
Friday 15 May 2020

Your Next Challenge

 Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and looking forward to the weekend, not much different to every day I know but we have to appreciate the small things!
The weather is supposed to be warmer too which is a huge bonus, I have a new found excitement to get out in the garden, I think it's because I know how much Paul enjoys it and as he doesn't really have any 'hobbies' any more I like to encourage him to do more of the one thing that he really enjoys (if that makes sense).  So that's what we hope to do.

Yesterday was spent mostly in the kitchen with the girls, after sowing some more Sweetcorn seeds (as the last ones haven't appeared (probably Paul using older seeds) in the morning and having a quick brunch with Paul, Lucy came down and wanted to bake Some Coconut/Oat/raisin/Banana and seed Breakfast Bars, which turned out really nicely, they are yummy but you need a drink with them!  The second thing she baked where  Gooey Salted Caramel Chocolate Brownies, which were absolutely 😋 yummy!  You bake them in an 8 x 8 square tin and they are supposed to serve 16!!!!! Absolute nonsense, I would say 9 at the most, we had them warm with Vanilla Icecream for pudding.

Your Next Challenge

For your next challege I would like you to create Cards or Projects featuring 'Circles'.......

I have shared a few samples above of different cards that I have made over the years that feature Circles in some form.

You can use......

A Circle card base

A Circle Aperture

Feature a Circular object on your card/project

You can use Circular embellisments

Your Background can be made using the 'Bokeh' technique (see last two cards (last one is Karen's ))

So there are lots of options for you to choose, all I ask is that you HAVE FUN !


As I am writng this it's approaching 8pm so we are about to go and show our appreciation to ALL Keyworkers, my husband included (not that he would want or expect any praise of thanks), I am hugely proud of him however.
He is super frustrated at the moment as they are changing the Shift Times to get an extra 1/2 out of the workers, the way they have done this is to cut the 1 hour safety cleaning time, where the cleaners come in and deep clean everywhere between shifts, to ensure no cross contamination, they are cutting it down to 15 Minutes !!!  The other key concern is that staff will overlap as the shifts change over (where they had an hour to clear the building before) So people will be passing on the stairs etc, which they put a stop to right at the beginning of the pandemic to make sure if was totally safe environment for staff to continue working.  I think it's a bloody disgrace, my anxiety will be even worse from Monday, although Paul has said that he intends to leave just before shift end so that he is clear of the building before the next shift arrive. RANT OVER!!!

I hope that all of you enjoy the rest of your day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great challenge for us next week. Some lovely cards on display as inspiration. I have to admit I’ve not even started this weeks challenge, not sure I’ll get chance either.
    Yesterday was exhausting having my line manager “Shadow “ me virtually all day. Would just be nice to know why it went ahead.
    Hubby managed to book to play golf on Saturday morning so I’m back to doing the shopping on my own. I’ll continue to go out early on Saturday morning as it’s not that busy although there’s definitely not just NHS staff in Morrison’s at that time!


    1. I agree Michele it would have been nice to know why you were being shadowed. Hope it’s not too busy in Morrisons tomorrow.

  2. Morning Everyone
    A good Challenge for next week and some really inspirational cards to set us on the path.

    Our day here yesterday was a little warmer bt not much so after watching the forecast yesterday teatime I'm hopeful that today will be warmer.
    I cannot believe that it's that 'swear' word already.I have just lost days this week. Anyway you know what I'll be doing today so I'd better get a wriggle on.

    The CAFE is OPEN of course you all know 'we never close'.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all with loads of extras for dear friends in need.xxxxPLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.

    1. I hope you don’t have too much swearing too do.

  3. Great challenge SANDRA I’d forgotten about my Bokeh card It was easy to do on Serif I just added white circles and took the transparency down to different levels
    I think it’s disgusting that they are reducing the deep clean time and overlapping shifts SANDRA
    They are talking about phasing people back to the office I am not happy at all about that Lots of questions need to be answered first before I even think of going back
    I am hoping to watch the final parts of the Flag book videos again today and see if I can finish mine today
    Take care all xx

    1. I wouldn’t be happy with that either Karen. They did say if you can work at home to carry on doing so didn’t they.

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely cards Sandra for inspiration. Loved seeing the Groovi one you made for Becca.
    I wouldn’t be very happy either with all the changes the base are implementing at the base. We haven’t come out of lockdown to be able too do that.
    It was quite busy with aeroplanes flying about last night. I’m assuming they’re not having night flying practise. I assume they’re bringing things in as they seem to be flying a different flight path than usual. Flying quite low as well. They usually come in parallel with the A40, or when practising come round the back of the house in a circle.
    Hardly any wind here today so I’m hoping it’s going to be warmer.
    Hugs to all who need one today and stay safe.

  5. HI Ladies.
    Lovely cards and a fun challenge for next week Sandra.
    Not right these regulations are changed too early. Why otherwise have we been so careful with everything and then open up with shops and work too soon. We still had cases here in MK yesterday. Son ,who is now working spending his time by himself and we are not even in the same room at the same time. I wish you all stay safe and take care.
    Need something to eat and to finish the cc so that's next for me today. Have a nice day everyone whatever you are up to. Hugs xxx

  6. Hi everyone.
    Great challenge for next week and lots of lovely inspiration.
    Sorry to hear about Paul’s work, very worrying for you.
    Sounds like Lucy’s cooking went down a treat 😊
    We spent 4 hours last night having a family catch up on Zoom. It was lovely to see everyone and the drinks were flowing too 😂
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    A very interesting challenge you have set for next week and what a lovely selection of cards you have chosen to inspire us. My Die Cutting Essentials arrived yesterday and the dies with this issue and samples inside would work perfectly for the next challenge. So have quite a few ideas already. I have to admit I haven’t finished this weeks challenge yet. Ha ha

    I am with you Sandra on the changes for change over times at Paul’s work. Everything should be deep cleaned before the next shift starts in 15 minutes is not nearly enough time. Is there only one staircase in this building? If there’s more than one could they not make one up and one down? I’m sure that Paul will not take any chance by putting himself at risk.
    So many people seem to be totally disregarding the guidelines. Yesterday I went over the road to the postbox, you would be surprised how many people are quite happy to walk past you shoulder to shoulder, if I realise they’re not going to move I try to make the space wider, but in one instance I actually walked into the road to avoid someone. Fortunately the vehicles were going slow. But I’m talking about the very busy A23 going into London. People are unbelievable at times!

    Time to have lunch, just fresh crusty bread and pate with salad, I don’t get to have salad as my INR has dropped down below target - to much yummy greens and broccoli soup recently!! So have to watch my intake.

    Have a good day everyone, look after each other and stay safe.
    Love Brenda XXX

  8. Hello All , very cloudy and very cold, inside for me today.

    Sandra great challenge for next week and a lovely lot of examples to give us inspiration.
    Shame that work places are playing with peoples lives, just to save a bit more money for shareholders I dare say.

    It’s taken me all morning to tidy my table and get all the paint of my cutting mat.
    Going to start on this weeks card now, better get a move on so that I can get it sent to Sandra. Hugs Lilian
