
Tuesday 28 April 2020

My First TicTactToe Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

Slightly cooler day yesterday, it felt like there was a storm brewing all afternoon, as yet it hasn't arrived.  We did have our 'elevenses' out side yesterday but I had to go a put a cardi on as the breeze was chilly.  We then went and did out circuit of the village, stopping to pick up some marmalade and I was hoping to get a cucumber plant but they were all gone.  Luckily the lady that has them is on the village FB group so I messaged her and asked if she had more, she was really kind and came and dropped them off for me with a couple of tomatoes too, she stood and chatted for a while and asked if I would like to meet for coffee when all of this nonsense is over, which was nice.

Today's card is my first of the TicTacToe challenge cards, I chose Categories: Water theme/Masculine/simply stamping (simple as in all one colour).

I used the same SU stamp set that Lilian used for her challenge card on Sunday, it is called High Tide,
I stamped everything in 'Soft Suede' to keep it simple and I also wanted the 'Vintage' look.
There are some lovely sentiments in that set but I thought that this one was quite apt for current times.  I added my stamped piece to a darker shade of brown card to finish it off, I wanted to keep it super simple so I left it at that.
I am quite pleased with the results.

I am hoping to do some more pages for my accordion book today, it took me a good while to clear up after the crafting session on Sunday morning, I did pick up a good tip though, if you have paint stuck to your masks, soak them in a little Biotex, it brings them up like new, they smell good too!

I hope you manage to have a good day, there will be plenty of Tracy Evans tutorials on today as she has a One Day Special on Hochanda, trust me she is fun to watch and craft along with.

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great Card, it’s lovely. Well done on getting your plants, I’ve given up trying to get anything for my greenhouse.we have a dull, damp start to the day here. Must have got cold overnight as the heating came on.


  2. Morning Everyone
    I love your card SANDRA.That stamp is so lovely.

    Well we didn't get any sunshine yesterday until well into theafternoon and it's another very grey morning here and cold too. It may well be another 'heating on' day.

    I got my birthday card made yesterday so that's another ticked off the list.
    Today there are one or two little household jobs need doing.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting.Pop in whenever you can.
    The biscuit tin is full.Tea/Coffee pots at the ready.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. PLEASE TAKE EXTRA CARE AND STAY SAFE ALL OF YOU.xxxx

  3. I love your card SANDRA and simply doesn’t need anything else
    Work was busy yesterday and a little frustrating as it felt like the Internet was running at a snails pace
    I also did some of my pages yesterday afternoon I have binned a couple! But that’s all part of the learning! I haven’t really cleared up - just made a space by dumping all of the items I am using for the book into a tray
    I will do some more later and do a cc at some point The weather has turned dull and is pouring down with rain So can’t even sit in the garden today
    Take care all xx

  4. Morning ladies from a very soggy wet Somerset.

    Beautiful rain for my parched pot plants that I was planning to water today along with washing the car. With all the fast food outlets shut down in Bridgwater I think the seagulls have migrated further afield to our lovely village. My car is covered in their poo, one of them must have diarrhoea for the amount it deposited. Yuck!

    Love your card today Sandra, a very apt sentiment.
    My imagination seems to have left me for a while. At the moment I am busy emptying my scrap box by using all the children's dies that I have accumulated so that the 'Heroes' sweet box will be full of fun cut outs. Then onto the filigree and block butterflies, hearts and roses for my niece's delayed wedding which should have been in August.

    However you spend your day, be safe.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love your card today and the vintage look.
    Just set the Sky box to record Tracey’s Hochanda shows so will look forward to those.
    Thanks for all your kind comments on my card yesterday. Brenda, the sentiment die is from Spellbinders 😊
    Hope you all have a good day.
    Hugs to all xxx

  6. Morning ladies.
    Gorgeous card Sandra, I love that lighthouse.

    It's cold and raining so we are going to give the whole house a overhaul with the duster and hoover. Need to give the car a wipe too for the birds are pooping pretty good here as well Cheryl, not sure what they have been eating ?
    Hope to do some crafting pm and the recorder set for Tracy.
    OH want a cottage pie for dinner so will do the spuds early, if he only know how much I hate to peel them.
    Glad you got some vegs Sandra, nothing taste better then fresh from your garden. I'd liked to have a patch but don't think I could in our very clay garden.
    I wish you all a nice day and some happy crafting. Hugs to you all and extras for anyone who need some xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I love your card. It is such a lovely stamp and sentiment and keeping it simple works perfectly my lovely. I bet you are feeling the chill today after such glorious weather over the last few days xx
    I hope you all have a good day whatever you have on. I’ve been trying to find some photos of son Tim for granddaughter Paige’s school project about the village as she wants to show her Dad when he went to the same school. The “can do it if you want to” school work set by teachers online is now officially to be done and then sent to the teacher to be marked at the end of each week. All of ours have been doing the optional work anyway so it’s no different for them. I’m not sure how people who don’t have internet, printer etc. are going to manage though?
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  8. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely card today. Love the lighthouse stamp.
    It’s also cold and wet here and when I came down stairs after lunch I put the fire on. I was doing some pricking and embossing dots upstairs. It plays havoc with the eyes. while I was sitting outside yesterday Phil No 14 mentioned that he was having some plants etc delivered from a garden centre. He’d already had a load of compost delivered on Sunday. I mentioned that I always bought tomato plants and that Pete’s friend Pat usually gave him some as well. Anyway Phil said when they arrive and grown on a bit he’d let me have one or two of his. Home grown tomatoes taste much nicer than shop bought I think.
    Stay safe everyone.

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    i hope this stays put. We have had rain today and it's cold.
    Again haven't done much i face timed my brother & SIL & i rang Sam too & had chat with Harry which was lovely he's been doing some school
    Work with Sam. She said they haven't been out & he hasn't moaned all the time he's been off they have been in the hot tub. All last week.they both got a nice colour.
    Hug's all round love Lynda xx

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Lovely card Sandra, the lighthouse stamp set works so well to create this great scene. Love the sepia colour. Brilliant inspiration - thank you.xx

    Had a better day today have managed to keep busy in spite of it raining most of the day, we have had phone calls from two grandsons at different times also daughter, it is lovely to hear them and catch up with what’s happening.

    LYNDA lovely to see you popping into the cafe, hope life is getting easier for you and Terry.xx.

    MARGARET thinking of you, hope you are alright. Sending ((((hugs)))) xx

    SONIA Thank you for the info about the sentiment die.

    Take care everyone and stay safe, Love Brenda xxx
