds through the Philadelphius (mock orange) and I always hope that the Clematis will bloom while the beautiful scented white blossoms remain but sadly the pretty white flowers were all but gone by the time the clematis burst into life. I couldn't believe how fast the 'Powdery Mildew' fungus took over the whole shrub, totally killing off some parts, even the gorgeous flowers were covered in the mouldy spots.  We have cut it right back and bagged up the affected material. Hopefully that will be the end of it, nothing else seems to have been affected thankfully.  I have no idea why we got it this year though.

I used my Brand New Corner dies from The Works on this Festive version of the card that I shared on Friday. I embossed the background with my new 'Scripty' Embossing Folder. 
This time I used the Rectangle 'Heirloom' Frame instead of the the Oval, I stamped the sentiment in Cherry Cobbler ink to tie in with the Poinsettia's and the mat, it's hard to see but I used Very Vanilla (cream card) for a warmer feel, it also works well with the gold. 
The Poinsettia die I used was a Brittania Die, it is a set of three dies and the small one is perfect for this size card. 
I added a border of Very Vanilla & Gold Ribbon that I finished with double bow on the frame, I arranged the poinsettias around the bow.
I finished the card with those cute little corners die cut in the same matt gold as the frame, popped some matt gold pearls inside the poinsettias, I matted and layered the card with red and green card and finally onto a cream base card.
I really like how this card turned out.

Just to remind you that you only have to use your latest purchase on your card, it doesn't have to used to make the whole card. 

I am looking forward to seeing all of your challenge cards, showing what you have been buying. 

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a stunning card. It’s gorgeous.

    Such a shame about the Clematis, let’s hope it comes back and isn’t affected again.

    We had sunshine all day yesterday but there was a cool breeze. I did some gardening while hubby watched the Grand Prix then he came out and cut the grass.

    Realised quite late yesterday evening that I hadn’t wrapped the presents I’d got for my crazy friend. I’m dropping them off today after work-her Birthday is tomorrow. We’re going to do Morning Coffee on Saturday in her garden if the weather is fine.


    1. Hope the weather stays fine for you on Saturday.

  2. A beautiful card SANDRA and I expect you’ll get a lot of use from them
    It is a real shame about your clematis and hope the cutting back will give it a new lease of life Can anything be done to prevent it returning?
    Daughter and family came over yesterday afternoon The men watched the football and Oscar just caused chaos Beautiful chaos! It was lovely
    Take care all xxx

    1. Sounds like you all had a lovely time Karen.

  3. Hi ladies.
    Beautiful card Sandra, all very nice.
    Shame about the clematis, hopefully it will come back.
    I had to cut down a rose yesterday which had got some black spots on the leafs and branches got dry and crackly. Not sure either what happened. Haven't got a green finger in me 😏
    Wish you friend a very good birthday Michele and hope the weather is fine on Saturday so you can meet up.
    Karen- how lovely to have beautiful chaos by Oscar 😊 How is little Charlie doing ? would love to see a photo of them again. They are growing up so quickly.
    I hope you all have a nice day and can enjoy some of the sunshine we are having. We did our walk outside a bit from home to give the car a runaround. It was very nice and as the schools are out for the summer it was a lot of children around in the playgrounds which are open again. Our playground closest to home is not that nice for in the summer it is usually the teens who hanging around, smoking and drinking while kicking football so the little ones are scared to go over to play. Not doing much today just thought I should practise some calligraphy but not very good at it so giving up pretty quick. Any of you ladies who can do it ?
    Will take my mug of tea and sit in the garden first tho, way to nice to be indoors and the aching body like the warmth from the sun.
    Take care everyone, hugs are being sent and extras for anyone who need some. xx

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What beautiful card Sandra and those corners work so well, giving your design a framed appearance. Guess what’s on my shopping list next time I manage to get to The Works ha ha.

    I don’t know if you watch Monty Don on his weekly gardening program, I think it was the week before last he was talking about clematis and how one of his had got something very similar to yours, his advice was if it happens cut it down to just above ground level, it will come back and be next year, apparently it’s not uncommon, so don’t fret it’s nothing you have done.

    LYNDA lovely to see you pop in yesterday, hope all is well with you and your family xx
    MARGARET thinking of you and sending gentle hugs xx

    Take care everyone, sending gentle hugs for anyone feeling under the weather, just know we are all here for you. Love Brenda xxx

  5. Hi everyone.
    Love your card Sandra, the new corner dies and embossing folder are great. I also have the Britannia poinsettia dies, very handy with the 3 different sizes.
    Warmer here today after feeling so cold yesterday, but I think it was just me!
    Need to go to Tesco this afternoon, so not sure if I’ll get any crafting done, but I’m off Wednesday and Thursday so plenty of time then. Fingers crossed my crafting goodies will have arrived by then 😊
    Hopefully your clematis will pick up now you’ve got rid of all the fungus. Glad to hear it hadn’t spread onto anything else.
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely card today Sandra. I think I might have the poinsettia die set as well.
    Hopefully your Clematis will come back next year. Karen made an app,e & blackberry crumble yesterday £ Livvy bought me some down. So I had that for my pudding last night. I’ve had a message today to say that Livvy wants to do a barbecue at teatime and did I want to go up. It would be rude not to go up wouldn’t it. It’s Sophies day off today so I’ll see her as well before she moves up near Rushdon towards the end of this week. Still waiting to hear about my holiday to Sardinia. The lady did ring me this morning to say it was going ahead. However,I pointed out that the 29th Sept’s flight was no longer on the Just You website. So she’s going to investigate further and let me know before I pay the balance.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  7. Hello All, very hot here today.

    Great card today, also love those little corners, can’t remember the last time I went to the works.

    Not much on here today, need to do some dead heading, every flowering now, so have to do it everyday. My sweet peas have just come into their own, love the smell.

    Have a lovely day ladies, hugs to all, Lilian

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Loved all of the cards yesterday and today’s card is beautiful. Glad to see you got those The Works corner dies. They add a lovely finishing touch don’t they. It’s such a shame your Clematis had to go as it was full of those gorgeous deep purple flowers wasn’t it. But all being well it will be back as lovely as ever next year. Xx
    Karen, I’m so happy to hear that you had a lovely time with Oscar causing chaos. No doubt Charlie is busy watching him and learning how to do the same as he gets bigger 😍😍😍😍 We are all appreciating a simple visit from family even more now aren’t we after missing them for so long x
    Must get on and make a few masks so we are ready for Friday onwards. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx
