
Thursday 9 April 2020

Sue's 'Man' Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and enjoying this glorious weather, we had a good few hours sat out in the garden yesterday, which was really nice, it makes such a difference to being isolated to be outside.

I am really making a point of thanking our Postman and any delivery drivers that we have come to the door, they are one of the 'unsung heroes' I think, so I hope that going out of the way to express how grateful we are for their service, I was chatting to one of the Delivery Drivers last week and he was telling us that he has had to provide all of his own Gloves, masks etc, which bearing in mind that they have to handle all of our parcels etc is pretty poor. They seem grateful for the thanks.

Today's card is Sue's 'Man' card for last weeks challenge, Sue used the 'Bright Rosa' Fern die that was a magazine freebie a few weeks back.
Sue die stamped and Die cut 3 of the Fern dies, stamping and embossing with Gold embossing powder to give a touch of luxury and some extra detail to the leaves. Sue arranged her Ferns onto a piece of paper that looks as though it has been coloured using the 'Shaving Foam' technique, I love the delicate colour and pattern, it's organic style works well with the leaves too.
Matting the card onto the same green really ties the whole card together, Sue finished by mounting the whole piece onto a white card base and to embellish she added little wooden buttons to each leaf with a piece of matching green thread through the button and the tails left to finish the look.
Such a lovely card Sue, thank you so much for taking part in the last challenge and for sharing your card. XXX

Paul had his first day back at work yesterday and was exhausted when he came home because of the early start (he was up and 4.45am), he was hoping that it would be a short week with it being Easter weekend but NO he has to work through the weekend including Good Friday and Easter Monday which is just miserable, he wasn't too happy either. It would seem that they are extra busy delivering different types of 'Aid', PPE being part of it.  I think that there are a lot of 'unsung hero's' that are keeping our country running to be honest, from Bin men, postal/delivery services, Matt's work (Thames Water) the utility company engineers, shop workers, lorry drivers, Police, Fire and Ambulance, so many to be Grateful to.

The girls and I had a major job on clearing the chimney yesterday, I want to keep on top of keeping all the twigs out so that the Blackbird doesn't prepare to lay eggs, he must be a little bit confused mind you as he spends hours dropping twigs and other bits in the chimney pot to build up a nest but there is nothing there to show for all of his hard work!
Lucy used her phone to film up the Chimney yesterday to see if there were more twigs etc and it was packed, so we (well the girls with my assistance) went into garden and found a piece of really thick hose, which was solid plastic, it was about 18 feet long too, Lucy pushed it up the chimney to try and dislodge some of the twigs and it worked, Sophie assisted with a hooked poker thingy which she used to pull everything out, we loaded it into Recycle boxes and fetched it outside.
No doubt we will be doing the same again this morning!

I hope you all have as good a day as can be expected,

Extra special hugs to our Margaret and Lynda,

Love a big hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sue-your Card is brilliant, really lovely.

    I sat out again yesterday lunchtime & once I got home from work, need to make the most of the lovely west.
    I had some very upsetting news yesterday-hubby’s friend (the ones we go out for meals with) was taken into the Hospice yesterday. His wife can see him from the window-no visiting. We saw them the day before lockdown & I’m glad we went then. Just makes me sad that we’ll not see him again, probably not be able to go to the funeral & goodness knows when we’ll his wife.
    Also we were told yesterday that a member of staff had tested positive for Covid & is now in hospital, on oxygen. Most people don’t know yet do I imagine there’ll be a lot of concerned staff today.
    It’s looking like I might actually get my 4 days off over Easter-fingers crossed.


  2. Morning Everyone
    SUE-I love your card. It comes in my 'less is more' cat and is so effective.

    We had a lovely day of sunshine but really chilly. Being on the top of a hill in Yorkshire and on the edge of the Pennines we take a little time to warm

    I had a busy day but didn't see anything for it so today I have to get my CC sent off.

    The CAFE is OPEN-usual hours- so pop in for a cuppa and a chat. Everyone welcome new/old friends.The biscuit tin is full so help yourselves.

    HUGS are winging their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

  3. A lovely card SUE and is perfect for those pesky men
    I had a bit of a rubbish day yesterday It would have been my mum’s 90th birthday but in some ways I am glad she isn’t witnessing this mess She would never have coped with the worry
    I made a cc yesterday
    I salute you PAUL and all of the other unsung heroes I will be outside at 8pm doing the applause and shine a light up towards the sky for those that have lost their lives
    I hope your colleague will be OK MICHELE
    Some of my colleagues who have never had to work bank holidays are now having to and as one said it doesn’t feel like a bank holiday so what the heck
    I need to get in my craft room today I have a rather nice large parcel to unwrap
    Take care all
    All of you are in my thoughts xxx

    1. Thank you so much for the lovely card. I love it 😊😊
      Apologies, as I addressed yours to Karen Lotty - forgetting your surname is Watts xx

  4. A lovely card today Sue. Thanks for sharing Sandra. Yes we do indeed need to thank everyone whose working in these awful times. Poor poor blackbird. Such a shame that the estate agents didn’t fix the chimney pot before the left shutdown.
    I’m sorry to hear about your friend Michele. Just devastating for his wife and family. I’m sweeping the patio as I can’t clean it. It’s such a mess. I have lots off moss being dropped on it I assume by the birds nest building. Crikey just looked at the time I didn’t realise it was lunchtime. I’m expecting a parcel from Maria Moorhouse as she’s doing an online parchment class on Monday. I did receive a parcel from Clarity this morning and Janet’s lovely very card.
    Take care Michele as much as you can at work.
    Take care and stay safe.

  5. Hell all, another lovely day, we were having lunch outside, then the window cleaner claim so we had to scuttle in.

    Sue love your fern card, could use it for many different occasions.

    Managed to clear my craft table today first time today for ages, so now need to start on the piles on the floor, why oh why do I take out so much stuff to make one card.

    Finished lunch so I’d better make a move, Sainsbury’s delivery this afternoon, but still no eggs. Have good rest of the day, Lilian

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Lovely card today from Sue. Love the embossing on the leaves, very effective.
    How frustrating for you to keep having to clear the chimney, maybe the blackbird will take the hint and look for somewhere else to build his nest! As you say, poor thing, he must be so confused.
    Agree with you about all the unsung heroes, the ones who are keeping this country going. Huge respect to them all.
    Was a little annoyed at work today, as when I was walking to the back stairwell one of the residents was there with his daughter who had delivered his shopping. Family members know they’re meant to ring at reception and leave the shopping outside for us or the receptionist to collect and take to the resident. I was so tempted to say something to her - do they not understand that we’re not seeing our parents so that we can look after theirs?! And the amount of cars on the roads when I drove home was just unbelievable 🙄
    Received my Easter card from Karen today, it’s lovely 😊
    Hope everyone is well, and having a good day.
    Hugs to all xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I’ve just lost my comment - put the iPad down for a moment and it just vanished into cyberspace... what a Wally !!! !

    Sue your card is lovely, I’m sure the recipient will agree with me. xx

    Had hoped to get into the garden this afternoon, had an 18th birthday card to make for grandson. I have told myself it was his birthday next week, talking to daughter No 1 on the telephone who said - no mum, his birthday is on Saturday She had just been to post his card ! Anyway I managed to make a card after lunch and get it in the afternoon post. Fingers crossed 🤞 it arrives on time. Definitely loosing it!!!

    John went to Asda this morning, he left at 7:45 cam back at 11:00 usually he is home by 9:30ish he said it was unbelievable people had trolleys pileup high, maybe they were shopping for street or have lots of cupboards to fill because no one will be having visitors or entertaining this Easter weekend.

    Hope you are all keeping well and staying safe. Love Brenda xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a surprise to see my card. I remember thinking that I must of forgotten to send it to you! Thank you for your kind words. Your poor Blackbird. It’s such a shame you can’t get up to the chimney outside to put a ball of chicken wire on the top to stop them being able to land on it. And by saying you I mean one of the girls or Paul of course as I think you would struggle a bit with getting up the ladder let alone with chicken wire to hold too! Well done on getting it cleared out though without getting too sooty. Sorry to hear Paul has to work over the weekend my lovely xx
    Like you we are giving extra thanks on top of our usual ones to all of the “unseen” workers as well as the others. We would really be in real trouble if all of them weren’t working wouldn’t we?
    Michele, thank you for your card that came today. I love the cute image. You should have got mine today too x
    The weather is gorgeous, hope you can enjoy it over the weekend. It will be a strange one not seeing family and friends as usual for so many. Apparently the shops have been very busy again today with people clearly buying for more than just themselves!!! Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx
