
Saturday 11 April 2020

Mixed Up Saturday featuring Michele's Magazine Review

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all enjoying this lovely long weekend,  although with one day blending into another it doesn't have the same feeling, with the added frustration of being isolated from our families. We just have to make the best of the situation. We should enjoy the lovely weather while it lasts.  
We have some fun things on the Blog today, some great photos and your 'Top 5 Desert Island things' Thank you to all of those that took part.


Karen received this lovely note through her door with something special attached.....

"We had this delivered today attached to an Easter Egg The young girls next door did one for our part of the road"

How thoughtful of them, you have some amazing neighbor's Karen, thank you so much for sharing xxx


Lilian has shared a photograph of her Herb Garden, I think it looks beautiful,  I really do love to see Wild Borders, they look so natural. 
I will add Lilian's Description below....

"Thought I’d plant a piece of my white periwinkle around the edge of my herb garden, didn’t realise it would take over, love the flowers as they flower from the beginning of the year.  Thought it might bring a smile to you."

Thank you so much for sharing Lilian XXX 

Desert Island Top 5

"(1) A4 box with my Card-io stamps and small  ink pads
(2) A packet of card
(3) polychromos
(4) colouring book
(5) my mobile - to check where the rest of you are, so that we can meet up and share... well everyone says the world is getting smaller!!!

OR am I allowed to take a shipping container?"

"Fiskars trimmer
Canson Bristol 250gm high white ultra smooth A4 pad
Versa fine black ink
Flower stamps
Kuretake clean real brush water colour set of 60.
Sorry just realised that is 6 they are all must haves.

"My five things I’d take are
If I can’t take my little family then
1 photos of them
2 Perfect Layers Rulers (sold by Joanna Sheen I use them on every card I make
3 A craft knife
4 Scissors
5 glue
Hoping there’s a lot of card available!"


"the 5 crafting items to take to a desert island I think would be
1) White card, can always be useful for my second one is
2) Colouring pens/pencils, so I can do something fun but 
3) is Stamps for I can't draw a stick man for my life and I can't cut straight so
4) is my big Guillotine  to keep it in line and
5) would be some Ribbons or Pearls so I can decorate a card and send a
message in a bottle and keep in contact with my friends  Emoji well that's if
someone found the bottles  Emoji"


"My 5 craft things I would take to a desert island would have to be -
My Big Shot
A selection of Anna Marie Designs papers
LOTV set of sentiment stamps
Amazing Paper Grace die set
Tim Holtz butterfly die set
Obviously on top of that I’d need glue, double sided tape, scissors, paper trimmer, black ink pad........๐Ÿ˜ณ Oh, I know we are only allowed 5 things, but that’s not gonna work for me, lol ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚"


"My top 5 items would Diecutting machine, card stock, adhesive, Dies & Embossing Folders. All vague but enough to complete a card! Hah-if only it was that simple." 

"I would have to take
1.My pokey tool - by Tonic
2. Propelling Pencil (which has a rubber on the end...does that count as one or two items???) 
3. Metal ruler
4. Scissors - large ones by Tim Holtz/Tonic
5. Glue - Allen’s original Tacky glue 
I keep changing my mind but this is the final one! Xx"


White card

Ink Pads




I would also have to take my phone as I couldn't bear to miss a day Blogging!!

Janet I thought I remembered seeing yours but couldn't find it on my emails yesterday. X

Thanks for the Idea Sue, it was a real fun thing to think about. XXX

Michele's Magazine Review 

Hi Ladies,

Diecutting Essentials has a lovely free gift-a set of Memory Box Dies.

Here’s some ideas of what’s inside the magazine.

First feature using the free gift.

More ideas using the free gift.

And a couple more.

Great article of Spinner cards.

Who doesn’t love a bit of sparkle??? These ideas look great.

That’s all for this week
Happy Crafting

Love Michele

Thanks so much Michele,  there are some lovely sample cards featured in this issue and some fantastic techniques featured, the spinner card feature looks really interesting to have a go at. I really
do appreciate you taking time to write these reviews each week xxx

Ladies I hope that you all have an enjoyable weekend, I think that today may be the last day of sunshine,  thank goodness we all have our craft rooms!!

Sending love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today.
    Happy Easter everyone !!
    A happy splash coloured card Sandra. hope you and family have a nice day.
    Nice herb garden Lilian and love the little periewinkle.
    Sweet card Karen from the girls next door.
    Thank you Michele for the magazine review.
    Fun to read what we like to take to a island with us. Sure if we ended up on the same one we would have enough to make plenty of cards together.
    Woke up at 3am with our neighbours making some noise, can't say it was music but I could't go back to sleep how hard I tried so have been sitting here watching tv and checking through crafting e-mails. Don't think I go for a walk today, must get That card done, thanks Sue for trying to help me, will give the first one a go again hihihi
    Planning a late lunch today with eggs, herring and salmon. What do you have for lunch or tea today ?
    Have a nice day everyone and many hugs to you all, extras in the basket if you need some. Maria xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    Thank you MICHELE for our weekly mag info.
    I wish I could get to see it in the flesh so to speak.

    SANDRA-I did mention DI needs but forgot to send in my list so heere it is:-

    1.Gemini Machine- I cannot cope without it so hoping there's power on the island.
    2. One of my Tonic folders
    3. Selection of white and mirror card &LaBlanche papers.
    4. my box of flowers -this is a definite need take these awAY FROM me and I'm totally lost.
    5. and finally my box of red tape/glue and carte noir pens

    Oh that waw stressful and I'm sure I have gone well over the

    We have sunshine this morning just like yesterday but still on the chilly side.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you all to pop in.
    Hot Cross buns waiting to be eaten.

    HUGS are winging their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Love the Happy Birthday card-not sure who made it. It’s lovely.

    Lilian -your herb garden looks fantastic.

    Interesting choices for our desert island 5 craft items. I’d also have to take my phone as I use it for just about everything!

    Yesterday was a lovely day. Tesco shopping first thing-shop was far too crowded, perhaps because it was the start of Easter? I called to see my Dad -we kept our distance. Went into the garden after lunch and did some tidying up. We then say outside-hubby nodded off & I read my book. Only plans for today are to collect my order from the butchers then a walk this afternoon.


  4. I like that Birthday card SANDRA Who made it?
    Your garden looks so pretty LILIAN I don’t like gardening As soon as I see a worm I go into panic mode and run away So I really admire and love to see beautiful gardens
    Thanks MICHELE for the magazine review
    It was such a lovely surprise to see the note on our doorstep
    I love seeing your 5 desert island things I kept saying “oh yes I should have chosen that”
    I loved playing with my new sewing machine I cannot believe how frustrating my old one was at n comparison to this one I couldn’t even get the needle threader to work But this one is still manual to thread but it works! And drop in clear bobbins! Boy how I missed those It also has a manual written in English and not one with every language in and the English is a translation of a foreign language that doesn’t seem to make sense! Little things eh?
    I was going to try a tissue technique for this week's Cc but that’d have to be a new tissue and not a recycled one (don’t even go there!) So I’ll think of something else
    Our internet went a bit weird yesterday but seems ok now
    Take care all and stay safe xx

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone
    Love the colourful Birthday card.
    So sweet of your neighbours Karen, what a lovely idea.
    Love the herb garden Lilian.
    Great to see what everyone would take on their desert island. That was a tough one, but fun to think about. It makes you realise how much we take for granted even in the crafting world ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Day off work today and as I was up early (as usual) thought I’d take myself off for a little walk. We have a little nature reserve at the end of our estate, and every morning this last week driving past it to work, the sun has just been coming up and it looks lovely through the trees. I was hoping to get some photos of the sun rising this morning, but typically it’s cloudy ๐Ÿ™„ Oh well, I had a nice walk anyway and managed to get a few photos.
    Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
    Hugs to all xxx

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely card today Sandra. Now I could have done a list going by what the ladies have put. As my bag of Groovi stuff could have counted as 1 thing. I thought that might have been cheating as I could have filled it to the brim. But great ideas from everyone.
    Once again we have sunshine. Although my kitchen / diner is always cold as it’s north facing as Sandra / Sue can vouch for. The living room will warm up once the sun comes round though. But by that time I’ll be outside.
    Love your periwinkle flowers. I’m sure we had a mass of blue ones when we first moved into this house. All gone years ago now.
    Gave up on my second attempt trying to do a Groovi pattern that Ronk put on Groovi worldwide. It doesn’t seen very complicated as the 4 same designs all need to meet up and match up on the outside. I nearly got it right on my second attempt. I think my brains gone to sleep as well as being in lockdown. I’ll try & recue it with a few butterflies. So I decided I needed an A4 grid as I had to keep moving the smaller one I had.
    Enjoy the sunshine ladies while we still have some.
    Take care and stay safe.

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I had to smile when I opened up the blog today, Yes the splat card is one I made, the stamps are Honey Doo, they make a great fun card, the sentiment is StampinUp.

    KAREN what a lovely note, just what we all need during this lockdown, this little lady has brightened up my day. Has your new grandson got a name yet?

    LILLIAN Your herb garden looks lovely, I have a few herbs in the garden also a bay bush, it’s lovely to be able to pop outside and snip fresh chives, parsley and rosemary.

    MICHELE thank you for the magazine review, when mine arrives I can’t wait to open it, it’s always so inspiring. Enjoy your walk this afternoon.

    SUE you set an almost impossible task for any crafter, ideally I would want to take my whole craft room, but my computer and printer are in another room . Now if I could take both rooms that would only equal 2 items - I would be really happy ๐Ÿคจ

    Enjoy the rest of your day, love Brenda xxx

  8. Hello all, another beautiful day, here very warm, been sewing seeds, cosmos ( my favourite summer flower.) antirrhinum, french marigolds, sweet peas, and dahlia.

    Love Brenda’s card, great fun, sure my grandson would love this.

    Great magazine review again Michele, very helpful.

    Who would have thought a little periwinkle could be such a thug, poor herbs, Roger has chopped a lot off to day, also dug out of gravel. I have been trying to find some cuttings of the purple one, but they seem to be out off fashion.

    Had great difficulty choosing my desert island wish list, would have liked to include a separate sewing bag, but thought that might be greedy.

    Enjoy the rest of your day, we are having cod loins for dinner so nice and easy.

    Sandra thanks for your lovely Easter card, which came today, hope you have mine.
    Hugs to all Lilian

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies..
    I will try & see if this post publishes as the last three day's
    Dod not publish
    O hope your all well and coping with the lock down so many mote jave died today it's getting scarey now.
    Not a lot to report i feel like i have been in lockdown sinse end of November. Still unable to walk om my owm mu phisio has stopped but doimg sll my exercises. It's a lot harder with this last opp. In the recovery i get so frustrated. Dinner is ready now. Today's blog was a good one Yake care everyone
    Lovr Lumda xx
