
Tuesday 5 May 2020

Natural Beauty

Good Morning Ladies,

With Paul being on the early shift this week we get to spend some quality time in the garden, yesterday was a lovely sunny day,  a little chilly but that's fine when you are weeding.

I was inspired by the leaves in the garden while we were weeding yesterday, so many different shaped leaves in so many shades of green, so I decided that I would use some of them to make a card for today.
I picked a selection (pictured above) to use with my Gelli Plate.
I brayered a light green over the plate and took a print, next I added a layer of the datker shade of green, then placed my leaves on the plate and pressed my paper back over (you add tape to one side of your paper to hold it in place), lift it carefully, remove the leaves (all of the vein detail remains on plate), you then replace the paper and rub all over and peel back, this time the intricate detail of your leaves has transferred to the outline.
I was quite pleased with this particular background  so I adhered it to a white card blank and then added two stamped and die cut fern fronds, (free with a magazine). I wanted s simple sentiment so die cut a 'hello' from Spellbinders, placed it in a punched banner.  To finish the card I placed one fern frond, then the banner , topped with the second fern frond, to finish I popped on a SU metal leaf embellishment.
Something different but I quite like it.

I hope that you all have a lovely day,
Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a lovely card. Nice crisp clean colours.
    We had a lovely walk yesterday evening-perfect antidote to the stress of work.
    Two members of staff returned to work yesterday after being off sick for a few weeks which was great to have them back -both were Covid positive.we still have more staff off though.


    1. Fingers crossed your other colleagues come back soon to relieve the pressure a bit.

  2. Morning everyone
    Beautiful card Sandra. Love the color.
    We had a lovely day yesterday too weatherwise.

    Hope to get my cc started today.

    Cafe ready for you all so pop in when you can.
    Hugs to you all. Take care and stay safe. Xxxx

    1. We had a lovely day yesterday as well. But it’s very windy today.

  3. Lovely card SANDRA Such a clever idea using the leaves
    I was so tired after work and felt very sluggish that I didn’t do very much except potter about In fact “I was busy doing nothing”
    I did make a start on a cc which I hope to finish today
    Take care all xx

    1. Hope your feeling a bit better today Karen.

  4. Hello, it’s very cold here today, might have to put the heating on again, no gardening today.

    Sandra love your card, I haven’t got a jelly plate yet, not sure I would know how to use them. Leaves are always so beautiful any times of the year.

    Not sure what’s going on today, need to put my sewing things away, so that I can make a start on my card. Hope the day goes well for all Lilian

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Love card today Sandra. Great use of the leaves.
    Pretty chilly here as well today. Must go and open the greenhouse in a minute.
    Take care everyone.

  6. Livvy was making cakes yesterday. So I had a slice of Lemon cake, banana cake, & some shortbread. She’d also made a date & walnut cake but couldn’t remember if I liked dates. I do, so she then brought me a slice off that down as well.
    I ate the banana cake after my tea. It was yummy.

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra I love how you have use the leaves for inspiration with your gelli plate, something I haven’t tried yet but will put on my list to do, The result is so inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing.
    The day started off quite dull but the Sun has come out now and it’s quite warm as long as you can stay in the Sun, that John has cut the lawn and scarified it. The only thing is I don’t like grass clippings in my compost bin - So they have to go to the tip and the tip is still closed, oh dear! I’m sure they’ll get around to opening again soon, I can’t see as long as people observe the rules that it would be unsafe.

    PAT, Livy sounds like Ciara, she made different cakes and/or scones everyday last week, with five of them at home nothing lasts more than a day. She loves cooking and at the weekend when we were having family FaceTime our daughter said they were going to have a stir fry, Ciara was up and getting it ready. She just takes over, Mum (our daughter) just laughs and let’s her get on with it, in fact she can tell mum what they are running short of in the store cupboard. No surprise she has food tech as one of the GCSE choices.

    Take care everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  8. Hi everyone.
    Great card Sandra, haven't got a gelli plate but the way you have used it with the leaves have come out beautifully.
    Michele, hope your colleagues all soon be back to work well and things get back to normal.
    Sue, hope your pain is better,very crippling when you get these days. I haven't been able to do anything today so hoping tomorrow will be better 😞
    Hope your day have been fine and you enjoyed some of the sunshine. Many hugs for you all ,Maria xx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies
    I lost two comment this morning
    So i had to wait as my hands by that time hands started to really ache with my fibromyalgia as well
    SANDRA i love your card it's lovely with the colours t palette i love using my gelly plate i have so much
    To play with. Getting really must try and get in my room this week
    Hope your all enjoying the nice weather today
    Sending you a basket full of HUG'S
    Love Lynda xx

  10. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Great card today with the leaf print, love it.
    Hope all had a good day. Hugs to all xxx
