
Wednesday 6 May 2020

Another Background Technique

Good Morning Ladies,

I have been having so much fun experimenting with all of these new background techniques, are any of you tried anything new for this challenge?

We had another lovely sunny day yesterday, so Paul was keen to get down to some gardening when he got home from work, although we have been trying to source some Compost and grow bags, I know that they aren't 'essential' but they are if you want to grow tomatoes and strawberries, we didn't have too much success last year with strawberries, so we thought we would try putting some in grow bags this time, well we will do a mix of some in grow bags and some in ground and see what happens.
After many hours research we have done a 'Click & Collect' at B & Q, we are just waiting for notification of our time slot for collection, watch this space, the local garden centre was doing the same thing but both the Compost and Grow Bags were more expensive. So fingers crossed we should be able to move forward by the weekend, some of the seeds we put in a few weeks ago are ready for potting on or planting out, we have Swiss Chard, Kale, Brussel Sprouts, Cauliflowers all coming on nicely, on Monday I put Chinese Cabbage, Beetroot, Peas and Climbing beans in too, I can't to see them all out growing in the garden.

Now let me tell you about the technique I used for today's card, I used Tracy Evans 'Passion Flower' stamp, stamping with Versamark (clear/sticky) ink, the adding White Embossing Powder and hear setting. To create the background I took 3 colours of Alcohol Inks adding a bit of each colour to the blending tool and adding stripes across the card, afterwards I took a clean blending tool and wiped over the embossed area to reveal the white embossed image. To highlight the stamped image I used my Polychromo pencils to some of the colours that feature in the background..
Now I am going to be honest and say that I was tempted to just bin it, Paul said that I should put it onto a card base and see what it looked like with a sentiment added, which  I did and decided it didn't look as bad as I thought!
It's a fun technique to try, we only usually use Alcohol inks on shiny card, it looks completely different and little more subtle on matt card.
The two photos are taken in different light as I tried to show the 'actual' colour, the top one, taken out in the garden is the most like the original.

I hope you all have a lovely day today,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Lovely card SANDRA I don’t have any alcohol inks so won’t be trying this one outI love the white embossing I must get some white embossing powder
    I ordered some more blending tools yesterday from Joanna Sheen I wonder if they’ll arrive before the weekend... It would be nice but am prepared to wait
    I didn’t finish cc yesterday The idea I had in my head did not work at all
    Busy day ahead
    After work I will craft and as well as making Hero Bears I have started knitting some blue poppies to show support for the nhs
    Take care all xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your Card is fantastic. Glad you explained that it’s the same card just different photos as it’s looks completely different.

    Our B&Q opened properly last week along with the local refuse tip which caused mile long tailbacks!

    I had a dentist disaster yesterday-the filling if had done on the 17th March fell out! Luckily it’s not painful as the dentist said they’re still Closed & will put me on their list to phone about an appointment when they can reopen. The car issue turned out to be something heavy on my passenger seat which triggered the seatbelt alarm...!! Luckily someone at work mentioned this so I didn’t need to contact Kia & look like an idiot.


  3. Morning Everyone
    Love today's background.
    As yet I haven't managed to make a start on my CC for this week so should really make an effort.

    We have a lovely sunny start but we also had a ground frost this morning.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you all to pop in
    for your usual cuppas etc.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love your card today using the alcohol inks. Put in an order yesterday with Lavinia Stamps for some alcohol inks and accessories - will be my Birthday present from Mark. I can’t wait to be able to start playing with them.
    Feeling much better today and hopefully we will get our test results today too 🤞
    I hope you’re all well and have a good day whatever you are doing.
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hope your test result was ok Sonia.

    2. Thanks Pat, we are still waiting for the results xx

  5. Hi all,
    love the card Sandra so glad you didn't bin it. Haven't got any alcohol inks but waiting for some white embossing powder to come soon. Got dome more dies sent from Hongkong yesterday and hope to use one as a background.
    Much better day and we had a walk around the lake, birds singing and quite a few dog walkers and cyclists, everyone stayed well apart from eachother.
    Spoke to my 'new' sister on facetime yesterday. She had been to the hairdresser after work and after our call she was going over to see a neighbour for coffee. it's unbelievable how different Sweden's approach has been to the virus.
    I wish everyone a nice day. many hugs to all and extras for all who need some. Maria xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Pleased you took Paul’s advice not to Bin your background, It works perfectly with the stamps you’ve added and coloured with your polychromos. Definitely give this one a big thumbs up.

    Another lovely bright day here today, the Sunshine definitely lifts the mood during lockdown. I was chatting to a friend yesterday afternoon, we both had to admit that last week was hard going particularly as the weather wasn’t very good. The sun really seems to give me a lift.

    SONIA Hope the salts hope the results come back today and everything is fine.

    MARIA, your sister will be the envy of everyone having her haircut, what a luxury. I was joking with my friend who cuts my hair, said I had to trimmed the top and the sides of my hair. I did say I’d only taken a minute snips away. So hopefully will not have to get an estimate for a hair cut when lockdown is over,. Anyway we had a good laugh at the thought of me cutting chunks of hair away!!!

    Hope everyone is having a good day, take care love Brenda XXX

    1. Ups - sorry Sonia my iPad seems to be repeating itself.
      Don’t know where the salts came from!! xx

    2. Like you Brenda I’ve had a chop athe back of my hair. Well it’s just behind my ears really as it was sticking out an awful lot.

  7. Hello All, sunny here, but a very cold wind, poor plants don’t know what to do, one bitterly cold, and wam. Takes ages for R to put them all in the greenhouse over night.

    Sandra great card again today, have got a couple of backgrounds done , just need to find something to go on the top. Tried Tracy’s idea of using masking fluid instead of embossing powder, means you can stamp over the background.
    Sonia hope the results come through ok.
    Sewing bee tonight, looking forward to watching that. Hugs to all Lilian

  8. Hi Sand a & ladies.
    Not to sure what happened today as I thought I’d commented.
    Lovely backgrounds today Sandra. They certainly are different.
    My Groovi post hasn’t arrived today either. So I’m chomping at the bit at the moment. Funny that I got what I’d ordered after these ones before them. I hope they haven’t got lost in the post with all that’s going on in the pandemic.
