
Monday 4 May 2020

Another Challenge Card using Resist/Stamping

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are well and have had a lovely weekend.
It was so lovely chatting to you all yesterday afternoon, Zoom was much clearer than Facetime.
Janet & Michele it would be lovely if you could join us next time.  It was so lovely to see Lilian for the first time.

Today's card is one I started a couple weeks ago, following one of Tracy Evans many Tutorials.  The background started as a white piece of card, I did the resist technique and then used a combination of Broken China, Mermaid Lagoon and Blueprint Sketch Distress Oxide inks, I squished the inks onto a piece of acetate and spritzed with water, i then smoosshed the ink onto my card one at a time and allowed them to dry, I then used a wipe to clean off some of the ink from the resist areas.
I stamped the large flower image coloured it exactly the same as the background and fussy cut it.  I stamped the vase, added a little colour and after it dried I added some versamark ink and clear embossing powder, I did this so that the vase had a shine on it.
I did a little background stamping to add some detail and added the flower and vase.
To finish I added some tiny beads to the centre of the flower and added the sentiment .
I hope you like it.

I hope you all have a great day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a lovely card, the colours are gorgeous.

    Glad you all managed to chat yesterday. We didn’t go for a walk yesterday but pottered about in the garden then I sat outside reading (wrapped up as it was a bit chilly) & hubby washed + polished my car.


  2. Beautiful card SANDRA Another technique I have never tried - resist stamping
    It was lovely chatting to you all yesterday and to meet LILIAN for the first time I hope MICHELE SONIA JANWT and CHERYL can join in
    Zoom definitely worked better Although it was funny that SUE and I were chatting to each other wondering where the others were and they were thinking the same We managed to find them in the end!
    Yesterday morning I almost did a WhatsApp crochet lesson with a friend which was great fun Fortunately she can crochet it was more tips on following the pattern and showing her different stages I’ll be off to work in a mo and maybe no definitely craft later
    Take care all xx

  3. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A lovely card today. Love the blue colour you’ve used.
    It was lovely to meet Lilian yesterday on Zoom. Messenger video chat was useless as we had a terrible echo when we were chatting. Anyway it was lovely to catch up.
    Went up to the greenhouse this morning and it looked like a bomb had exploded in it. Lyn h No 10 ) next called me to say that about 10.30 on Sat night he’d heard a commotion at the top of the garden. He though it was someone trying to break into his work shed. But apparently it was next doors black cat which I’d shut it the greenhouse trying to get out. He’d knocked all the pots over, and two of the pots the tomatoes were in were knocked off the staging. Any he popped over the fence to let it out. I did look to see a cat was in the greenhouse, but perhaps it was curled up asleep on some old compost in my pots. So now I only have one tomato plant instead off three. I tried to rescue one of the others but I don’t think it’s going to survive, and one I couldn’t find.
    I was able to speak to Doreen this morning as well. It was good to be able to speak to her at long last.
    Take care f stay safe.

    1. How annoying about your Tomato plants Pat, glad you got to speak to Doreen x

  4. Hello All, nice to see you all yesterday, sunny here again today.
    Lovely card Sandra, I’ve paid to do the tag book next weekend, so that will be very different for me.

    Pat sorry about your plants, our next doors cat love to sit on our plants in the green house, have put a piece of mesh shelf to stop her going in.

    Going out for a cup of tea now and then some crafting. Lilian

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Beautiful card today, love the colour.
    Been off work today as still not feeling 100% and managed to book us all in for tests. Fingers crossed results come back negative.
    Hope you’re all well and had a good day. Hugs to all xx

    1. Good that you managed to get a test booked Sonia.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Love your card today Sandra, blue was always my mothers favourite choice of colour she would’ve so love this card.

    Lovely chatting to you all yesterday, shame about the awful echo on Messenger, it was better when we played with Zoom. I think you’ll agree that would be the preferred choice next time we managed to chat. Great we managed to see Lillian and say hello.

    Sonia good luck with your test, yes fingers crossed results come back clear.

    I seem to been on the computer most of the day, still sorting out my sisters lost moisture cream. I have filled out a complaint form with the company I purchased it from, although they have done nothing wrong, that is apparently where I have to start. It’s really getting to be a bit of a headache!!! That’s me putting it politely, ha ha

    Have a lovely evening everyone, love Brenda XXX

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Gorgeous card Sandra it's beautiful i love the colours.
    Lovely too see you i all chats
    Shame we had a echo though then this morning I couldn't see anyone
    Had my strip wash later this morning but it really knocks me out
    All my muscles ache
    After lunch i was so tired i fell asleep fot a couple of hours so thimk i needed it need the Loo now
    Terry has got to start dinner soon
    Lovr Lynda xx
    Dinner soon

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I love today’s card and what a beautiful shade of blue. The resist technique is one I haven’t used for ages which is silly because I love the effect it gives. It was lovely to see some of you yesterday until the terrible echoey sounds meant I couldn’t hear what anyone was saying. It was funny when Karen and I managed to loose the rest of you. Karen managed to make some beautiful defects around herself too 😄 I fell asleep after saying goodbye to you all so sadly missed meeting you on Zoom Lilian but will definitely be there next time x
    I’m slowly plodding along with my stash sort out but must admit my joints are really bad at the moment for some reason which is a real nuisance!
    Brenda, I hope you manage to get your sisters order sorted very soon. Isn’t it frustrating, you must feel like banging your head on a brick wall would be more helpful! X
    I’m off to do a bit more now so look after yourselves. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  9. Hi ladies.
    Gorgeous card Sandra and in a nice colour.
    Nice to see some of you ladies yesterday,it was a bit difficult when the echo started and unfortunately could't get on Zoom. Hopefully we can do it again soon.
    Janet- miss you,hope you ok and everything is alright.
    Sonia- fingers crossed you are fine and you feeling better soon.
    Oh Pat,such a shame about your tomato plants.Hopefully you get plenty of fruit on the one saved. Had cats fighting outside in the middle of the night, sounded really bad.
    Had a nice walk this morning, took the car for a run. Washing went on the line, some weeding between the patio slabs. Came in ,watch the news and fell a sleep for a couple of hours when it was time to make the dinner. Now going to watch'House of cards' with OH . What a exciting life one living....
    Take care, stay safe and many hugs to you all xxx
