
Wednesday 20 May 2020

Cheryl's Sketch Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you all got some time in the garden yesterday, it was glorious here, not that I saw any of the sunshine as I was in my Craft room ALL Day!! Why is it that when you are making a card for somebody else to give (a commission) it is SOOO much harder than just making the cards we make every day??!!
I went into that Craft Room at 10am yesterday morning and finished just the card at 9.47pm!!! I still need to so the insert and make the matching box.  I made all of the flowers with Foamiran, which took a while, I changed my  mind on things a fair bit and did lots of procrastinating!!
I will be glad when I have handed it over.

Being mid way through making this project my craft room looks like a bomb has gone off, so I was relieved that Cheryl had made a Challenge Challenge card  or should I say 'cards' for last weeks Sketch. It meant I didn't have to clear everything out to make a Challenge card.

Cheryl's cards are stunning, I love them all, the papers you have used are beautiful, I am very Impressed that you have got a start on making your 'Christmas' cards Cheryl, now thats what I call 'Very Organised'!  I have thought about making them but that's as far as I got!
Thank you so much Cheryl for taking part in the Challenge,  I love to share your cards XXX

Well ladies its back in the Craft Room for me this morning to finish the card insert and make the matching box, I then fully intend to sit in the garden for an hour, before a clean up operation and a start on my  next Challenge card.

I hope you have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Cheryl-lovely Cards, you’ve made a great start on your Christmas cards.

    Sandra-the only fresh air I got yesterday was a walk once I was home. It was nice and we chat as we walk. It just means that we eat late so it was after 8pm by the time I started to make one of the commissioned cards. Finally finished it around 10pm and I was exhausted. Second card to be made tonight but that should be easier-fingers crossed.


  2. Morning Everyone
    CHERYL-very pretty cards.I love the papers you have used.

    Well at last we had a glorious day weatherwise yesterday so much so that the back door and windows were open all day. I have everything crossed that today will be the same.

    I'm not sure what to do today so it will have to be a 'wait and see day'.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in for a sit and a chat and a cuppa of course.

    HUGS are winging their way toyou all. PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. Lovely cards CHERYL I need to make a few more Christmas cards or at least make a start
    We went for a walk in a park near us - where OH would usually do the Parkrun I had not realised how large it is We are extremely lucky to live so near
    I hope to craft later and maybe have a go at sewing a face mask
    Take care all xx

    1. Enjoy your crafting later today Karen and I hope the face mask turns out ok.

  4. Morning everyone.
    Love your cards Cheryl, lovely papers.
    Glorious day here too so spending outdoors as much as possible and the card making is getting behind. Today we are doing the patio cleaning so it will be a wet affair working the kercher but it might be nice too as it is said to be a hot day.
    To our working ladies I hope the day be kind and you still get to see the sunshine after work.
    Have a nice day everyone. many hugs for you all xxx

    1. My patio also needs cleaning as we have a telephone wire over it. However, Craig still has my cleaner so I can’t do that at the moment. If it rained I could scrub at it with the hard broom.

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely cards today Cheryl. I too have made a couple of Christmas cards. Mind you I really put a spurt on last year and made quite a few extra, so I at least have a head start.
    I also sat out most of the day after clearing the back room of crafty stuff that was on the bed. Well I put it in a large container to put in the shed as it’s no longer used.
    My next Groovi class will be put in the post today, so hopefully I’ll have that at the beg of next week.
    The window cleaner has just finished cleaning my windows for me and I’ve face timed Gill in Australia.
    So I might be sitting outside later.
    Take care everyone and stay safe.

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. A great set of cards. I love the papers you have used Cheryl. I hope Jamie is relaxing now he is home x
    Sandra, it was a beautiful day yesterday but it is hard when you want or need to craft so you have to stay inside. Our garden is always breezy so not able to papercraft outside like some people can. Your craft room is too far away from your garden so you can’t either can you. And we always forget things or change our minds etc. causing too many trips back and forth. Good luck getting the box and insert done my lovely xx
    I wasn’t able to craft or iron yesterday so that’s today sorted for me.
    I hope some of you can enjoy the sunshine. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    CHERYL your cards are lovely, love your choice of papers. If they were in a card shop they would be in the Upper price bracket, Very classy looking.

    Sandra I totally understand what you mean about making a commissioned card, isn’t it silly you can sit and play and produce something beautiful, but when you’re asked to make a special card it becomes hard work. I know you will complete something and it will be really enjoyed just don’t pressure yourself too much. Hope you get that top up of sunshine this afternoon.

    Maria I hope you’re not too exhausted cleaning the patio. I did ours a couple of weeks ago, so it’s looking nice and clean. This morning when John went off to do the shopping. I cleaned the front parking/patio area it had been done a couple of months ago but the birds decided to decorate it !!! Anyway it’s all clean now and I can relax relax this afternoon.

    I hope it’s lovely and sunny where you are take care and stay safe.

    Love Brenda XX

  8. Hello All, just come in from the garden, it’s very hot.

    Lovely cards Cheryl, you put me to shame, I was going to do one a week, but so far have done none.

    R couldn’t even get into the garden centre yesterday, the traffic was backed to the main road, it’s a lovely local independent garden centre, so most people love going there.

    Planted out my sweet peas today, using cheap B&Q seeds this as never had much luck in this garden, they are going into deep troughs this year, so we will see.

    Going to cut all my papers for my class project on Friday, it’s a tag book, made with all patterned paper. Hoping to use my Stamperia pads, I have quite a few, been saving them, too nice to use, but as I get to keep this one it’s ok.( silly I know).

    Have good evening, Sandra hope commission went well, Lilian

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies
    Cheryl lovely card's from you today
    Hope Jamie is a good patient & he isn't in to much pain
    SANDRA hope you have finished your card. Please take a picture of it
    . Lovely day again today.
    My legs feet & arms are still painful phone the hospital
    Asked to speak to surgeon & to ask what's going on
    Hug's Lynda xx

  10. Hi everyone.
    Lovely cards today Cheryl 😊
    Sandra, I hope you managed to finish the box and have time to sit in the garden.
    I totally agree with you about making specific cards for people. That was one of the reasons I stopped crafting for a while - I seemed to spend all of my time making cards which had been asked for, that it became a chore and I really didn’t enjoy it!
    I hope you’ve all had a good day. Hugs to all xxx
