
Wednesday 15 April 2020

A Pretty Spring Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Yesterday was a long day with Paul going back to work, he was on lates too which seemed to make the day drag on even longer, he generally gets in around 9pm. so by the time we eat its almost bedtime.  It was a lovely sunny day here, the wind made it chilly though.  Matt popped home to collect some more clothes and his computer and mail, he has been 'Furloughed' from work until mid June, which is a relief as it was worrying me greatly that he was sitting beside someone in a van all day that had no respect for any kind of rules that have been enforced since this pandemic took hold, he told Matt that even if he did have symptoms he wouldn't say anything because he didn't want to lose money! Idiot !! Matt sent the letter from his rheumatology team telling him that he had to follow 'Strict' Social distancing to his Managers and explained that he was happy to return to work providing he didn't have to share a van, even if it meant driving his own car, the clearly took it seriously and have taken the decision to Furlough him.  Sophie and Lucy received their first 'Furlough' pay, so they breathed a sigh of relief.
Lucy and I went and run all of the errands yesterday, we went to the Surgery to collect our prescriptions, which took forever as I have to collect 'Control Drugs' , they aren't asking you to sign for them at the moment, they are usually really strict about that. We then needed to go and get some essentials, Bread, Milk etc, we headed off towards Asda so that we could get everything in one place but the queue was immense, so we decided to go to the new Lidl on the same trading area, there was no queue at all and they had everything in stock, pasta, tinned tomatoes, all fruit and veg, eggs, Bread, milk, bleach and loo rolls, with NO restrictions and remarkably nobody was 'stock piling'.  We managed to get a good stock of everything we needed (plus a couple of things that we didn't need damn those half price Easter Eggs)!!  So we won't need to go out for another week or so.

Today's card is my most recent 'Spring' themed card, I have to say that I was so pleased how it turned out,  I used two different Honey Doo stamp sets for this card, 'Budding Flourishes' & 'Daffodils'.
I stamped the Daffodils first and masked over them and then stamped in the ''Budding Flourishes',
I then took my Polychromos and coloured all of the flowers and leaves, blending 3 colours of each shade. I finsished my card with a piece of Daffodil delight ribbon that I topped with a purple flower.
My sentiments were Honeydoo too.

I have added the photos of the Shipwreck that Michele took on her walk to Ainsdale Beech, again some amazing photos, it's crazy to think how long  it's been lying there.  Thank you so much for sharing them Michele xxx

I hope that you all have a good day,  stay safe,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your Card is just lovely, perfect spring colours. Your shopping trip sounds great= no queues!

    The photos are of two different shipwrecks-the first is called Mussel Wreck. The second is Star of Hope which set sail from Liverpool in 1883 and was sailing to North Carolina. If you search fir Shipwrecks on Ainsdale beach there’s lots of very interesting articles online.

    Work was busy yesterday. We have 4 members of staff who have tested positive for Covid (all at home now). The colleague who was admitted last week was finally discharged yesterday-she was in hospital for a week. Scary stuff and we’re not expected to a) panic or stress b) wear face masks c) change how we work! Good old NHS puts on a great show to the public but not so great for the staff.


    1. I agree with you MICHELE that the nhs are not supporting their staff properly A colleague sent me a photo of the office they’re working in They are DEFINITELY NOT social distancing property I am so glad I can work from home

    2. Thanks for showing the ship wrecks Michele. I’ll go and have a read later on those websites.
      All NHS staff should have protective masks etc regardless whether they’re front line or not. At least where Doreen is and the care home where Sophie works has proper protective clothing. Take care my friend.

  2. Great photographs MICHELE I will Google Ainsdale beach and have a read
    Good for Matt! I am glad he’s being furloughed and his employers are being sympathetic The other guy is an idiot but it makes you wonder how many other people feel the same - desperately worried about bills being paid
    Work wasn’t too bad yesterday Wednesdays are the busiest for me So we’ll see what today will bring
    Our Lidl was the complete opposite yesterday- hardly anything on shelves!
    Take care all xx

    1. Seems that the smaller shops don’t have really big queues here either.

  3. Good morning everyone.
    Beautiful Card Sandra. Glad you managed to get some shopping in. Here the shelves are still empty and to get what you order on line is pure luck. OH still waiting for his Branston pickle hihihi
    Interesting photos Michele, to think how many years they have been stranded on your beach. Take care.
    Sonia, You do get attached to people you work and looking after don't you, so sad. You take care.
    Walk first and then I need to give the hoover some exercise. Looks like a gorgeous day so reading on the patio later on, must remember the sun cream tho red as I am 😎
    Have a good day everyone. Hugs to you all, Maria xx

    1. You take care in that Sun Maria. Enjoy your walk.

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Sandra a stunning card today. Love how you’ve mixed the two flowers together and coloured them. Now I might just try stamping a sentiment onto parchment. You can do it apparently but need to wait as it takes a time too dry. If it woks I think I need to get this stamp. I have stamps as you know but not nice versey ones.
    Michele thank you so much for showing the shipwrecks on Ainsdale beach. I still would like to go up to Crosby to see the statues, we were going to come up over the last few years but Pete wasn’t well enough to go each time we decided to come up. Perhaps next year.
    Take care and special hugs to all who need them.

  5. Sorry Sandra meant to say it’s good that Matt has been furloughed from work. Plus the girls are going to get some pay from the Wildlife Park. That was the last trip we all took with Pete last year. Plus Craig had walked up to Badbury Clump and took photos of all the Bluebells that were out. Not why has my iPad suddenly just making half a letter I wonder..

  6. How can you not get attached to your residents Sonia. Sophie says she gets attached to the residents where she works. She’s told me before how a residents had been teaching some carers how to knit. Seems like they all had a great time together.

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra your card is beautiful, this would certainly brighten up anyone’s day love how are you mix the flowers. Sounds as if you had a good shopping trip yesterday, pleased you managed to get everything you wanted. I’m sure you’re very relieved to hear that Matt has been furloughed and the girls have received their furloughed pay - every little helps. Last week daughter had an email saying her salary was going to be reduced by 20% possibly until the end of the year (tough - because she is the main breadwinner) to help the company get through this difficult time, she said some employees have been furloughed so is not complaining. She said when we get back to normal her OH will have to work a 6 days week. He hasn’t wasted the time he hasn’t worked, lots of jobs ongoing on their house and fortunately he had the materials for most , so will not be running up bills!!!

    MICHELE, lovely photographs of Ainslie beach thank you for sharing.

    Take care everyone, hope you’re having a good day.
    Stay safe, love Brenda XXX

  8. Hi Sandra and evening.
    Beautiful card today, and I love the yellow and purple flowers together.
    Great pics of the shipwreck Michele. Must’ve been fascinating to see it emerging from the water.
    Such a relief Sandra about Matt being furloughed, and not having to be with his colleague. I still can’t understand some people, had another residents daughter go into her mothers apartment from her patio. Unbelievable!! There were a couple more suspected cases of the virus in the care home yesterday and I am utterly amazed we’ve had no cases with our independent living residents. Sadly though, if relatives keep sneaking in, I fear this will no longer be the case!
    Anyway, I hope you’re all well and having a good day.
    Hugs to all xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I love love love today’s card. Your colouring is great and the colours are so rich and perfect. Whoever gets this cheerful card won’t be able to stop smiling as it is so bright and cheerful. I’m so glad to hear that Matt is no longer having to spend all of his working hours with someone who is not going to behave sensibly! What s a relief. I’m sure we all understand the fear of less money coming in to pay the bills etc. but people must think of others too. I hope you are ok my lovely xx
    I’ve had a catch up ladies and I’m glad you and families seem to be ok, may it stay that way!!
    Michele thank you for the great shipwreck shots you have shared. How interesting it must have been to actually see one for the first time. I will try to remember to have a look at the website x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx
