
Thursday 16 April 2020

Easter/Spring Swap - Sonia

Good Morning Ladies,

Well where did yesterday go??? We both had a rough night the night before as Harley seemed really unsettled and kept barking at something outside, which after the first time gets your mind thinking ''is there actually someone out there''?
Because he was unsettled that meant the Milo was on edge all night too, he sleeps on our bed and was in and out all night. I suffer with insomnia anyway so am often still awake until after 3am.  Luckily Paul is on a later shift  this week so didn't need to get up early, he went off to work at lunchtime and I decided that I was going to sit and finish the project that I started on the weekend, I paid to take part in one of Tracy Evans Workshops, it was fantastic and I learnt a few new techniques, I will share my project when it's finished.  I sat at my desk getting really messy with Gesso and paint having a great time.  I looked up at the time as Milo was brushing around my legs wanting a fuss, so I thought it must be their teatime (around 5pm), when I saw the time my jaw dropped, it was 7.05pm!!!!  I lost about 3 hours somewhere!
It was a welcome distraction from the harrowing news, it just doesn't seem to get any better, seeing that that lovely nurse that was heavily pregnant lost her life to this hideous disease, she was so young, they did manage to safely deliver her baby girl, how terribly devastating for her family. God Bless our NHS & Key workers !!

Today's gorgeous card is Sonia's card that she made for Karen, it is exquisitely beautiful Sonia, that little mouse with his big bouquet is the most beautiful image, you have enhanced it's beauty by plaing it upon such a stunning background paper, such a beautiful, delicate floral design, is it another Ann Maria Design paper?
Everything works together perfectly, the Lilli of the Valley sentiment add the perfect finishing touches along with those darling little die cut flowers.  Thank you so much for sharing your card with us xxx

The glorious trees outside karen's house are so heavy with pretty pink Blossom, they look so beautiful, you can't help but smile, thank you so much Karen for such a beautiful photo to make us all smile. xxx

I hope that you all have a good day, will you be doing any crafting??

Sending extra hugs to Lynda and Our Margaret who is sorely missed xxx

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sonia-gorgeous Card, so cute.

    Karen-lovely blossom tree. We have a large pink blossom tee in the back garden and a white one in the front garden.

    Sandra-hope you have a restful day today.

    I didn’t sleep much last night & I now have a headache. My boss is off today-it’s her 60th birthday. Not exactly a thrilling day for her on her own & unable to do much. I’m going to head into work early to get set up.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope the headache cleared up eventually. Yes not a very nice time to have Birthdays is it. Hope today isn’t too fraught.

  2. Morning Everyone
    SONIA-a gorgeous card so pretty and spring like.
    KAREN-your cherry blossom trees are so beautiful.Ours here in the back garden are in full bloom even the one which shouldn't bloom until the end of May.

    I'm hoping to get a teddy finished today.He's one from my 'Cute Critters' book which I have altered a little making him dressed in scrubs/hat and mask. He is for my Granddaughter who works in the NHS.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual and open to old/new/young and aged to pop in for a chat and acuppa.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.XXXX

    1. What a lovely idea Janet. I hope you take a photo when youve finished and send to Sandra to show on here. Lovely too see trees with blossom on isn’t it.

  3. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Such a lovely surprise to see my card on display today, thank you 😊
    Yes, they are Anna Marie Designs papers from the Garden Blooms collection. Can you tell I absolutely love them? 😆
    Karen, the blossom trees are gorgeous, such a beautiful sight. We have a blossom tree in our garden, but it’s an early flowering one and has already lost all its flowers.
    Sandra, looking forward to seeing your Tracey Evans project.
    Fantastic news this morning as Captain Tom Moore finishes his garden laps. He raised over £12m! Such a hero 😊
    Have a good day and stay safe.
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. A lovely card Sonia from you today. Very spring like. Just what we need to cheer us up.
      Take dare.

  4. Morning everyone.
    Lovely and very cute card Sonia. It is so good to see you back. Captain Moore I think should get a medal, he is amazing for his age.
    Sending hugs and well wishes to you all, some extras for anyone who need some.
    Have a nice day everyone xxx

    1. I hope you have a lovely day as well Maria
      Stay safe. I hope both your parents are keeping well and not going stir crazy.

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A love card Sonia. I forgot to take a picture which I usually do when making a card.
    Great to see the trees in full blossom Karen
    Yes harrowing news about the pregnant nurse dying. I’m not to sure why news reporters are going on about we need an exit plan. Well have no idea when this will happen. Australia apparently don’t have many deaths now nor many new cases reported. But they’re still in lockdown. This is due to the strict nature of their lockdown. No idea there either when restrictions will be relaxed.
    Gills been emailing me all morning. She’d been to Bryan’s care home. Not to see Bryan as it’s not allowed but to see how much they’d need to pay. Would you believe that the government take in to consideration the cost of your furniture when assessing your assets. How unbelievable is that.
    Like you Sandra I’ve paid for an online parchment class. The videos came yesterday and the materials through the post today.
    Yes Capt Tom has raised a vast amount for hospital charities. What a feat at 99 years old.
    Take care everyone and hugs for all who need them today.

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a beautiful card you received from Sonia, such pretty images and papers. I hope you managed to get some better sleep last night my lovely xx
    Sonia, your card is gorgeous, it’s hard not to like these papers isn’t it x
    Karen how lucky you are to have such pretty trees on your garden. There is a cherry tree opposite our house which is beautiful at the moment which we enjoy just as much as the owners 😀 Any chance of seeing a picture of Oscar and his new brother Charlie? X
    I am trying to finish a couple of cards but my mojo is away at the moment. I don’t think it realised that mojos aren’t included in social distancing!!!! Mum does look in most days so she is always up to date with what is happening on this lovely blog. I’m off to try and finish these cards now.
    I hope you all have a good weekend everyone. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  7. Yes Sonia’s card is so pretty I was thrilled to receive it
    Sadly the trees aren’t in my garden - we grass only! These trees are on my walk to the local shops I was lucky enough to catch them before the wind blew it all away I feel exceptionally lucky to live in a Garden City
    Huge congratulations to Captain Tom My little donation took him over £10 million So to see how much more he has made is incredible What an inspiration
    It is soo sad to read about the heavily pregnant nurse
    I have sent a photo of Charlie to the blog group on Messenger Oscar doesn’t want to have him sit on his lap He’s fine with him He’s just a little wary
    Please send a photo of your cute critter Janet
    I need to start a cc Hopefully I will finish the bit of sewing and can clear away that mess first
    Take care all xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Lillian what a lovely card you made for Karen and thank you for sharing Karen, anyone walking past these trees with the beautiful blossom would
    certainly feel uplifted xx

    Hasn’t Captain Tom done amazingly well, I believe he has beaten all fund raising efforts.👏 what an amazing gentleman he is, I saw the last half hour of the interview on BBC Breakfast this morning, I was in tears. When asked a question he was so generous with his comments, always pointing out others are struggling and praising everyone saying how well everyone is coping. Then Michael Ball was included in the interview and later asked to choose a song for Captain Tom. That really had me blubbering he sang You’ll Never Walk Alone.
    What an inspiration Captain Tom is to everyone, definitely ‘Old School’

    Take care everyone and stay safe, Love Brenda xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies
    SONIA Gorgeous card it's lovly
    I had a a bad night i did quite a lot of exercise yesterday they made my leg's really ache but they made my leg's really wobbly _and couldn't stand properly so will have to have a days rest tomorrow
    Im getting so fed up. I had a phone call from the hospital as i should of had appointment in clinic
    Today. So i told him about my legs
    He just said i had so much infection they had to flush so much & scrap and cut so muvh skin a way so he said i would take long time to build up my muscles but not tp do too much exercise take it slowly.
    Sendimg love & Hug's Lynda xx xxx♥️
