
Friday 22 May 2020

Your Next Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

Here we are at the end of another week, it hardly seems five minutes since we were welcoming in the first day of May and here we are  just a week away from June, it's a bit unsettling to be honest as we have a lot of changes coming in June as a Country and I for one am more than a little worried, I have convinced myself that we are heading for a second lockdown as there are so many people out there that are already taking huge risks, the news showed photos of packed beaches and beauty spots, it just horrifies me that people are so thoughtless, we are all patiently waiting to see our family and friends and these idiots are jeopardising that, it makes me so angry !  Paul's parents home town of Brixham was really busy and in that tiny town it's virtually impossible to be 2 metres apart from somebody, which makes it too risky for the local residents that have to be careful to go out and do the things that they need to do. Rant over !!

Your Next Challenge

For your next challenge ladies I would like you to use Dies to create the background to your cards.
It can be any style, any theme, any shape or size
You can use one big Background Die or Small dies cut several times to create the background, for instance you could die cut flowers and arrange them as the background for your card.
I have given you a variety of cards that have used dies to create the background, I hope that helps you a little, I will of course add more inspiration as we go along.
I hope you enjoy the challenge Ladies xx

We had a quiet day yesterday as I was pretty much tied to my craft room chair for a couple of days I wanted to be outside.  We had a lovely family walk on Wednesday evening, the girls and I joined Paul when he walked Harley, it was so lovely to be out in the country side.

Paul and I have a very quiet weekend as the girls are going to stay at Becca's to Dog sit for a couple of days, it will be strange as the girls have been here constantly since the start of lockdown, it will be nice to just cook for two for a couple of nights!!

I hope that you all enjoy the weekend,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great challenge for us for next week. I love my Dies but rarely use them to create a background. Perfect “challenge “ for me then.

    We have sunshine but very strong winds (45mph) so not a day for sitting outside unless it improves later.


    1. I hope you have a better day than yesterday Michele.

  2. Morning Everyone
    Oh what a Challenge this week. My 'little grey cell' may just have to work overtime lol.

    Well what a difference one night can make. We have had rain in the night -the garden is looking much happier this morning- and it is grey skies with winds.Not as strong as yours MICHELE but the temp is way down from yesterday so no doors open as yet.

    I suppose I don't have any excuse not to have a 'swear' word day so you all know what my day is going to be. Perhaps I could miss a little and stop by my craft table for a

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting with brollie bin by the door.HUGE HUGS are winging their way to you all.Have a good week-end but most ofall TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

  3. Morning Everyone
    What a Challenge for this week. My little grey cell may just have to do some

    Well what a difference a night can make. We have had rain during the night and it's grey skies this morning with wind. Not as strong as yours MICHELE so the door will stay closed. At least the garden is looking happier this morning.

    I suppose I haven't an excuse not to have a 'swear' word day but maybe I'll stop by my craft table for a little while inbetween jobs lol.

    The CAFE is OPEN usual hours and the brollie bin is back by the door if needed. Have a good week-end but the main thing is TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.HUGS are winging their way to you all.xxxx

  4. Great challenge for next week SANDRA I totally agree with your rant
    What I can’t get my head around is why are the numbers still a lot when we’ve all been in lockdown for 8-9 weeks and the virus has a supposedly 2 week incubation Logically (to me anyway) the virus should have rode its course by now Did that make any sense at all? I know what I mean in my head!

    I hope your day is easier MICHELE

    I did it! I made a mask Thank you again LILIAN for the pattern It’s been such a long time since I did any sewing and with a new machine (which I love!) I am quite pleased with the result
    Take care all xxx

  5. Morning everyone.
    Agree with your rant Sandra. Couldn't believe what I saw on the news from the seaside and around. I'm worried it will be another lock down very soon if this continues.
    Love all the cards and it will be a good challenge to see what other use we can do with our dies.
    Overcast but not much rain yet so going to the chemist this morning, not sure why but some of my meds aren't in so have to order again so another trip up in a weeks time.
    Some swearwords to and then I must put this weeks cc together and send off.
    Lilian-take care if reducing your meds. hoping you feel better soon.
    Lynda- did you do some colouring ? hope you have a good day.
    Sending hugs to you all and extras for anyone who need some.
    Take care, Maria xx

    1. I think we’ll have another lockdown as well Maria. Hope your meds get sorted.

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    I quite agree with you rant a Sandra and Karen’s thinking on why do we still have the virus if everyone was self isolating. It doesn’t make sense to me either. I didn’t see the news yesterday but caught the tail end of it last night. Beaches were packed and no sign of social distancing either. Mind you with all those crowds you didn’t have a chance too do that. The government should have put a distance on how far you could travel for exercise.
    Not to sure I have anything suitable for this weeks challenge Sandra. Although I have plenty of dies I don’t use them to make backgrounds.
    Take care everyone and stay safe.

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I’m just spitting feathers because I’ve lost a message that I’d almost finished, I don’t understand why AND I can’t remember everything I said which is even worse. Anyway here goes.

    An interesting challenge for next week Sandra, I can’t remember using a whole die for the background on any of my cards, but as I have some large ties so think I must have at some point or other. Need to go back and check on my old files. Thank you for the inspiration.

    It’s going to be lovely for you and Paul having a quiet weekend. I’m sure Sophie and Lucy are going to miss you both, they might just pop home to check how you are doing!!

    Michele and Janet I’m sure your gardens are very grateful for the rain, everything
    in the garden looks so much brighter even after the shortest of showers.

    I hope everybody has a lovely weekend. I hope and pray that we will all be able to see our family’s soon.

    Take care and stay safe, love Brenda XXX

  8. Hi everyone.
    Fab challenge for next week and loving your cards 😊
    Totally agree with you about the current situation. People don’t seem to be taking any notice now of the social distancing, and to see the crowds of people at the beaches is just crazy. We would love to be able to drive to the coast in this beautiful weather, but I wouldn’t dream of it at this time. I just don’t understand how some people think the rules don’t apply to them!
    Quite sunny here today, but very windy. Had a little rain first thing but didn’t come to anything.
    Hope you’re all having a good day and have a lovely weekend too. Hugs to all xxx

  9. Hello All, sorry to be late, thought I had come in earlier.

    Sandra great challenge for next week, love the cards.

    Agree with all the comments, those people will be the first to complain when we have another lockdown, I say when not if.

    Will try and do my challenge card in the morning. Night All. Lilian
