
Monday 13 April 2020

My 1st Card with something Recycled

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you all had an enjoyable weekend, the weather stayed sunny and warm through Sunday too here so scuppered my plans for eating Roast Turkey dinner in cooler weather, we ending up having roast in the evening to make it more enjoyable.  The highlight of the day was getting to speak to my Mum, my sister was with her and put her phone on speaker and I shouted, she heard most of what I said, but getting to tell her that I loved her and hearing her response was a delight.  She has been really enjoying my letters too, I am getting to use all the cards that I have made and not used over past couple of years.

For my challenge card I decided to use a book that I had rescued from a book sale a couple of years ago it was in a bag ready to be binned as the pages were falling out, the book is actually Poldark, its really discoloured which makes it even better for crafting with. I used a page to cover just under a half of my card front, I then created a border with black card and a SU border punch, I topped that with a scrap piece of lace trim from my scrap box.
I took a few more book pages and used a Spellbinder flower die to cut several flowers, I spritzed them with water and screwed them up to give them some texture and shape, once they were dry I unravelled them and layered them up off setting them as I went as this makes the flowers look fuller, to finish the flowers I brushed over the edges with Vintage photo ink and added some around the edges of my card too, I popped a black gemstone into the centre of each flower and arranged them on my card front, I then die cut some bits of foliage to finish the arrangement.
To finish the card I added black gem stones onto each of the lace flowers and popped some in opposite corners of the card to draw your eye into the design.  I stamped my sentiment onto the top of a book page and punched it out with my SU banner punch.  I kind of like how it turned out, I hope that it gives you some ideas.

We have had a productive weekend in the garden, all of our composters are now full of weeds, I spent yesterday trying to tidy the greenhouse but boy was it hot in there, Paul was busy weeding and edging lawns.

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great that you got to speak to your Mum. Sending letters & Cards is a brilliant idea.

    Your card today is lovely & I really like the idea of using an old book, looks great.

    Our walk to the beach yesterday was fantastic- the exceptionally low tide revealed two shipwrecks which we’ve never seen (in real life) before. One is well documented-Star of Hope but the other one is just referred to as the shipwreck with Mussels on it as it is covered with Mussels! We walked much further than planned so we’re going to take it easy today plus I still have all the ironing to do.


    1. Hee hee! I have a pile of ironing to do too OH keeps saying we’re not going anywhere why bother! No seriously I must do the ironing today

    2. How lovely that you were able to see those shipwrecks in the flesh so to speak Michele. Must be very interesting to see. I’ve only ever seen a shipwreck on a beach on a programme on the tv.

  2. I love your card SANDRA Maybe change the black (although I love the black) to a lighter colour for the perfect 1st Wedding Anniversary card
    I am so pleased you managed to speak to your mum What a brilliant idea sending her letters and using your cards
    I am still messing about with this advent calendar The sewing machine is brilliant but the kit is not!
    I keep toying with what to use for this week’s challenge which is great It’s keeping me out of the doldrums
    I have also started crocheting some “Hero Bears” for a FB group Not sure if UK need them but hopefully they’ll get used somewhere
    Take care all xx

    1. Such a shame about the advent kit not being fit for purpose isn’t it. Enjoy your crocheting making your Hero Bears, I agree with OH you’ll have plenty of time for ironing.

  3. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A lovely card today. I actually love the black theme.
    How lovely that you were able to speak to your Mum yesterday and actually get a reply to her. Lovely idea as well to send her letters and some cards. I’m assuming you have quite a few stamps at home to post the letters. Not sure about the cards though as yours are big and heavy. I’m assuming the post office is now in Asda in Carterton and Paul goes in there to post them.
    I was trying to finish my puzzle off yesterday. It’s an awful fitting puzzle it really is hard to get the correct piece to go where is should. It’s by Meiclejohn graphics who’ve I’ve never heard off. It was given to me years ago but I’d never done them, it has 3 in a box. Very windy here today.
    The girls were messaging me yesterday afternoon. I said I was singing and dancing around the kitchen diner. Amy said that’s hilarious and sent me a gif of a little girl dancing. Now I don’t know why she though my singing was funny at all. Sandra can vouch for my singing can’t you Sandra.
    I’d been playing with the phone as I’d messaged Amy & Sandra and it had come up as Pete. So between them I’d managed to add my Messenger account onto it. But it looks as if I need a SIM card to be able to load Facebook. So as I don’t know what exactly I need and can’t get anyone to look at it for me that’ll have to wait.
    Take care everyone and special hugs for them who need it today.

    1. Pat, Paul always has a good stock of postage stamps, the cards I have sent Mum were all small and flat, chosen specifically for their size as I was writing every other day and it would have gotten way to expensive to post big cards. The couple of occasions I have sent a big card we just decided to put 2 first class stamps on, a little excessive but I prefer that to have Paul have the added risk of going to the Post Office. As far as your singing is concerned ..well...well you give it a good try, I have to say that it kept Sophie entertained the last time you were singing along to Dire Straits, thats for sure! I just love the fact that you feel comfortable enough to sing and dance while crafting when you are here! 😜

    2. Good that your sending smaller cards. It would cost you a fortune to send your bigger ones.

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies from today a cold and very windy MK
    Lovely card Sandra and good use of old page from a book. Not sure yet what I will use but have a bag full with bits from other cards laying around somewhere.
    Michele- sound like you had a nice walk, interesting to see shipwrecks around.
    Karen- good luck with the sewing, hope it gets together in the end.
    Pat- have never heard you singing so can't comment. When we meet next you have to prove it Lol
    Son took his dad for a walk this morning ,I didn't feel like it and it was good for Son to get out a bit. By the time they got back I had a nice breakfast done for OH (it's his 70th B-day today) so we are going to have a Chinese take away tonight and we are making up a Victoria sponge later on to have for after.
    Have a nice day everyone, hugs Maria xxx

    1. Happy Birthday to your OH. Enjoy your evening xx

    2. Happy Birthday Rick. Singing I don’t think so Maria. I’d probably empty the Holiday Inn.

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love your card today. I too was thinking of using an old book page, but haven’t made a start yet. There was a time when I used to keep pretty packaging from boxes, but feel sure I ended up throwing it all away, but will have a look for it anyway.
    So happy you got to speak with your mum, and a lovely idea to send cards.
    Hope everyone is having a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    First I have to apologise for not posting a comment yesterday, I did write one - but when I opened the iPad this morning it was in the box looking at me, Ha ha. We had had a busy day in the garden yesterday then I came in and made dinner after which I thought I must put a comment on the blog, yes and I fell asleep, John woke me up saying it’s time you went to bed, and I didn’t check the iPad I’m sorry.

    Your cards yesterday ladies were amazing, I love each and everyone of them. XX

    Lovely recycled card today Sandra, more inspiration, thank you. XX
    Great you managed to chat to mum yesterday I’m pleased she is enjoying the cards you are sending her, It’s these little touches that keep people on their own realising they have not been forgotten.

    Hope everyone is having a good day.
    Take care and stay safe, love Brenda xxx

    1. Sounds like you had a really busy day. I must say your garden always looks lovely.

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies
    I love your card today it's lovely
    SANDRA it's not your usual style so well done on tring something new.
    Glad you had a good chat with your mum SANDRA and she's loving your letters and card's.
    I feel a bit down regarding this terrible virus and i can't see an end to it very soon. Which i find very worrying.
    Enjoy the rest of your Bank Holiday
    Stay safe every one
    Love Lynda xxx
