
Sunday 26 April 2020

Your Thank You Challenge cards

Good Sunday Morning Ladies, 

Well we weren't forecast it but we had another glorious day yesterday,  beautiful sunshine from late morning onwards, there was a cooler breeze but it was gorgeous.  After I finished my Tracy Evans workshop we had a walk around the village followed by lunch outside, I them sat and did todays blog post, followed by a few garden jobs, all in all a lovely Saturday.  
I hope that yours was enjoyable too.

Now let's look at your stunning cards....


Lilian has designed a lovely seaside scene on her Challenge card, the attention to detail that Lilian always puts in to her colouring blows me away, look at the amazing shine on that lighthouse!  what do you use to colour with Lilian?

Lilian's Description:
"Hello Sandra, here is my card for this week, old stamps but appropriate for this time.
Every body needs a light house."

I love your Thank You Challenge card Lilian, thank you so much for taking part XXX


Two stunning cards from Sonia for this week's 'Thank You' card Challenge.  You use some incredible die combinations Sonia. Your cards are amazing.

Sonia's Description:

"For my first challenge card I used the Gummiapan circles die and Crafters Companion Thanks die, both inked with a fuchsia stamp pad to match the AALL & Create stencil. I mounted it on black card and finished off with two small punched flowers.

For my second card I used the Amazing Paper Grace Brilliant Rondelle die set. The main sentiment is from LOTV, while the Thanks along the bottom is a stamp from my stash. Papers are Anna Marie Designs along with grey cardstock"

Thank you so much Sonia for taking part in this weeks challenge XXX


Three stunning cards from Janet this week, all three are so pretty, the poppies on your third card are so vibrant. I love your Air Dry Clay embellishment too x

Janet's Description:

"1. to make this card I used a piece of  Phill Martin's Brush Strokes paper as the backing. The Poppy Die I have had for a number of years and I really cannot remember the name of the company. The sentiment is a Tonic die and one that I can always 'go to' when short of complete word die/stamp. The po ppy is cut from a spare piece of card in my stash.

2. My second card is made using a  piece of card from Prima -called 'Midnight Garden'. This is the first time I have used this company products and the pad is just gorgeous.The card is excellent quality and a joy to use. The doilie is from my stash bought long long ago and the rose and leaf are made from air dried clay (my first attempt of using this medium and I have to say I'm a little bit taken up with it. The moulds are LaBlanche and coloured with Spectrum Sparkle pens. Again the snetiment is made using the same Tonic die as before.

3.My last card is made using the last of my paper napkins (given to me last year by one of my crafting friends at K&N; coloured again by the sparkle pens and again the sentiment is Tonic.

Thank you so much Janet for 3 amazing challenge cards XXX


Two fun Challenge cards from Karen this week, they will work for anyone, I love that cute Rainbow, its so apt as it has become an emblem for this pandemic.  

Karen's Description: 

"Here’s a cc
The stamp is from a Crafti Potential set (do you remember ages ago Michele told us about a bargain offer from them they include dies and stamps and the rainbow is a freebie from magazine Papercraft Essentials This one is for the bin men who are a bunch of young lads I will write how much we appreciate them on the back"

Thank you so much Karen for two brilliant challenge cards XXX


Michele has made two lovely Thank You cards for this weeks Challenge, these cards would be perfect for so many different people,

Michele's Description:

"Purple card was made using an unbranded Die and the cream + green card was made using a magazine freebie(I think)."

Two fantastic Thank you cards Michele, thanks for taking part XXX


Maria made two amazing Thank You cards for this weeks Challenge, the first card is beautiful Maria, I love the background, you have used some pretty toppers to embellish it too.
Maria that Crackle paste piece is stunning and I love how you have used it on your card.

Maria's Description:

'' Found a piece with crackle paste on and used that for my first card.
gave it a bit of colour, yellow and purple and stamped the thank you
so much in the right hand corner
With my second card I used some toppers in my box and die cut the
Thank you in silver card."

Thanks so much Maria, your cards are amazing XXX


Thank you so much Ladies you have all made so incredible Thank You cards, I received a Thank you card a few days ago and it really did make my week. Our Postman was delighted that he was appreciated so much!!

I hope that you all have a lovely day today,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    What a fantastic selection of challenge cards today.

    Karen-I remember buying the craftipotential bargains but not actually using them! I might have to investigate my stash a bit better!!

    We have glorious sunshine today so the washing is definitely going outside on the line.


    1. Hi Michele
      I do hope Phil is feeling better today. Stay safe.

  2. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    A fabulous selection of challenge cards today - love them all 😊
    I hope you and Karen enjoyed the workshop yesterday. I didn’t manage to get round to do any crafting yesterday. We walked our friends dog in the morning, then after going to Tesco and having a late lunch, I felt pretty tired so just sat out in the garden. By about 5pm I was ready for bed, but resisted the urge to have a nap as I knew it would probably mean I’d have a bad night and not be able to sleep. So crafting is the plan for today 😊
    Hope you all have a good day whatever you are doing.
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. I also hope to do some crafting today. Stay safe when your back at work.

  3. Hi Sandra & ladies
    I was getting worried Sandra as when I looked before 9.00am there was no blog. Yes before nine Sandra whatever next.
    Anyway a lovely array off cards today they are all fabulous.
    We also had sunshine yesterday. Very dull first thing but it definitely brightened up a bit later even though it was breezy. My washing dried lovely.
    I really enjoyed my cake yesterday for dessert. It was an Oreo chocolate brownie with nuts in. It was huge. I have a mini cream egg one today. I’m not to sure how that will look.
    Brenda I’m sorry to hear about your SIL’s Mum. It must have been a terrible shock.
    Fingers crossed she recovers. No one knows how or when this is all going to end.
    I need some milk so might pop to Sainsbury’s myself later today. I do like to buy my own fruit. Keith & the girls bring me grapes in. But I do like to look at the apples, bananas, and small oranges myself.
    Take care and stay safe everyone.

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a gorgeous display of challenge cards, ladies you are so inspiring. Sorry I didn’t get mine to you Sandra, I just needed to sentiments, Life got in the way and I didn’t get them done.

    Hope the workshop went well and you girls are pleased with your results. What a pain having a power cut this morning, hope it didn’t affect fridges and freezers, they’re always my worry when the power goes off.

    The sun is out and it’s lovely and warm, might just have to go out in the garden after lunch, I can always find another job to be done outside.

    Take care everyone and stay safe. Love Brenda xxx

  5. Hi ladies in the cafe' today
    Lovely cards on display everywhere, I love them all.
    Yesterday's card you made Sandra was real nice and the embroidery Janet ,is beautiful.
    Thank you Michele for the mag. review. Hope you ok.
    Brenda, worrying times. Hopefully Son in laws mother will pull throw. Have a nice day in the garden.
    Pat, what a nice surprise from granddaughter. Hope the second one is equally nice. Please do take care if going for the milk.
    Gorgeous sunshine but rain on it's way so enjoy being out doors if you can and get the washing dry on the line.
    Didn't have a good night so took some pills this morning and went to bed and then husband woke me up at noon 😏 this will be a fun day.
    Have a nice day everyone and many hugs are sent to you all xxx

  6. The workshop was brilliant Like SANDRA said Tracy Evans is a brilliant at explaining everything Still lots to do but it was great fun The workshop ones are private Her Mon-Fri ones which are free are at 6pm and you can see these on YouTube afterwards I can’t watch them a) sometimes I don’t want to listen to the chatter and b) that’s when we eat
    I also want to watch Barbara Gray’s ones called SHAC Shack But they’re at 10am So will catch up with those at some point
    On to the cards All beautiful I love how one of yours SANDRA follows that Cilla Black song!
    I am so glad you have pencilled in dates for your dad CHERYL and relieved your able to travel to the committal
    BRENDA fingers crossed for your son’s MIL
    Take care all xx
