
Saturday 16 May 2020

Mixed Up Saturday & Happy Birthday Sonia

Sophie's latest piece

💛🧡💜Happy Birthday Sonia💜🧡💛

Good Saturday  Morning Ladies,

Please join me in wishing our lovely Sonia a Very Happy Birthday, I hope that you have an amazing day my lovely, you deserve to be spoilt rotten today. XXX

Now I must apologise as I have a bit of a 'Proud Mumma' blog post today, along with a treat from Karen's past and Michele's magazine review of course!

First  up today is pictured above, it is Sophie's latest piece of art, all drawn by hand on her I pad in 'pro create' she hand drew each of the images of Scarlett Johansson as her alter ego Natasha Romanov or better known as the Super Hero 'Black Widow', Sophie took her idea from artwork for a movie, as with all of Sophie's pieces the attention to detail is just breathtaking. 
Thanks Sophie for allowing me to share your work today XXX

Lucy's latest work of art

Lucy has been really enjoying baking recently, her latest bake is Gooey Chocolate/salted caramel Brownies, oh my goodness they were 'to die for', they almost melted on your tongue, the recipe did say they were to serve 16 but there was no way you could have stopped at a 'mouthful'! We are all going to be a little bit larger after lockdown but Oh my goodness I am loving your new skill Lucy XXX


  Matt has started a new hobby since he has been 'furloughed', alongside his new love of gardening his started having a go at 'Pyrography', the Lion was his first 'sample' piece, it turned out brilliantly, which is how he has got hooked I think, he has created himself an extractor unit with a cardboard box and a tumble dryer pipe, so he doesn't have to breathe in the burning fumes. 
His second piece was the Giraffe which I love as you can actually see texture, his third piece is a Harry Potter scene 'the car following the Hogwarts Express over a Viaduct' you can see all the detail, this was his first go at lettering, which turned out really well.
I hope you keep it up Matt as your work is brilliant,  don't forget to water your plants though!! 
Thanks for allowing me to share your work XXX


Our Karen has kindly allowed me to share this piece that she created when she was just 10 years old!! Karen it is incredible, every stitch is perfect and there is so much detail, you must have been over the moon when Alan re-discovered it !  It just shows that you have always been really creative! I feel so honoured to be able to share such a treasure!

Karen's Description :

"This is the project I made when I was about 10 I think my dad may have helped me a lot hee hee He enjoyed doing it It’s one of those that you just poke the thread in Hayley from 'Craft Yourself Silly' does something similar with hessian called Proggy.
Look at the dodgy frame! I intend to re frame it and put up in craft room along with the cross stitch OH has found''

Karen thank you so much for allowing me to share your heirloom, I can't wait to see the Cross Stitch too. XXX

Michele's Magazine Review 

Hi Ladies 

Papercrafter magazine has a lovely set of dues as the free gift this month.

Here’s some inspiration using the free gift.

Interesting article.

Here’s the article in more detail.

Don’t these look cute? I’ve just realised I bought this Die months & months ago and haven’t used it yet.

Happy Crafting

Love Michele

Michele thank you so much, I know you have had a busy week so I really appreciate you writing these reviews.
That embossing featureooks interesting, I might zoom in and have a look! Have a lovely weekend XXX 

Thats all for today Ladies,  I hope you all enjoy the weekend, 

Love and hugs to all of you 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great to see what everyone has created. I love the Harry Pitter piece the most as I've been on that train journey overthrew Glenfinnan viaduct.

    Karen-great piece of sewing. You were very talented from an early age.

    Off out early to Morrison’s-hope it’s not busy.


  2. Morning Everyone
    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY SONIA.I hope you have a lovely day whatever you have planned.

    SANDRA-what a talented family you have. All projects beautiful and inspirational.
    KAREN-I love your Pumpkin Isn't it wonderful to come across something you made from way back.

    MICHELE-thank you for your usual mag review.This week's looks really interesting.How I am looking forward to actually seeing the mags in 'real life'.

    Not sure what I am doing today. Probably resting after my mamoth 'swear' word day

    The CAFE is OPEN and scones are on offer this afternoon.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SONIA I hope you’re able to relax and enjoy it You share your birthday with my OH who will no doubt have a glass of the black stuff to celebrate!
    Wow! What talents SOPHIE LUCY and MATT are
    Sophie’s artwork is amazing You can tell straightaway that it is Scarlett Johansson Not an easy feat I know
    I need your recipe LUCY those brownies look devine
    And MATT Your pieces are beautiful My favourite is the lion He looks so majestic and almost 3D I am a sucker for big cats
    I was hugely surprised when OH found my piece I wish I could remember the company name, it was something like Touch Tapestry It brought back lovely memories of sitting on my dad’s lap or next to him in our tiny two bedroom house doing things like this Now that I am lucky enough to have a craft room I will definitely hang my pieces up
    Thank you MICHELE for the magazine review I don’t know how you find the time especially at this time
    I hope to get my sewing machine out today once I’ve cleared away my “office” and make a cover for a triangular pillow OH found Hopefully we’ll “see” the grandchildren at some point (boy! How I love that word- grandchildren)
    Take care all xx

    1. It is called Touch Tapestry I googled it It came out in 1968 which would have made me about 11/12 Do you remember Painting by Numbers- very popular then This is similar

    2. Happy Birthday to your OH xx

    3. Happy Birthday to Alan Karen. I hope he enjoys his black stuff.
      Love your pumpkin tapestry. Very artistic. Didn’t do anything like this when I was younger. Never ever went to the shops as we lived in the back of beyond. I was allowed to go to the pictures on a Saturday in Thame when I was 10 on the bus that ran on that day. Mind you that was the only bus that ran. You could never miss the bus back as he always waited, the bus driver knew everyone who went in.

  4. Hi everyone.
    Thank you so much for the lovely cards and Birthday wishes 😘
    Mark was going to cook breakfast, but I said I’d rather wait until tomorrow when James is here to enjoy it too, as he’s working today. Luke is cooking tonight, so am looking forward to that. Just going to enjoy a relaxing day.
    Enjoy your proud Mumma moment Sandra - such talent from Sophie, Lucy and Matt. Sophie and Matt’s works are fantastic, and Lucy’s brownies look absolutely delicious.
    Karen, I love your tapestry piece. So wonderful that you found it and its cherished memories.
    Another great magazine review Michele, thank you for sharing.
    Have a lovely day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Happy Birthday Sonia , sorry i didn’t mention it earlier. Was in a rush to get the shopping done! Hope you have a lovely day.


    I just love the ladies that Sophie has drawn Sandra. It’s stunning.
    Brownies look delicious. Lucky you had the ingredients in the larder.
    Matts work is stunning as well. I saw this done in a workshop in Malta a few years ago. Matts look just as good as theirs.
    Thanks for the magazine reviews Michele.
    I hope that people aren’t being silly and travelling to seaside resorts. Must be very frustrating for people living in places where they’d usually have lots of visitors. Apparently the statistics were wrong and the R rate is at 1, not 0.7-0.9.
    Hopefully the sun will come out at sometime today. Still a bit windy though.

  6. Hi ladies and a
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SONIA ! Have a wonderful day.x
    OH Sandra your Sophie, Lucy and Matt are amazing at everything they do. Love the Lion and Giraffe very much and the Brownies mmmmmm, the recipe please x
    Love the stitched pumpkin Karen, lovely memories to have.
    Happy birthday also to Alan today x
    Thank you Michele for the magazine review, looking good.
    Have a nice day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SONIA, Hope you are enjoying your special day, it sounds as though your family are doing there best to spoil you. Have a lovely day. X

    What a talented family you have Sandra, please say thank you to them for allowing you to share with us. Sophie’s art work is amazing, what a fantastic gift she has.
    Matt is equally gifted, I love all of his pieces but the Giraffe is my favourite.
    Lucy’s brownies look delicious, (please can I have the recipe)

    Karen How lovely your tapestry has been found again, it’s beautiful. Wish Alan a very Happy Birthday. Enjoy seeing your grandsons. Hopefully in the not to distant future you will be able to see them in the flesh. X

    Michele thank you for the magazine review. Hope Morrison’s had everything you need. X

    Enjoy your day ladies, Love Brenda xxx

  8. Hello All,sunny but breezy here today.

    Sandra you have very talented children , rightly proud parents.

    Karen love your little pumpkin, I remember paint by numbers ,my brother did some, he is younger than me.

    Michele great review again today.

    The chelate squares look yummy, better not have that recipe.

    Just had fish from the chip shop, they are open for orders. You have wait outside, then they bring your order out.
    I’ll “see” you all in the morning, Lilian
