
Wednesday 1 April 2020

Something for the ladies today

Good Morning Ladies,

Welcome into April, where is this year going, we had lovely spring sunshine yesterday, lovely blue skies but boy was that wind cold, Paul spent most of the day in the garden, getting quite a lot done, digging his vegetable patch over and preparing his potting shed! I think he may be creating a 'Bolt Hole' so that he can escape from us three women!!

I needed to make something pretty yesterday so I took a break for 'Man' cards! I hope you don't mind?
I saw that there was a 'Live Demo' on Card-I-O stamps Facebook page, so I went and watched it and decided to have a go at what she created, I didn't have any of the stamps that she used so I had to 'improvise', it's by no means perfect but I quite like how it turned out.
She used a special oval mask  and did something I have never seen before, she placed the oval mask over the front of her card and then opened up the card blank and rubbed over the back of the card (that the mask was on) with waxed paper and then used a ball tool to emboss around the oval to make the card raised up inside the oval aperture of the mask, so the card was sat flush with the edge of the mask, she said it was so that the ink didn't bleed under the mask while you were blending.
I didn't have the mask and didn't bother with the embossing thing, I simply die cut an oval out of another piece of card and laid it over my card front, I did tape the card to the back of the stencil so that it didn't move around.
I then tried the technique that was used on the video, which was blending your inks with a 'Dry' wet wipe, this didn't work for me, mainly because my Versa Color inks are new and very wet, so I tossed the first piece of card and tried again using a blending tool.  I used Atlantic Blue and Peony to blend lightly around the outside of the oval, keeping the peony colour towards the top.
I then took the range of stamps that I have from Card I O and randomly stamped them using the same colour as I used for the blending, with the addition of Bamboo for the leaves.
I had a pleasant surprise when I lifted my make shift mask, to find that it had worked and that I had a half decent card.
I rummaged around in my stamp box to find a nice sentiment and came upon this lovely one that I bought from Inkyliscious ages ago, I hadn't ever used it, I really think it works for this card.
I finished the card by adding some Berry Burst card behind the image and tied a matching bow.
Then mounted the whole thing on a 5 x 7 inch card.

I had quite a productive day yesterday, I made a hearty Minestrone Soup, that everyone loved, it was very filling as it had diced potato, small bits of pasta and cannellini beans, along with a lot of vegetables, so it was very healthy too.
That is the most I have felt like doing for a while so fingers crossed it means I am on the mend.

I will sit and draw partners for the Easter/Spring card swap today and list them tomorrow.

Have a lovely day my dear friends,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-gorgeous Card & lucky you spotted the Live Demo. Wendy uses that technique of a stencil to create the raised area a lot on her cards, I think it’s really effective and you can use your own home made stencil just as easy.

    Early start as I’m going in to deliver the last doses of Chemotherapy before my ward moves to the other hospital site! That’s definitely going to be a challenge from Friday!


  2. I think your card is stunning Clever idea using a ball tool to create an embossed section Can you send me the link as I’d like to see this and I actually have some Ali Reeve masks that I found the other day (Whoops!)
    First day back at work after some annual leave and it’s a new role (Argh!) After WhatsApp-ing with some of the girls it’s going to be interesting!!
    Good luck with the move MICHELE
    I started a card for cc yesterday I hope to finish and photograph it today
    Take care ladies xxx

    1. Hope the new role goes ok Karen after your leave. I hope your meds get sorted as well.

  3. Morning Ladies,

    Lovely statement from Helen Keller says it all in this lockdown we are all under. For the first time in a few years I had a beautiful little wren come visiting yesterday. I was overjoyed to see it as since the number of cats increased (from the estate at rear of my garden), the number of smaller birds decreased. With the rookery in the oak trees feeding from the bird table, the smaller ones get pushed out. I have thrown some seeds on the patio for the ground feeders to enjoy.

    My house has never been so sparkly since the sun started to appear. Almost finished the spring cleaning, only one drawback the amount of items no longer needed and placed in bags for charity shops have nowhere to go. I would expect that many of them would refuse to accept them all with so many people doing the same. Our local CLIC refused donations before Christmas to try to sell the enormous amount of items in their store rooms.

    love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love your pretty card and the sentiment (I have that stamp too 😊) Might have to give that technique a try.
    Glad you’re starting to feel a little better now.
    Good luck with the ward move Michele.
    Hope work is ok for you Karen after your annual leave.
    My dies didn’t arrive yesterday (hopefully they will today), but I made my challenge cards and started on the Easter card.
    Have a good day.
    Hugs to all xxx

  5. Hi ladies
    Very pretty card Sandra and sweet sentence. Glad you starting to feel better.
    Hopefully work is fine for you ladies who are working today and good luck Michele with the move.
    Trying to get hold of a doctor to call me back after I was sat on new meds for blood pressure that was high but now is low so not sure if I should continue them or not.While waiting for that I am determent to make a card today so best get to it. have a nice day everyone and hugs to you all,xxx

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    What a lovely card and a great idea. Once again it’s cold & windy here. I’m going upstairs in a minute to carry on trying to emulate a Ronk Langton design. She’s done two on Clarity worldwide but I’m trying the easier one. My right arm is still achy so I’m doing it in tiny bits. I’ve only started the frame and I made a mistake on my counting dots already. Had a chat with my neighbour. His wife is a teacher and doing lessons online. Her school is in the middle of Oxford and they are taking children in from other schools. Spoke to the neighbour the other side of me as well, who was taking his young daughter to his allotment in a wheelbarrow to bring some compost back.
    Stay safe everyone.

  7. Hello All, cloudy and still cold, have to run heating still, usually switched off by now.

    Lovely card, I have not see the embossing technique before , must have a go. I tried the dry wet wipe technique too, but just ended up with a mess, still using my makeup brushes. Have some of their stamps must have another try.

    Michele hope move goes well. I had my medication delivered today, very efficient just rang bell then stepped away, they have to see you pick it up, not allowed to leave on doorstep, great relief a heard o many people having trouble getting theirs. Karen hope you have yours sorted by now.

    Glad you are feeling a bit better Sandra, and all who are not feeling so good, Lilian

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    LOVE this card Sandra, I did look at Wendy’s online video yesterday it’s great I will certainly be giving this a try. Love your idea Sandra making your own mask - brilliant thinking outside the box Sandra.

    Have spent some time today talking to friends who live alone, everyone I have spoken to has lovely tales to tell about friends, neighbours, family’s thoughtfulness and acts of kindness it is heartwarming hearing these lovely tails, there is so much good in this world, it’s not often acknowledged. 👏👏👏👏👏 xxx
    Take care everyone and stay safe. Love Brenda xxx
