
Thursday 21 May 2020

Card and Matching Box for 60th Birthday

Good Morning Ladies,

Well I can't tell you how relieved I am to have that Card and Box finished, I felt like I had my life back, it's totally my own fault, my anxiety just has me constantly questioning my work.....Is it good enough? Does the style work?  Is it too much?? Not enough??, Will they like it, will she like it? !!
So ridiculous but sadly you can't switch 'it' off !  
I showed it to Becca & Adam when I had finished it yesterday late afternoon and they were really pleased with it, which is all that matters (well as long as his Mum likes it)!  I just felt an instant sigh of relief wash over me.  I am always flattered when someone asks me to make them something but I always  put off starting it and hate the whole process purely because of self doubt, the best part is seeing somebody's face when the open their card, I have received flowers on three occasions and many thank you cards over the years from people that had asked me to make cards for special occasions, that feels amazing.

For this card I used the Crafters Companion 'Vintage Lace' 12 x 12 paper pad, as I was asked to include purples, I added highlights of Blackberry Bliss card to pull the darker colours from the paper and the lighter purple is from a matching card pack. 
I used the 'Card Making Magic' Octagonal Box Kit and Octagonal Box Frame Kit to make both the card and the Box, they have included all the mats and layers you would ever need, some fancy edged, some plain too.  
To give the card a touch of luxury I added some lace around the outside of the card and box, I added some across the centre of the card too but you can't really see that.
I hand made all of the flowers using Foamiran, I was quite pleased with how they came out, probably my most successful attempt so far.  The foam was from Crafters Companion, I held it on an iron for a couple of seconds and scrunched, using hot glue to stick them helped shape them a bit at the bottom I think and held stamens in place straight away.
I decorated the box lid to match the card, I was going to add more flowers but after I die cut that panel for the lid I felt like it didn't need anything else. 
I hope you like it ladies.

Thank goodness it's Friday tomorrow, we have a long weekend too I believe which is very welcome.

I hope that you all enjoyed the glorious weather yesterday and that you have a lovely day today,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA-what a gorgeous card. I love everything about it and I would be absolutely thrilled to receive a card like this.

    Well We had another glorious day yesterday with sunshine from morning to night. It looks as though today could be the same.

    I have to finish photographing my CC and get them sent off today so I'd better get a wriggle on.

    The Tables and chairs are set outside the CAFE so enjoy the sunshine.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-stunning Card & Box, I’m sure the recipient will be thrilled.

    It’s wasn’t as warm as expected yesterday but pleasant enough for us to sit out for an hour before cooking our evening meal. We’ve had rain overnight which is great for the garden.


  3. Good morning all I think your card and box are stunning I love that soft image on the top of the box and the attention to detail on the card is exquisite I know exactly how you feel when we’ve been asked to create something It is a whole different ball game
    I didn’t do any sewing in the end as I couldn’t find the fabric in the end that I wanted to use BUT found some stashed fat quarters - when am I going to do patchwork? It’s another thing on my tick list to try AND I found the embroidery silks that had been hiding underneath another box I wouldn’t mind but I clearly had the fabric less than 3 weeks ago and stashed it in a safe place!
    I have a busy day at work I am giving some training at 9am and then receiving some training at 11am through MS Teams which I have to say is a clever piece of kit in my view
    I am enjoying this hot weather as long as I can stay in the shade!!
    Take care all xx

    1. Fingers crossed you find your fabric Karen. That’s what happens to me. I put things somewhere safe and then can’t remember where it is.

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Your card & the box for it are simply stunning Santa. No wonder Becca & Adam loved it. As will his Mum.
    Another sunny day is on the cards by the look of it. Although we’re supposed to be having some rain later. Well according to the weather people anyway.
    I also have a couple of cards that I’ve just finished I can send off for the challenge this wiki. Plus a couple I’ve made previously. I know don’t faint with the shock Sandra. But really I’ve nothing much else to do. I’m onto my kindle books now as I’ve read all the books I had.
    I hope Jamies’s doing ok Cheryl.
    I FaceTimed Gill in Australia yesterday morning as she’s had trouble with her computer sending emails. Something to do with her windows 2007. She was persuaded to buy Microsoft 365 but that’s not working. She said if she’d been thinking straight she’d have just changed to a gmail account rather than pay a monthly prescription to Microsoft 365. She really doesn’t need the hassle what with everything else that’s going on with Bryan.
    Take care everyone and stay safe.

  5. I know your not Santa Sandra. Predictive text or I missed a letter out.

  6. Morning ladies.
    Oh Sandra, I love the card with it's beautiful papers and and the shape of the box. She will absolutely love it.
    It was a gorgeous day yesterday and it seem to be the same today. The patio was done quickly so did have time to sit outside, had to move into the shade soon tho as the temp reached +29c. Sat outside as well for dinner which was a novelty as usually we are disturbed by wasps and flies but it was none last night.
    Going for a walk now so wish you all a nice day and sending hugs, extras for anyone who need some. Take care, Maria xx

  7. Good morning Sandra and ladies
    I've just finished my strip wash oh
    For a shower.
    Another lovely day but it's really windy l hope to do a little crafting
    Hug's for everyone extra Margaret and everyone else that needs extra
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Oh Lynda you have my full sympathy there, I lived for three years without access to a bath or shower and it was miserable. You will feel amazing when you step into a shower for the first time xx

    2. Thanks SANDRA yes i can't wait to have a Shower Terry said he would put the hose over me.Ha ha
      Iove Lynda xx

  8. Hello Sandra can you tease,

    Sandra the card and box you made for Adams mums birthday are absolutely stunning, the papers and colours are perfect, the Foamiran flowers are equally a beautiful perfect match. You should be feeling really pleased with yourself. XX

    Yesterday was a beautiful day spent a lot of time outdoors but by mid afternoon I needed to sit down with a cup of tea, then fell asleep. Seems to be the story of my life these days. Today I’m taking things as they come, nothing planned. Just enjoying the weather.

    Hope whatever you’re doing you’re enjoying and it’s relaxing.
    Take care and stay safe love Brenda XXX

  9. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card today Sandra and I love the gorgeous flowers 😊
    Sorry I’m late popping in today, had a busy one. Just back from Tesco so can now relax! Hope you’ve all had a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  10. Hello not so hot today, so managed to be out in the garden.

    Sandra beautiful card, so special I’m sure the recipient will love it. Love the box also, a real gift.

    Had a telephone consultation with my GP today, about these horrible heart tablets that I have to take, explained the side effects, but he really wasn’t interested, said I could stop them if I wanted to. He didn’t offer anything else, so have decided to reduce them gradually.

    Still haven’t maid my card for this weeks challenge, must do it tomorrow.

    Apparently we are due to have some rain overnight, so good as the garden is dry as a bone.
    I’ll see you tomorrow, hugs to all Lilian
