
Tuesday 31 March 2020

My 2nd 'Man' Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well staying warm and safe at home, the 'Spring' air has taken on a bit of a chill this past couple of days, with some places even seeing Snow, although we didn't see any here, I would have loved it, I think it would make the quiet roads and streets seem a little more normal,(as they are usually quieter when we have a good snow fall).

Before I move on with todays card I want to reassure you all that I looked into the safety of exchanging cards and letters during this Virus, the Royal Mail and Post Office at the time I checked had no limitations or warnings on sending cards and letters, they did a special feature focusing on sending Mothers Day and Easter cards, saying that if the virus was on the card/envelope when it was posted it wouldn't last more than 24hrs, so by the time you receive it it would be safe, they only precaution that I have taken with the letters and cards I have posted my Mum is using water or cellotape to seal the envelope rather than licking it, but to be honest I tend to do that anyway as I cut my lip once when licking an envelope flap and I can tell you it was by far the sorest cut ever!! These days I just moisten a finger dauber and use that, I tend to always cellotape my cards anyway as I have had some of the envelopes for quite some time, so I'm not sure if the sticky is still sticky.!
Anyway ladies, you are my very dearest friends and I wouldn't suggest anything that would put any of you at risk of catching anything.
Michele I would like to thank you for this lovely idea, I would be delighted to open something bright and cheerful these days, I think that we all start to appreciate the smallest of gestures a little more these days.

Today's card was made using that Free 'Fresh Florals papercraft kit that was the gift in Papercraft Essentials magazine back in January which I bought after Michele featured it on one of her Magazine Reviews.
I thought that the colours would work well for a Man card, particularly this Blue/Green stripe paper, I layered the paper over a piece of card that I thought worked quite well as a darker tone of the colour on the paper, it also matched the green of the twine really well too.  I then used my SU Triple Punch to make the Flag tailed tag ( you just cut your paper to 2 inch wide and whatever length you require and it punches the flag tail detail for you)
I added the matching twine that comes in the kit to both the card base and the end of the tag, the sentiment was made using the same 'Intricut' die that I used yesterday to cut the 'Thank' and an old 'you' die from my stash. it looked a little bare when I had finished, I think that this is the hard thing when it comes to Man cards, you can't really add flowers and butterflies, so I resorted to adding a few stars, which really lifts the design.
I was quite pleased with how it turned out.

If there are any more of you that want to join in the Easter/Spring card swap, please comment below, it can be any kind of pretty, cheerful design that you like.

I hope that you all have as good a day as possible in the circumstances,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your Card is brilliant, it’s really lovely.

    Thank you for such a positive response to the Easter card exchange idea. I hope Sandra’s research into the Post Office coronovirus Information has reassured you all. I would never suggest something that would put anyone at risk. I’m seeing far too many people doing that for themselves which is filling up the hospitals.


  2. Morning Everyone
    from a very damp and cold Sheffield.
    SANDRA-Of course I wish to be part of the Easter swap.I'm sorry I forgot to mention it yesterday.My 'little grey cell'just isn't working as it should at the moment.
    Apart from this horrible virus our Friend had to be admitted on Sunday morning. His temp had risen to the number he has to ring the hospital and so of course it looks as though he has picked a different bug up other than the virus. Of course having low blood counts etc doesn't help.

    Now if I haven't any stamps when it comes to posting my Easter card would it be acceptable for me to email one?I know it isn't the same as opening a card in hand.

    MICHELE-I just want to say we really appreciate everything that you all do and not just at times like these.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual waiting for you all to pop in for a cuppa and a chat.HUGS are on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.

  3. Beautiful card SANDRA A change in sentiment and a great card for those difficult teenagers too
    Thank you for the reassurance I had heard that the virus can only stay on paper and card for so long I always wash my hands after opening/reading any mail anyway My dad has a newspaper delivered and (as said on the news) get him to wash his hands after touching/reading it
    After a 2 hour queue OH could not collect the prescription I’d requested last Monday Apparently on Thursday the GP told the pharmacy that as I was on an insulin pump I didn’t need it Why oh why Surely a little bit of intelligence would have questioned “why is this patient suddenly requesting this after 6 years” I know they’re under a lot of pressure but he/she must have looked at my record and it probably took him/her longer to write the emailed answer back than issue the prescription It’s not like I was asking for something that I’d never used before I’m angry because it’s not the first time the GP’s have left me (the patient) in the dark
    Soap box put away - who’s next?
    I hope to make a couple of cards today I really must try and get some enthusiasm from somewhere
    Take care all and stay safe xxx

    1. So sorry your having trouble getting your meds. I wasn’t able to get mine last week as the pharmacy was closed. The pharmacist was there but not serving. Hope you manage to get it sorted soon. A bit of common sense needed I think.

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely card today and a freebie at that. I know I used to buy mags and the clear stamps on them weren’t very good I most say. I’ve sorted out my cards to see what would be suitable for a man. I still have cards that I made pre groovi so can send you some of those Sandra. Just need to do the colouring on Livvys 18th card. Karen knocked the front window yesterday as her and Amber were walking the dogs up to feed the horses & goats. She’d left a bunch of flowers from her garden under the windscreen wipers of my car. Green stuff & daffodils from her front garden. The NHS are doing a fantastic job in these awful times. Let’s hope that everyone in our areas at least have the correct equipment to keep themselves safe. I noticed that the carers who go to see Winnie who lives 2 doors up from me are wearing masks when they go in. The car there yesterday had a large red sticker on the windscreen. Couldn’t read what it said but would guess it said carer.
    We had rain last night but at least it’s not raining now. Windy & cold but not raining at the moment.
    Take care everyone.

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Great card today, can be used for many different occasions.
    Karen, sorry to hear about the problems with your prescription. Not want you want to be dealing with at the moment.
    Maria, yes thank you the family are all ok, hope yours are too. I’m still working, but got a couple of days off as doing extra at the weekend. I’m very fortunate to still be working and being the only point of contact to our residents during this time is very rewarding.
    I’m going to be crafting today, so will make a start on this weeks challenge card, and Easter card for the swap. I’m also waiting for a delivery of two Amazing Paper Grace die sets, fingers crossed they arrive today.
    Hope everyone has a good day. Take care.
    Hugs to all xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Great man card today Sandra and as Karen said it would work brilliantly as a teenagers card as well. You are a fantastic influence on my grey cells XX thank you.

    Karen can’t believe your GP hasn’t sorted out your meds, Obviously didn’t read your notes, I know they’re all busy - but it’s no excuse really. Bless him your OH waiting for over two hours only to come back empty-handed. I’m sure you both felt really frustrated. have you or will you be ringing the surgery? Hold on to the soap box if you need it. xx

    Sandra I did say yesterday count me in on the Easter card swap. Just making sure you spotted my message. xx

    JANET sorry to read you dear friend is now in hospital, is this the same person Jim takes for his treatments? Sending virtual hugs (germ free) to you all. xx

    Have a good day everyone and if you have to go out ...... please take care xx

    Love Brenda XXX

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe'.
    Nice card Sandra and perfect for the man in our life( young or old).
    Karen- so sorry you couldn't get the meds, what else can you do ? will be interesting to see what happening when we are ordering ours in a week.
    Gorgeous day here so going for a walk later,but first need to get some energy going. Feeling flat if you know what I mean Lol
    Stay safe all who are still working. Many hugs to you all ,Maria xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. This is a great card for males of any age, especially if they aren’t into “sport, boats or beer” as most shop cards seem to be. We all know that there would be no way you or Michele would put any if us at risk so please stop worrying my lovely. Who wouldn’t love to open a bright and cheerful Easter or Spring card anyway but even more so this year for obvious reasons? Xx
    Maria, I will be making a Spring card rather than an Easter one, some flowers in bright colours is my plan, at the moment anyway. I often end up changing my mind totally. Please will you have a rethink now you know it doesn’t have to be an Easter card and join in as we all love your cards? I hope you do. It’s a shame plans have to be put on hold, it is Chris’s birthday on Thursday so it will be a quiet one for him this year. But like you said we will all be able to celebrate later in the year anything that has been postponed so something to look forward to x
    Karen, your GP should be ashamed of them self. Of course they have a incredibly hard job especially at the moment but there really is no excuse for the way they have treated your situation. I do hope you manage to get it sorted out as soon as possible x
    Look after yourselves everyone. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  9. Hello all, sunny here today, but a very cold wind.

    Sandra great card again today, don’t know how you manage to think up these cards, takes me a week to do one.

    As I said yesterday count me in for Easter, I usually use spring flowers, lovely bright and cheerful.

    Karen, sorry your not getting the meds you need, ordered my early, and spoke to Boots this morning, lovely lady, and are going to deliver it tomorrow, she offered so I nearly bit her hand off. Apparently they are not allowed to phone the surgery, so it’s up to patients to speak to Drs. Hoping I get mine.

    Did a huge load of ironing this morning, so not doing much this afternoon, might have a go at making a mask for R as we cannot get a delivery, so he will have to go to the shops.have a good day, Lilian
