
Thursday 14 May 2020

Bright and Cheerful Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

We had a much cooler day here yesterday, one minute bright sunshine the next minute it was almost dark the clouds were so thick and almost black, it looked like we were going to have a proper decent storm.
Same daily routine here, we got up pottered in Greenhouse then Paul went to work and I went into craft room. I am trying to get on with some of the projects that I started from Tracy's workshop but have mixed feelings about the results, so watch this space. I am looking forward to seeing Karen's and Lilian's too.

Today's card is a bright and cheerful 'Thank you' card that I made to fit this weeks sketch challenge. I received a sample pack of different 6x6 papers when I joined Stampin Up! this is one of the papers in the pack, it's so pretty with it's beautiful bright flowers and greenery.  I chose one of the colours featured in the paper called 'Lovely Lipstick' and used that as the background for my card, I cut the paper to fit the sketch and added a piece of Old Olive ribbon across the join, I then die cut the 'thank you' twice, one in old olive and one in white and slightly offset them to create a drop shadow, the green touch was to tie the sentiment to the card, to finish I simply fussy cut one of the flowers and some leaves from the paper and mounted the whole piece onto a white base card.
I hope it gives you a little inspiration.

Whatever you are doing today I hope you have a good one,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a gorgeous card, beautiful colours.

    Yesterday was chilly, today we have sunshine but it’s not that warm.

    Luckily yesterday st work was relatively drama free. My line manager is shadowing me this morning-only taken 12 years for her to show any interest in my role. Better late than never eh?!


    1. Hi Michele
      I’m glad yesterday was relatively drama free for you. Crikey your line manager took her time to shadow you didn’t she. I wonder what gave her the push to do it today.
      Take care and stay safe.

  2. Pretty card SANDRA You can’t beat Stampin Up for beautiful matching patterned with plain colours
    I hope you manage to chat with your diabetes nurse today LYNDA She really needs to explain to you more clearly on how to test your blood properly etc
    Hopefully quiet but busy day at work but I do have a deadline to meet So the Internet needs to play nicely today
    I finished a card for my sister in law and after printing something out I totally changed my mind and ended up doing a card that doesn’t fit this week’s challenge
    Maybe I can do at least one later today
    Take care all xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    A very bright and pretty card SANDRA.

    We still had to have the heating on yesterday even though we had a little sun at times.Hoping today will be a little warmer.
    I managed to get my CC finished so I just need to get them photographed and sent off.Hopefully today.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in when you can. There's a lemon drizzle for anyone who fancies a slice with a cuppa.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Please save a piece of Lemon Drizzle cake for me. One of my favourites. Livvy made cakes the other week. She made a lemon drizzle xake with a bit of icing drizzled over the top. That was yummy too.

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies.
    A lovely bright and sunny card today. I’m not too sure what the weather thinks it’s doing as it’s not very bright & sunny outside.
    Lynda please speak too your nurse re your injections as Karen said. I’m sure it shouldn’t be making your fingers really sore. Well not as bad as yours seem to be anyway.
    I looked out of the back bedroom window this morning to see if any frost was still about. Georgie was out watering the plants her husband had put in over the last few days. Once again she was out with just a pair of knickers & a skimpy top. It’s not that warm either. She obviously thinks because they have a highish fence either side no one can see her. But she can be seen from our bedrooms and any one passing on the pavement.
    Hopefully the wind will die down and we’ll return too some warmth. I really don’t like the cold.
    Take dare everyone and stay safe.

  5. Good morning All, very lovely day, but very very chilly.

    Sandra very pretty card, just what we need to brighten these dull days.

    Still working on my tag book, each time I try stamping it seems to smudge, hoping to finish today, looks a complete mess. Maybe should have used stays on but my pad is dry. Hope to finish today.

    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

  6. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card Sandra and I love the pretty colours.
    Looking forward to seeing yours, Karen’s and Lilian’s projects.
    Will be crafting today. Got some ideas for my challenge card - specifically a card for my work colleagues.
    The sun was out when I got up (actually not that long ago, lol) but has clouded right over now.
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  7. Hi everyone in the cafe' today.
    Gorgeous card Sandra and I do love everything about it.

    The cold wind still around so I put the heating on yesterday afternoon and think it will have to come on again soon. The sun trying to stay out but a lot of clouds around.
    Hoping to get hold of my parents later for a face time. It was today we were meant to fly to Sweden to see everyone so feeling a bit deflated.
    Have a nice day everyone and many hugs are sent to you all.
    Maria xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a pretty card Sandra I love the colours you’ve used, this card would certainly brighten up anyone’s day. Thank you for the inspiration.

    Maria I hope you got hold of your parents later, It must be difficult for them as well knowing that this would’ve been the day you were flying out to see them and the rest of the family. It’s hard enough for us not seeing our family and they are certainly closer In miles in your family are. Thank goodness we have the technology today to reach out to those we love. Sending you virtual caring hugs XX

    Haven’t got around to my challenge card yet I have got an idea but not sure it will work, but until we try these things we never know, fingers crossed.

    Sending hugs to Margaret and Lynda and anyone else who is feeling in need, always plenty to spare ((((hugs))))

    Have a good evening everyone, take care, stay safe love Brenda XXX

    1. Thanks Brenda, but never got to speak to them today. First they gone shopping an hour and half from home and then popped in to my sister where their dog had 5 puppies last night and then I got busy myself with other things so...perhaps tomorrow. hugs x

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely day but really cold. KAREN AND MICHELLE i rang my nurse this morning she said she would ring me back & she ramg at six she said not to stress over i she said mu reading we're fine. And about thr
    Finger pricking to change the neadle once a day or twice not to use more tham than that. She will dend me a information pack
    At the moment she can't see me.
    Thankd sorry can't wrie any more
    Love Lynda xx
