
Saturday 25 April 2020

Mixed Craft Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and relaxed for the weekend, Paul managed to get some Purple slate for the corner where I would like the swing to go, I think that is an easier option than that slabs, so thats one job ready for the weekend, we also got some paint for the swing as it has a couple of rust spots.
All of the seeds that Paul ordered from Dobies arrived yesterday too so he is going to have a super busy weekend, although Lucy has asked if she can  paint the swing so thats one job less.
This morning and tomorrow morning I have my Workshop with Tracy Evans, we are making an Accordian Fold  Book.  The last Workshop  was really fun and very informative, it really pushed me out of my 'comfort zone'. I thoroughly enjoyed every part of it creating my Mixed Media piece and the company from all of the world was hilarious.
The project we made is pictured above, I didn't have Mountboard or a Canvas to hand to I took the board out of the back of two brown envelopes (I think its grey board) and stuck them together, it gave me a really strong surface that took all the Gesso, paint and Texture paste really well.  It's a totally different look for me but I do actually love how it turned out.


How beautiful is Janet's Cross stitch?? such a gorgeous scene, I absolutely love it Janet, the colours of the flowers are so bright and vibrant.  
I will add Janet 's Description below:

" I've added a picture of my latest effort. It is a small piece of embroidery from a company 'Rowandean' based in Derbyshire.It is a kit so everything needed apart from the ring. It is the first time I have used this company and can recommend them. It is a long time since I did any free hand embroidery and I really loved doing this. 

I have seen this company on Hochanda Janet and really admired their kits, I am tempted to have a go but I seriously need my eyes tested first.  Your piece is stunning and I can see that you might easily become addicted! 
Thank you so much for sharing with us Janet XXX


Michele's Magazine Review

Hi Ladies,

Cardmaking & Papercraft has a brilliant free gift this month. It’s a Shadow box Cardmaking kit.

Here’s some ideas of what’s inside the magazine.

This is what you can make using your free gift . These 3D cards would really stand out.

This article shows a very different “fancy fold “ but it looks easy to create. If anyone wants the details on how to make this type of card just let me know.

Just look at these paper flowers & the vase-aren’t they lovely?

Pretty Cards that could be used for many occasions.

That’s all for this week
Happy Crafting

Love Michele

Thanks Michele, I have this magazine and it has some great features and lovely inspirational ideas. 
It's sad to think that this could be the  last one for a while, although I totally respect their decision to stop production for the health and safety of their staff.  Fingers crossed all will return to normal soon.
Thanks for the review Michele, I really appreciate you doing this each week my lovely XXX


Michele, I hope that Phil is feeling better today XXX
Sonia I hope that you really enjoy your few days off XXX
Lynda, I would love to see you make a Challenge card, I would make my day, but only when you are ready XXX
Margaret sending love and hugs to you XXX
Karen & Kat I hope you both enjoy the workshop XXX

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your mixed media piece is great, hope you have fun on your weekend “classes “.

    Janet-your embroidery is beautiful, really lovely.

    Up early as I’m off to Morrison’s to do some shopping, hopefully the store will be quiet so I can be in and out quickly. We already have sunshine but it’s breezy so I doubt I’ll sit outside later.


    1. Hope Morrison’s isn’t too busy for you Michele. Quite dull today here and breezy. Hope Phil is feeling more himself.

  2. Morning Everyone
    Love your mixed media SANDRA. I have loved making my journals and you've made me think of having another go.

    MICHELE-thank you for your mag review. I always look forward to them and really miss my Saturday morning into WHS to have a close look.

    Thank you SANDRA for sharing my embroidery piece. It really is years since I did any other kind of embroidery other than cross stitch which I find really too trying on the eyes these days but these small free 'proper' embroidery kits are really relaxing to do and I don't need a magnifying glass to do them.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting.The tables and chairs are set up outside though we have a really dull start to the day here I just know that the sun always shines in our 'CAFE'.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. Your mixed media project is fabulous and I can’t wait to join in with the class later today
    Thank you for the review MICHELE and I hope PHIL is feeling better today
    I love your embroidery project JANET Rowandean do some very pretty kits I don’t think I’ve done any embroidery since leaving junior school!
    It’s Oscar’s 4th Birthday today Hopefully we will FaceTime/Zoom later
    Had a lovely conversation with BRENDA and LYNDA last night None if us know how it happened but we had a video call! Will try that out with my sister in law
    Take care all
    Hugs 🤗 to Margaret Lynda and anyone who needs one

    1. Wish Oscar a Happy 4th Birthday from me Karen. Funny how you had a video chat with Brenda & Lynda, but didn’t quite know how. I think that was how Lynda’s Terry got his nickname CU when Sandra made a video call in error without Lynda realising at first. Enjoy your class today.

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love your mixed media piece Sandra, and great colour combo. Will look forward to seeing what you and Karen create at this weekend’s workshop - enjoy 😊 I have a photo I want to incorporate into a mixed media canvas, but am still browsing Pinterest for ideas before I take the plunge and make a start on it.
    Janet, your embroidery is so pretty, love the flowers.
    Michele, another fab magazine review, thanks for sharing. I hope Phil is feeling better this morning.
    Karen, Happy Birthday to Oscar, enjoy your FaceTime, and the workshop.
    Cloudy start here this morning. Need to pop to Tesco at some point and will carry on with some crafting.
    Enjoy your day. Hugs to all xxx

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A very different style for you on this card Sandra. I’m glad you enjoyed it anyway.
    I hope both you, Karen & Kat enjoy today’s class. Sounds like Paul will have a busy weekend with all his seeds arriving. Next door asked me whether I knew if the garden centres where open. Not to sure why he thought I’d know. Like me he’d like a couple of tomato plants. Mind you I’d like one plant & a cucumber plant. So no fresh lovely tasting tomatoes for me this year. I usually save some seeds but didn’t last year.
    Lovely embroidery Janet. I’ve never done embroidery but did do rug making many moons ago.
    Thanks for the mag reviews Michele. I always look at them as well when I went shopping. I hope Phil is feeling a bit better today.

  6. Morning ladies,

    Lovely board Sandra and I do love the embroidery Janet, it's been ages since I was able to hold an embroidery needle.
    The magazine reviews as always are very informative Michele.

    Finally we can breathe a sigh of relief because we have a date for Dad's committal only service at the Wetherly Crem but it is not until May 6th. We have a 10minute slot. Although I am in isolation I will be able to attend as I will be driving solo to the Crem and I am an immediate family member. My vicar gave me this information on Thursday, I have been waiting for ages for our local council to give me any kind of info on funerals.
    Memorial services will be held around the 13th March 2021, Dad's 90th birthday, with one in Somerset and another in Staffordshire for the Birmingham branches of our family tree.

    Very light clouded sky today, apparently the sun will come out but not as strong or hot as this week has been. So hopefully I will be able to get into my front garden for a while to halt the ceaseless march of the **** weeds!

    My lovely food parcel arrived yesterday full of scrumptious ideas for next week's meals. I was bemused though to find a Lynx can of Men's shaving/shower foam, I'm positive I am still a woman! hahahaha They are very good at delivering them, they leave them in the porch, ring the bell then go and stand at the gate to give me a lovely wave. So much appreciative am I of that kind gesture.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. I’m so pleased you have been given the all clear to go to the funeral Cheryl. But as Lilian says 10 mins isn’t very long at all. But that just a sign off the times at the moment isn’t it.

  7. Hello All, dull and cold here today.
    I have managed to get my old lap top working so hope this lets this post.

    love your mixed media piece Sandra, something I have always wanted to try, but never know where to start.

    Lovely embroidery piece Janet, I have seen this on tv as well, but have a job holding a sewing needle.

    Michele great review again, don't know where you manage to find the time, thank you.hope Phil has not succumbed to the dreaded Covid19.

    Hope you all have a good stay at home weekend Lilian.

    ps scuse the mistakes, so used of using my Ipad.

  8. As you can see it worked +++

    Cheryl glad to hear you have a time for Dad, 10 mins seems very short,hope it goes as well as is possible during these difficult times

  9. I’ve just had a lovely surprise from Amy my eldest granddaughter. She’d arranged with hunters cafe in Witney to deliver a range off cakes to her Mum & Dads. Two for me and the rest for the family. As Karen ( her Mum ) just lives at the top of my road she was able to bring them down for me. How thoughtful was that.

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra I love your mixed media art, it’s something I’ve never tried not sure I wouldn’t know where to start, thank you so much for sharing it with us.
    Hope you Karen and Kat enjoyed the workshop this morning. Maybe this is the way forward for crafting, at least you haven’t got the travelling and can craft along together with very talented people like Tracey E.

    JANET what a beautiful piece of embroidery, what are you going to make with it?

    MICHELE thank you for your magazine review, always so inspiring. xx Hope Phil is feeling better today 🤞

    KAREN and LYNDA it was lovely chatting with you both yesterday evening, I wasn’t even holding my iPad when it started to ring, very strange but lovely to talk to you both...... OOPS nearly left him out and TERRY xx
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Oscar, enjoy your 4th birthday.

    CHERYL pleased you have got a date for dads committal service, 10 minutes doesn’t sound enough time to put someone to rest. At least when you have his memorial service you will have time to celebrate his life. xx

    Son-in-laws mum has been in hospital for The last three weeks she was tested initially for COVID-19 and got the all clear, the doctors decided she had a UTI and a kidney infection. She was told on Wednesday if she could manage to get out of bed unaided to use the commode she could go home, After having her physio they questioned why she was breathless, they did the test again, she now has COVID-19. It’s such a shock and very worrying.

    Take care everyone and stay safe (if that’s possible)
    Love Brenda xxx
