
Tuesday 14 April 2020

Brenda's Brillian Birthday card

Good Morning Ladies,

Well those four days absolutely flew by despite us not going  anywhere, we got quite a bit done in the garden, mind you I know have ideas of things I would like to see in the garden but Paul does not share my enthusiasm, we have an area in the bottom corner of the garden thats pretty much always in the shade as it is under some pretty big trees, the ground is almost woodland like, it gets really overgrown with weeds and brambles really quickly, I suggested that we out some paving stones/slabs down to put the swinging chair on and then we could put some pots of nice smelling herbs, lavender and move the pots of grasses that we have on the patio, making a nice little area to relax in, we cleared it of weeds etc this weekend but annoyingly we didn't have enough slabs for the area needed, so I guess we will have to wait until this pandemic is over before we can get what we need.
But watch this space!

We had a big change of plans yesterday as the weathermen totally got the forecast wrong (our local news) they had forecast 12 degrees wet and windy (which we had yesterday) for Sunday which is why we decided to cook the turkey and have a big roast dinner, the girls wanted our traditional sausagemeat stuffing loaf, spiced red cabbage (the full works). But we awoke to blue skies and 25 degrees, not the best weather for a BIG roast!  So we cooked the Turkey anyway, it finished cooking at about 6pm, I have to say that the Aga cooks the turkey beautifully, maintaining so much moisture.
We ended up having Spaghetti Bolognese instead and had the roast yesterday, as I am writing this we are about to start preparing the vegetables etc. I am really looking forward to eating it. Paul battled the wind and did more gardening, the girls decided to wash their cars, I have to say that the boredom has finally started to set in for them.

Today's card is Brenda's brilliant Birthday card that she made for her Grandson Callum's 18th Birthday, I have to say that I think that it is a brilliant idea for a teenage card, just change the colour for a female card, specially if they are like my girls and aren't really girly, it has a touch of humour too which is a hit with any teenager.  I love how you have mixed the stamped balloons with the punched ones, adding dimension and interest to your card.
Thank you so much Brenda for sharing such a fantastic, inspirational card XXX

Well I best go now and rope the girls into helping me make the sausagemeat loaf, they can have the pleasure of squidging the egg and stuffing mix into the meat, I bought a decorative 'Bundt' tin to bake it in at Christmas and it worked great, although it is a pain to arrange the bacon around all the detailed areas, it helps to stretch it out with the back of a knife as it makes it a little thinner and easier to manipulate, I did try it without adding the bacon wrapping but it just wasn't the same, the crispy bacon on the outside and juicy sausage meat on the inside is a great combination. Messy hands and messy kitchen here we come!

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Brenda-what a fantastic card, it’s just brilliant. I’m sure your grandson will love it.

    Managed to do all the ironing yesterday morning then I wiped the blinds in our bedroom windows. I realised I should have done the blinds in my craft room-job for next weekend. We went for s short walk after lunch then watch a couple of films (Carry on films)- my absolute favourite thing to watch.

    Can’t believe it’s Tuesday & I’m going to work. Have thoroughly enjoyed my 4 days off.


  2. Morning Everyone
    BRENDA-what a fantastic idea for a birthday card especially as it's a significant age too.

    Well we had a real change in the weather yesterday.We got up to very grey skies and it was a little more than chilly so much so that we had the heating on all day.
    This morning the sun is shining so we'll see how today turns out.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you all to help yourselves to drinks and cakes. There's also some choc left in the cupboard.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

  3. I love your card BRENDA Perfect for the occasion and as SANDRA has said a quick change of colour and you have a female version
    OH has plans for the garden It’s me that’s not so keen! He spent the day measuring it and planning and googling I suppose it kept him occupied 😀
    Back to work today I just know I will have a mountain of emails to plough through and that’s before I even start!
    Take care all and stay safe xx

    1. It’s amazing how the emails pile up when your off Karen isn’t it. As it was a holiday you’d think you wouldn’t have any.

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A lovely card Brenda and a great idea. Might convert it into a Groovi card if you don’t mind.
    Sounds lovely your sausage meat loaf Sandra. I love crispy bacon, now wish I had some to make a bacon sandwich. I expect Karen has some in the freezer but it’ll be a big pack that Keith gets from work. Better put it on a list.
    Yes that corner would look lovely as you’d described.
    Crikey you had some rain. We could do with some here, Friday I think. Ny car looks a total mess. I usually have the car cleaners at Sainsbury’s do it for me as I can’t reach the top. Can’t ask the girls as they’re not any taller than me. That’s not essential anyway. I had a terrible nights sleep last night well didn’t sleep really. I was messaging Amy as she’s messaged me at 12.50. She has trouble sleeping. She’s said her body has no idea what’s going on as she’s be on night shidpft this week. Bright but windy today.
    Stay safe everyone.

  5. Hi Sandra and all.
    Love your card for Callum Brenda,super idea.
    I hope work is alright for you who are working again today.
    Son have taken 2 more weeks until end of April but had to take his holidays or no pay. Feel sorry for all with small businesses as they won't survive, like the coffee shops etc.
    Lucky ours is still going strong and we can have a chat anytime. Gardens starting to look nice and the weather is a bit warmer today so the washing is going outside. Like some of you I didn't have a good night so might have a nap later.
    Sending many hugs to you all and extra for you who need some. Take care and stay safe xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I’ve just done it again.....lost my comment - drat!!!

    Sandra thank you for showing my card, Callum really did like his card, so did his mum, she said it’s so him, he tells me he’s put it up in his bedroom as he spends a lot of time working up there and he had a look at it.
    I have to give credit to Pinterest for the inspiration. I did think if I made it for an older person I would add terms and conditions - for example, original parts could not be guaranteed!! That would work brilliantly for one of our son-in-law‘s birthday card.

    Karen forgot to say love new grandsons name. Hope you have got rid of all of those emails and work load not to heavy.

    Sandra the sausage-meat loaf sounds lovely, especially as it has crispy bacon on the outside. Yummy

    Sending love and hugs to Margaret and Lynda, hope you are able to enjoy the sunshine xx

    Take care everyone and stay safe. Love Brenda xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies
    BRENDA love your card you have made Callum brilliant.
    Thank you BRENDA for all your extra Hug's xx
    The weather has been lovely sunny with a cool wind the weather forecast was for heavy rain.
    Short post as i haven't done much
    Big Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Lovely to see you in again. Sounds like your not keeping too bad. I hope your movement improves soon.

  8. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Lovely card Brenda, such a great idea.
    Been busy at work today and starting to feel a bit low. We’ve had a few cases of corona virus in the care home, one of whom is a lovely lady who we cared for in her own apartment before she had to move into the care home. Unfortunately she was blue lighted to hospital today. So sad. They say you shouldn’t get attached to your residents, but when you’re caring for them every day, you can’t help but form a bond with them. Saw in the news earlier there have been a lot of deaths in care homes which haven’t even been recorded, raising the overall total 😔 Got Thursday and Friday off, I love my job but am looking forward to a couple of days of relaxing and doing some crafting.
    Hope everyone has had a good day and keeping well.
    Sending hugs to all xxx

    1. My granddaughter also gets attached to the residents in her care home. As your looking after them on a daily basis it would be hard not too.
