
Monday 30 March 2020

My 1st Man Challenge card

Good  Monday Morning Ladies,

Welcome to the  start of another week here on the blog, have any of you started your 'Man' cards yet, I find them so hard to get inspired to start, I did force myself to sit and make on yesterday afternoon.

A Nice Idea....

Michele made a  lovely suggestion to me yesterday and I said I would mention it on  the blog today,
the suggestion was :
For us all to make one Easter style card and sent it to someone else (from the blog), I can draw partners for all those interested, I think that if none of us lick the envelope we should be fine as far as the virus goes, I know that some of you may not have stamps so I totally understand if you can't participate, I think it is such a lovely idea and we all need something to cheer us up right now, so if you are up for it just comment below.  I am happy for make more than one card if we have odd numbers.

Today's Card was made using a Clarity Paper pad (Indian Summer), it has some beautiful designs that all look like painted background effects.
I matted the piece of paper on to some Night of Navy and white card to create the base of the card, I then die cut the free die that came with last months Die Cutting Essential's magazine, the die was designed by Paula Pascal, her design name is 'Bright Rosa'. I cut the die once and then extended it by replacing the die into the paper and recutting so that it fit the front of my card.
The sentiment was die cut using an 'Intricut' die that I bought for half price in Hobbycraft some time ago. I mounted the die cut onto white card to make it stand out from the background.
Quite a simple card but quite effective at the same time, I hope that you like it.

We had another quiet day yesterday, Paul was fixing the roof of the greenhouse and glass potting shed so that he can get in and sow some vegetable seeds, which kept him busy for most of the afternoon, he also walked Harley as we are looking after him while Matt avoids our germs by staying with his girlfriend, which is a good idea.
I spent some time in the craft room, lost about 2 hours to pinterest though!
Hopefully Monday will be a more productive day!

I hope that you are all staying well and safe at home,

Lots of love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your Card is fantastic, I love it. I started in my challenge card yesterday but didn’t get finished so I will have to remember to go back in my craft room! Don’t usually go in there after work especially these days as we go for our daily walk as soon as I’m home & changes, then it’s time to prepare our meal etc so I’m usually too tired to craft.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Such a lovely card and one which fits many themes.

    Well I stayed up until midnight last night to try and book a slot for food delivery and I just wasted my time. I was on the site most of the evening and straight up on midnight a message appeared saying that I was in a que and the site would refresh itself. After 14mins I was informed that there wasn't any places for19th April.
    To say I wasn't happy wasn't in it.
    Sorry I know many are in the same boat but I just wish people who are capable of getting to a shop would just do that and let housebound/disabled do what they have had to do for years to get food shopping.

    Soap box back in the corner.

    The CAFE is OPEN - usual hours for you all to pop in.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

    1. That’s a long wait Janet for a grocery slot. I hope you manage to get one soon.

  3. Lovely card SANDRA I have a couple of those Clarity pads - names escape me at mo and they are gorgeous Except, because they are pretty I have been keeping them for cards for special people I do have a similar style from The Works but in pinks and blues only
    I’d be up for an Easter card swap - I don’t think I have ever made one
    OH is going to have to go to pharmacy today with a letter explaining what I want as I can’t get through We need food shopping So it won’t be a wasted journey
    I hope to craft later today but will wait until OH gets up as craft room is next to bedroom I cannot complain because he is an absolute hero to me sorting everything for me
    Stay safe everyone xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Fabulous card today. It’s great to see all these ideas for masculine cards 😊
    Love the idea of an Easter card swap, I’d be happy to join in.
    Just looked out the window and it’s snowing....😮
    Have a good day whatever you are doing. Stay safe.
    Hugs to all xx

    1. Crikey Sonia where about are you in England. Must be up Northish if it’s snowing. It’s just very cold and windy here in Oxfordshire.

    2. Pat, I’m in Sandhurst, Berkshire - down South. It didn’t last long though, only about 5 minutes of proper snow then turned to rain xx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a great card for the men and suits just about any occasion. I love the background, my first thought was to wonder how you made it. I would like to join in the Easter card swap please. I hope you have a productive day today my lovely. Maybe we should have to put some sort of timer on Pinterest? Phoebe and I were looking on it a while ago and both agreed that the time just disappears when you are on it. I bet Harley misses Matt but it’s good to know Matt is as safe as he can be at the moment xx
    Karen, thank you for your kind words about my card. I used the smallest die but must admit it took me ages to fan them all out in some sort of order but in the end I did have half of one showing as it would have gone in the bin. I used paper as it is quite thick in the middle and I was aware of being able to close the paper faster. Both of your balloon cards are great, I have a balloon die that I think will be good for the challenge this week. That’s the plan at the moment anyway! X
    Breads, thank you for your kind words. Both of your cards are lovely, I love the paw print background too x
    Sonia, I love those gorgeous papers you used yesterday. I hope the snow doesn’t cause you any problems x
    I hope you are all feeling as well as usual and stay that way.
    I have a little ironing to do then I must sort out my desk! Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. I’m assuming that you and Phoebe were not looking at Pinterest together. But in your separate houses.

    2. I think you need to go to Specsavers Pat as you clearly misread my comment as I said a while ago meaning a couple of months or so ago. As a sensible caring mother /grandmother/person I haven’t seen any of our family or anyone else for that matter, except Chris and Gem obviously as they live in the same house and I find it rather hurtful that you think I would take even the slightest chance of causing any harm to my gorgeous grandchildren and family. In

    3. Thank you 😊 love your cards too - great use of the pierced flags (I would never have thought of that)
      Fortunately the snow didn’t come to anything, lasting only about 5 mins xx

    4. Yes I should do Sue. Go to Specsavers I mean. Totally misread your post. Sorry about that.

  6. Hello All, sunny day again, lovely for catching up loads of washing.

    Sandra, love your card, would not have thought about this design, might have a go later. How I admire my cleaners, I take forever do do small jobs, still small thing in the scheme of things.

    Yes count me in for Easter swap, I always make a few for friends and family.

    Both of my children and their family are in London, so my daughter and I are taking pics of the flowers in the garden, which is lovely, hers are much better than mine.

    Have a lovely day , good job we have our craft. Lilian

    1. I’m glad to hear you have some sun Lilian. Here in Oxfordshire it’s very cold & windy. My bins keep blowing towards the middle of the patio. Mind you not very much in them I must say.

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Hope your feeling better a Sandra today.
    Lovely card today Sandra. I thought I’d recognised the background paper on this one. Wasn’t quite sure though as it’s not as big a piece we’d use on one of our groovy card. Very cold and windy here. Self isolating as per instructions and not mixing with the family either as we’ve been asked to. Can sit at the window and watch everyone go by walking their dogs though. Just had a chat with Doreen and everything is ok there. She playing door lady as per usual letting the staff in and out the door in the link. It links the old part of the house with the new. Her and Mary usually sit there in the mornings. I’ve finished Pars card so with send that to you and any others I can fish out.
    Stay safe out there everyone.

  8. I’m not convinced people are taking this self isolating seriously enough. The daughter of the couple across the road has just got into the house. Plus someone has gone into the house next door to me. Only looked because the van was parked over my drive and I wondered why a van saying cleaning for businesses was there. Plus over the weekend houses up the road from me had visitors.

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Great man card Sandra and it would so easily work for female or any other occasions, haven’t got my head around this weeks challenge yet. You say male card to me and my mind goes blank! (OK nothing new there!)

    Count me in for an Easter Card I always make them for the family. xx

    Janet sorry to read your experience with your shopping order, I would say you should be on the priority list. Also you are a regular online shopper with Tesco.

    Karen hope the pharmacy can sort out your meds. fingers crossed 🤞 xx

    Thank goodness for crafting it really helps to keep the grey cells working. Actually I’m still sorting out my craft room, the problem is I keep finding things that I haven’t used for ages and NEED to have a play!!! I’m sure that makes sense to everyone HaHa. xx

    Take care and stay safe. Love Brenda xxx

  10. Hi ladies,
    Great card for the men Sandra,you have used that die good.
    Hope you and the girls are better.
    Not really have anything to make a easter card so not sure if can join in,sorry but love to see what you make.
    Janet- really hope someone can bring you food etc.Have you tried any other stores ? we have had to go with Sainsburys and Ocado too to get anything in, it's just awful to get any shopping in.
    Karen- hope you got your meds sorted and everyone are fine.
    Pat- hope you are doing alright. The weather will get better again so you can enjoy being in the garden and we are still aloud to go for walks. Take care.
    Sonia- hope your family are doing alright. Are you still working ?
    Sorry being late today but the day have just gone me by with me sleeping it away after our walk this morning, grey, cold and windy so felt pretty cold after shower and crawled back under the duvet. Tomorrow I hope to do some cards. A special one needed for OH, sadly we had to cancel the restaurant and the boys and some of the family not to come but when this is over we have to do something together.
    Sending love and hugs to you all, stay safe. xxx
