
Tuesday 19 May 2020

A Pretty Pink Circle Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you all had a lovely day in the sunshine yesterday, I didn't too much time in the garden as I was in my Craft Room for most of the morning then in the afternoon I went with Paul to do a 'Big Shop' I was then that I realised how chilly the wind was, I really regret not taking a jacket with me, the queue at Asda was huge and it was really chilly, we only needed a few bits (the things that we can't get in Aldi), which I was pleased about as the customers in that store do not respect the 2m rule.
I have to say that our Aldi store is by far the best for taking all the precautions to make your shop as risk free as possible, as you near the front of the queue that chap asks you if you need a trolley, if you do he antibac's it before he gives it to you, you then wait for the first aisle to be clear before you enter. Their tills are set out well too, they have really thought about the safety of their staff as well as customers, which is really good to see.

Today's card is my first attempt at using the 'Card-io MajeMask'

The stencils come in three seperate pieces, making the mask really versatile, I will admit that at first I was sceptical that I would be able to emboss through 300 gsm card but I could with ease:
I first cut myself a 6  1/2 X 6  1/2 inch piece of white 300gsm card
I then centred the centred the outer (square piece) of the mask onto my card fixed in place with low tack tape, then I flipped it over and using a Tumble Dryer sheet I rubbed around the circle so that it left the outline embossed onto my card, I took my Embossing Ball tool and traced around the circle, which left a lovely clear raised circle on the right side of my card.
I placed the narrow plastic ring into the square, taped it again, flipped it and repeat the above step, which left me with a lovely embossed circle with a border.
I left the masks in place while I used a variety of Card-io stamps to create my stamped design, I left everything in place while I positioned the Sentiment stamp which is from Inkyliscious, placed everything in my stamp tool and added the stamped sentiment.
I popped that piece to one side to dry while I cut a White frame with an aperture, using a smaller circle die to cut a Berry Burst inner frame.  I added a Berry burst mat to my frame piece.  
Lastly I peeled away the tape holding the mask in place which revealed a perfectly framed stamped image. I added foam pads around the outer of the stamped piece and placed the frame over. To finish I added some Berry Burst Ribbon and a die cut butterfly.
The whole piece is 7 x 7 inches.  Adding the frame made that 4 1/4 inch circular stamped piece into quite a good sized card.
I was pleased with my first attempt, even though it isn't perfect. 

I will be in the Craft room most of today too as Becca has asked me to make a 'Special Boxed' Card for Adam's Mum's 60th Birthday, he asked Becca to tell me that his Mum's favourite flowers where Lily's, but they just remind me of Sympathy cards, I might just go with her favourite colour and 'Wing it' !  Wish me luck!!

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Your card is gorgeous SANDRA I can totally see why you, BRENDA, MICHELE etc love the Card-io stamps etc (I have a friend who is addicted to them and probably has every set and ink) They are very pretty and so so versatile
    Have you had a go using them with a gelli plate? Now there’s a challenge for you!
    I am hoping my mojo comes back this afternoon I would like to start a cc later but I think we are going for a walk in the local park first
    Take care all xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-gorgeous Card, it’s really lovely.

    Yesterday I was asked to make 2 cards-one for a 19 year old niece (pink & wine on it) and the second card is from a 3 year old to his Dad-Golf/beer/football/wine. Sounds easy until you start them! I gave up in the niece card at 10 pm last night as my original idea just wasn’t working! Plus they want the cards by Thursday!! Pity I’ve got to go into work or I could be crafting.


  3. Morning everyone.
    Gorgeous card Sandra, lovely colour.
    Looks like another beautiful day so will go for a walk but first I'm going to zoom with some friends from ww. Not that I have been particular good but always nice to catch up with the others.
    I wish you all a nice day however you spend it. Hugs to you all xxx

    1. Enjoy your zoom talk Maria and your walk.

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Another little very card Sandra. Somewhere in my stash I have some cardio flower stamps If I remember correctly. I also have some stamps as well from her. Watering cans and the like.
    I must say I didn’t know she sold masks as well. These ones look very versatile.
    Good luck with making the card.
    I must ring the chiropodist again as they haven’t rung me back after I left a message on Friday after speaking to Jo ( the chiropodist ). I rang straight away as I knew if I didn’t I’d probably forget if I waited too Monday. I hate that when people don’t ring you back after leaving a message.

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a gorgeous card, I love the pretty stamps you have used. I would have thought the same as you that you couldn’t hand emboss 300gsm card with a stencil but you have got a really crisp and clean circle haven’t you. I will have to give that a try. I hope your body isn’t protesting too much today my lovely. It’s so unfair that you have to pay the price for simply doing a bit of light gardening. It must have felt odd having a bath instead of your usual shower but I bet you enjoyed it once you were in there though. I can just imagine your delight at seeing how thoughtful Micheles cards were last night. And aren’t they lovely But please remember that we love revisiting previous cards if you aren’t able to show a new one for whatever reason. If you added up the days that you haven’t shown one of your new cards over all of the years that you have blogged every single day it would be a very low number indeed so try not to stress my lovely xx
    Maria, how nice that your brother and sister in law met up with your new sister, sad that you weren’t there too though. Hope your WW Zoom meet up was nice for you all x
    Karen, I hope your mojo comes back for you x
    Michele, good luck getting the two cards done for Thursday. I loved the two that we saw yesterday, especially the Christmas one x
    Cheryl, what a relief for Jamie to get home. Even without the C19 danger he will recover much quicker at home with his own bed, good healthy food and a Nan to spoil him 🥰 x
    I hope to get to my desk in a while after doing the ironing. I hope you all have the nice weather, it is rather breezy here though. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sorry I didn’t leave a message yesterday I tried on three occasions The last message was almost complete but the iPad wasn’t playing games and Google kept closing down on me. I did love your card initial yesterday particularly the Card-io one. Thank you so much for coming to Sandra’s rescue, you are a treasure. xx

    Oh Sandra that today’s card is definitely up my street love it. I haven’t used any of the Card-io masks yet but have looked at them, I can feel a cardio order coming on ha ha no surprise there.

    Yesterday I put it in the greenhouse picking out the tomatoes and putting them on I think in a week or so I’ll be able to plant them out into the greenhouse. But as usual I’ve got too many so some will have to go outside. I have been a bit more selective this year so hopefully will not have the tomato glut we had last year.
    Take care everyone have a good day, love Brenda XXX

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Cheryl I didn’t say I am so pleased Jamie is home. Our NHS is brilliant but for Jamie the best place is home where he is with you and all his creature comforts. Wishing him a speedy recovery and take care - both of you. xx

      Oh WOOPS - Yesterday I was in the greenhouse picking out the tomatoes and potting them on

  7. Hello, very dark clouds here today, so am inside.

    Sandra very pretty card, I bought some of the cardio stamps years when I saw them at a show. Haven’t used them much.

    Our local garden is open today, so R has gone to get a few things we need, hoping they will have a tray of lobelia. Told him not to go in if it’s busy, still very cautious.

    More people down here , traffic on our road is almost back to normal, some think it’s OK for them to be on the beach, but complain that others are doing the same. Trouble is we only have one main hospital for the whole county. Sorry for moans.

    Going to try my c card today, no ideas yet, hope you hav a good day. Lilian

  8. Hi everyone.
    Such a pretty card today and I love the colours.
    Been relaxing in the garden this afternoon, didn’t realise how hot it was, so come in now to cool off!
    Had a play with my alcohol inks last night, but will have to put them to one side for now as need to make a card for my nephews birthday - the dreaded masculine card, lol 😂
    Anyway, hope you’ve all had a good day. Hugs to all xxx
