
Friday 10 April 2020

Next Weeks Challenge, Brenda's Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope you are all well and looking forward to the lovely long weekend, I think we are going to be holding on to this glorious weather until Sunday, then we are forecast Rain. It will seem odd not spending the day with family, I love having all of my children home for special occasions, hopefully this is the only one that will be affected.

Your Next Challenge

For the next Challenge I would like you all to make a card that includes 'Something Recycled'

Today's card is one of Brenda's Challenge cards from the 'Man' challenge last week, I have saved it for today's blog post as it works perfectly for our next Challenge too.
Brenda has used an Old Map on her card which is a great way of incorporating something Recycled into your card and it works so perfectly for a 'Man' card. or New Home card.
Everything works perfectly on your card Brenda I love it, thank you so much for taking part in the Challenge xxx

Other Ideas for something 'Recycled'......

Old Greeting cards, Christmas cards. birthday cards often have bits on that you can remove and reuse.

Old Book/Newspaper pages


Bits of material

Bottle tops

Recycled cardboard from packaging.

Patterned packaging (Tissue boxes) etc.

Old Playing cards can also make great additions to cards.

Just pick one thing that can be classed as 'Recycled' and pop it on your card. There are so many more than I have listed.

Enjoy the next couple of days in the sunshine ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Brenda-fantastic Card, it’s great.

    Sandra-great challenge & hopefully I’ll have the time to join in.

    Off out early to do my weekly shopping-hoping that Tesco will be quiet as I’m going early.


    1. Hope you managed to get some shopping in Michele.
      Sorry to hear about your colleagues, hope they be alright. hug x

  2. Morning Everyone
    BRENDA-a really inspirational card.I love using recycled objects on crafty things so it's a good Challenge.

    It was 'nowt nor summat' day yesterday(as my Mum would say)I started one thing and then diverted onto something else.
    Hoping for a better day today where I actually finish what I start.

    Well of course it's that 'swear' word day and it certainly doesn't resemble anything like Easter so I'd better get a wriggle on.

    The CAFE is OPEN and looking lovely with fresh linen on the tables outside just waitingfor you all to pop in. Hot Cross buns are in the cabinet so help yourselves and remember they are calorie free!
    HUGS are ontheir way to you all with loads of extras for Dear Friends who are in need.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

    1. I seem to have those days Janet. I though yesterday I’d make a start on clearing out the kitchen cupboards. But after changing the bed, vacuuming round and dusting. Then sweeping the patio which also needs a good clean. I though oh what the heck it’s so nice I’ll sit in the garden. I can’t clean the patio as Craig has the power washer. I can get to the cupboards when the weather isn’t so nice. Thanks for the info re your lovely verses in your cards.

    2. Oh I had one of does days too and didn't even pop in to the cafe, not really sure what I did for can't see anything been done....hugs x

  3. I love your card BRENDA and a great new challenge I must be able to find something I can use!
    Today is our 44th wedding anniversary and we got married on a beautiful day like today I love him more than ever He is so kind thoughtful and is really helping me get through this horrible horrible time He certainly is my rock my knight in shining armour
    As it’s the bank holiday- not that it feels like one I will have a play in my craft room and sit in the garden later
    Take care all xx

    1. Happy Anniversary Karen. I hope you have a better day today and get something finished.

    2. Happy anniversary Karen ! have a lovely day. Enjoy the sunshine and when this is all over ,look forward to see Oscar and the new little one. Has he got a name ? big hugs xx

    3. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY KAREN TO YOU AND HUBBY. I hope you have a nice evening celebrating even if it is at home xx

    4. Happy Anniversary, hope you’ve had a lovely day xx

    5. Happy Anniversary Karen, hope you are having a lovely day. Doesn’t it make you wonder where the years have gone. It’s lovely to read he is still your knight in shining armour......your rock. xx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A lovely card Brenda. I remember years ago making cards with a map on. Showing the place where the recipient lived with a car on it. Great ideas Sandra though.
    I must get my Groovi yhingsv I'm working on finished or at least put away over the weekend as I’m hoping to do an online class on Monday. I’m just waiting for everything to come through the post. If it’s not here I can always log in on another day.
    Your poor blackbird Sandra he must wonder which bird is pinching his twigs
    Stood out and clapped for everyone whose having to work during this crisis we have.
    Soap box out. As I’m wondering which planet President Trump is living on as he thinks America might be opened for business etc on the 1st May. Soap box put away.
    Take care everyone and stay safe. Hugs for everyone today. Extra ones to all those who are feeling sad or under the weather.

    1. You take care and enjoy sitting on the patio, cleaning it will just have to wait, and so is ours. Just nice sitting outside and read a book or trying to do some Sudoku, bought a book with it ages ago but it's a tricky one ( answers in the back Lol ) hugs x

    2. Hi Maria
      Yes I have books, puzzles and my parchment craft. I’m not into sudoku.
      I had 7 books to read I now have only one left too read. Thank goodness for Kindke books on my iPad. I have quite a few of them that I’d put on reading for my holiday that I should have had at the end of this month. I’m a very quick reader so get through a lot of books when I start reading.

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone
    Nice card and good challenge for next week Brenda, also thank you for your lovely card.
    Sorry didn't get in yesterday. Sue I like your card shown yesterday. That fern is so pretty and can be used on many different cards.
    Sandra , hopefully your black bird gets the hint and soon move on. Had a little giggle thinking of you up a ladder and trying to reach the chimney brest with a wire wool in your hands. It's like seeing Janet standing up a chair, I hope she have learned her lesson LOL
    I must finish my cc and I still have OH card to make but it seem impossible. Any ideas ladies ?
    Have a lovely day everyone, enjoy the sunshine xxx

    1. Meant to say Maria I found the foiling stuff we were talking about while we were at Watford. Can’t now post obviously as it needs weighing.

    2. Hi Maria. Sudoku and crosswords are my favourite puzzles. Usually do them if we are travelling on the motorways so I don’t see all of the stupid drivers putting everyone else at risk! I had the same problem with Chris’s card, in fact just about every card as I look on Pinterest and find a card I love but then keep looking at others! Try stopping at the first one you like and make it. I have tried this and it saves so much time😘. Good luck xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a surprise to see my card on the blog today, thank you Sandra for showing it, I have to confess it’s one of those cards I really did enjoy making. Nothing complicated. Thank you ladies for your lovely comments XX
    Janet I know exactly what you mean when you describe the way you were feeling yesterday, I seem to have too many of those days lately!

    I hope Mr Blackbird has got the message and decided to find another place to build the nest. poor Mrs Blackbird she will be going crazy soon if she hasn’t got a nest to lay her eggs in.

    I’ve just come in from the garden for a cup tea, it really is so lovely and warm.

    Hope it’s good where you are, take care. love Brenda xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a great card Brenda made. It fits perfectly doesn’t it. I love the challenge, it will be hard deciding just what to use as my recycled elementals I have quite a collection but rarely think to use any of them! X
    I hope you all enjoy the sun before the rain comes in. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  8. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Lovely card Brenda and good use of the map.
    Great challenge for next week too.
    Hope everyone has had a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  9. Hello All, another very warm day, spring is definitely here , the slow worm are out sunning themselves, saw the biggest one we have ever seen in the garden.

    Happy Anniversary Karen and Hubby, lovely to hear you still love each other, we been married for 53yrs and I feel the same about mine.

    Brenda great card, I always keep our old map books, love the pages which show the coast. Great challenge for next week.

    Sandra hope you received my card this week, posted Tuesday.
    Doesn’t feel much like Easter, although much more traffic here than last weekend.
    Time to pack the dishes up so, hugs to all, Lilian
