
Monday 27 April 2020

Sonia's Birthday card for Captain Tom Moore

Good Morning Ladies,

Here we are at the start of the last week of April, it's odd as the days/weeks seem to drag but the year has flown by so far! I hate the thought of this 'Social Distancing' becoming the new 'normal', I think that we all need a point to work towards to get us through this tough time.  Most of us on here are real family people, making the distancing even more painful, there is nothing harder than one of your loved ones struggling with loss of because of worry about job/money/bills and you can't comfort them in person like you normally would.  In our family we have settled more worries over a shared cup of tea and a hug than any therapy sessions would have.  Our Becca has had more than her fair share to deal with and is often worrying about something related to her house etc, she would have driven over and spent the day with us talking through options and solutions, to say that I have seen her once since almost the start of March (before we went to London) is unheard of, we do facetime most days but it isn't the same.
Seeing so many people disregarding the rules this past few days frustrates the life out of me, why don't people understand that they are prolonging the restrictions indefinitely, I'm  not sure whats going on in USA with the stupid 'ASS' making ridiculous statements, I read that quite a few people tried ingesting disinfectant after his comments at the daily Press conference!  Whatever next!!!

Anyway on to lighter things...
It was a huge bonus to have the gorgeous weather last through the weekend, the forecast on Friday (locally) said that we would have mostly cloud and quite cool temperatures, thankfully they were wrong, we had clear blue skies and wall to wall sunshine all day both days, Paul got quite a few jobs done in the garden, even getting my corner sorted for the swing, we need to go and buy some more purple slate though as three bags was nowhere near enough, it looks good though and we sat and tested it out for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon and the placement is perfect.
I had a busy start to the day as I was up trying to work out what had tripped the electricity through the night, luckily most things had restarted about from the internet router! hence the blog not uploading.
I was also anxious to get it working before day 2 of my Workshop with Tracy Evans, thankfully it was and the workshop was brilliant, such a fun bunch of ladies from all over the world, Tracy is an excellent tutor, she explains things really clearly and goes at a pace that is manageable for everyone. The time flies by whilst your crafting along though, I have quite a few more pages to finish for my accordian book, I will share it with you as soon as I am done.

Today's card is Our Sonia's card for Captain Tom Moore's 100th Birthday,  isn't it fantastic, you just can't beat a Lilli of the Valley cute image, the background is lovely too and works perfectly with that image.
Thank you so much for sharing your card with us Sonia, I would love to see Captain Tom's face as they show him all of the cards that people have sent to him. A perfect card thanks again Sonia XXX

That's all for today I have to go and sort the mess in my craft room after the workshop yesterday morning, There are used baby wipes and bits of kitchen roll all around my desk and bin, my brayer and stencil both need a clean, I did by some Bio Tex as I heard a few people say that not only is it good for getting stains out of your clothes, it also cleans your stencils brilliantly!  So I will be testing that theory today.  I will make some pages for my Accordian book and make my challenge card.

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    Love your card SONIA-so appropriate.

    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday. I tried to OPEN around 07.00 only to see Saturday's posting and then of course I started doing 'things' around the house and some crafting and totally forgot that I hadn't commented.

    Anyway I loved loved all the cards. So much inspiration as always.

    I have a card to make for Daniel (in Marigny) so that's my main task for today and it will fit with this week's CC too.
    We have written and sent bday cards as we usually do but haven't had any replies. They aren't on the internet and telephoning is a nightmare. We only hope and pray that everything is OK with them.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you all to pop in.All are welcome new and old. No-one is turned away as it's 'crafting/chatting for all'.lol
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE XXXX

    1. I hope your cards reached there destinations Janet. The poor posties are working so hard at the moment.

  2. Morning ladies

    Sonia-what a fantastic card, I love the image you have used.

    Yesterday was cooler than recent days but I managed to get the washing dry. Tried to sit out reading but definitely too cool for that.


    1. Hi Michele
      Yesterday was quite warm here yesterday. I sat out most of the afternoon. Take dare,

  3. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Thank you for sharing my card for Captain Tom 😊
    I’m with you in agreement of the stupid people still ignoring the rules - what is wrong with them?! It’s just unbelievable. And as for Trump’s disinfectant theory.....there are just no words 🙄
    Glad you enjoyed the workshop, looking forward to seeing what you created.
    Got a bit of washing to put in, then will be back to crafting for the day.
    Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. Lovely card Sonia. I don’t know why people don’t follow the rules either. I suppose they work on the assumption of it won’t happen to me.

  4. Lovely card SONIA I never bought any LOTV items and I was going to buy one of their cross stitch kits. It at the time (2016) I didn’t know what flavour grandchild we were getting!
    The weather here was glorious too Whilst I was in my craft room OH was out in the garden sunbathing
    Back to work with a thump today but at least I am only part time I hope to craft later

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A lovely card for Capt Tom Sonia. I wonder hoe many cards he’ll actually received. I haven’t heard anyone mention it.
    I’ve put some washing in and did the little bit off ironing I had too do this morning. So it’ll either be reading or doing some craft work for the rest off the day. Next door asked me yesterday if I’d noticed he’d mowed the lawn for me. He knows it’s an imitation lawn but admired his humour. He’d had a load off compost delivered yesterday. Wish he’d said he was doing that I’d have asked him to see if they had any tomato plants, as I’m rather partial to home grown tomatoes.
    Hugs to all who need one today. Thinking off you Michele.
    Take care everyone and stay safe,

    1. Hi Pat, check with B&Q if they got any. The shop here is open or look online. We need some compost and I liked to have some flowers so will look online later.xx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    i hope you are all well and Safe
    . SONIA yoi made a great card for Captain Tom 100th Birthday
    I'm sure he will love it.
    We had lovely sunshine this morning
    But its clouding over looks like
    Rain. Im making this blog as short already lost two.
    Not upto much just going to have a strip wash
    So loads of Hug's love Love Lynda xx

    1. I think we’re having rain from tomorrow Lynda. So I have the mattress protector off my bed in the washing machine.
      Take care.

  7. Hi ladies.
    Love the card for Captain Tom Sonia, he will love it.
    Janet- hope your friends in France are fine and you hear something back soon.
    Lynda- lovely to see you in the cafe. Hope you and Terry had some nice day.
    Karen- hope little Oscar had a fun 4th birthday. Tough you can't see them but hopefully it won't be too long before you can.
    Michele- take care and wishes for you all to be safe.
    Yesterday we had a nice day in the sunshine but today it is cloudy and a bit chillier. Still had a good walk this morning around a little village. Hope to facetime my new sister this afternoon and then I need to make some space at my work station before even thinking of any crafting. Reading is next with a tea and biscuit so I wish you all a nice day whatever you are up to. hugs xx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Sonia, you have made a great card for Captain Tom. Love the topper x
    Sandra, it’s lovely to hear that Paul was able to spend the weekend in the garden. It’s his relaxing place isn’t it AND you all get to enjoy the yummy vegetables he grows. I’m looking forward to seeing your accordion book after Tracys workshop at the weekend. I agree that it is so hard not to be able to actually see our loved ones and help each other even if just with a hug sometimes. It was Penny’s birthday yesterday and while FaceTiming her all she wanted was for us to “Come in my house and sit down please” She obviously thought that saying that might work as her telling us that she missed us wasn’t working, bless her.
    Karen, I’m looking forward to seeing your accordion book too, please. I was thinking of you and Oscar on Saturday. I bet he enjoyed his cards and presents. Just keep thinking of the day that you get to actually hug him and Charlie too of course dear friend x
    Michele, I hope you and Phil get your results very soon and he feels better each day x
    I must make a start on RJ’s (eldest son) birthday card so will make it work for my challenge card this week. The beautiful weather has gone today, it is cloudy and several degrees cooler today so no soaking but the sun for me today. Sending love to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a brilliant card for Captain Tom Sonia, love LOTV image and the happy birthday sentiment.(don’t think I’ve seen this one before)

    Today hasn’t been as warm and bright as over the weekend, I spent most of the day chilling reading and watching craft videos, just don’t have any energy to do very much. Hopefully I will have some tomorrow,

    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone, love Brenda xxx
