
Wednesday 18 March 2020

A 'Grungy' style of card

Good Morning Ladies,

We now have two sick babies, Sophie has succumbed to the same symptoms that Lucy has had and is still suffering with, so we are frantically cleaning all surfaces etc as I'm worried about Matt getting it as he is immune compromised as is Becca. Paul starts shifts from today so that no two people are working together, this week it's 6am to 1pm, next week it will be 2pm to 8pm, so lots of changes here.
Matt was in two minds whether to go away on Thursday, he is supposed to be going to the Lake District in his caravan, the caravan site are staying open and I guess he can self isolate in his caravan, probably less chance  of catching it there to be honest.

Now onto today's card, now I know that this is a totally different style for me but I kind of like it.  You build up your background 1layer at a time, giving so much detail.

I made the background using Fresco Chalk Paints on my Gelli Plate, using a Brayer to add the paint, it's a really fun way to make backgrounds.  I then stamped the 'Hexagonal Stem' stamp onto my background and then stamped another onto another background and fussy cut it added it to my flower for a bit of dimension.
The sentiments are from another Tracy Evans Stamp set 'Hope' Both stamps are from Aall& Create.
 I stamped the sentiment onto off cuts of my main background and then layered onto black card.

I hope that you all remain safe and well my friends,  It is times like this that I am so grateful to have the blog x

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great Card, I love the background & the Stamp is great-very modern.
    Hopefully Sophie & Lucy both have a “normal “ cold/flu bug.
    We ant 4 staff home yesterday-2 are pregnant & W have long term health conditions. We’re having daily briefings and all areas have been asked to update their Contingency plans.
    My brother messaged me yesterday to say the college he works in (Glasgow) has closed. He was about to self isolate as he has chronic asthma but the college beat him to it. My
    Sister in law has the difficult decision of reducing the staffing at the business she works for (holiday home rentals).

    Sandra-I know you’ll miss seeing Sue & Pat but they’ll be doing the best thing not visiting-safety first.


  2. I hope the girls recover quickly and that MATT and BECCA don’t get anything
    I am working from home and more or less self isolating because I’m diabetic Like MICHELE we are getting daily updates and will be asked to change roles if necessary eg ex nurses to return to nursing etc
    It is a very scarey time for everyone Take care everyone
    BTW I think your card is beautiful SANDRA and look forward to receiving the link ...

  3. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely card today Sandra. Very different to your normal style.I've had an email from Sainsbury’s to say that the first hour of opening will be set aside for vulnerable people tomorrow. Plus they are stepping up click & collect which would work. Plus they are prioritising home deliveries for them as well. I need to get milk etc tomorrow anyway. Good job we have a great hobby ladies.
    Riverdance & my holiday to the Isle of Man have been cancelled. . I’m waiting to hear if Riverdance will be rescheduled or not. I do hope so.
    Stay safe out there ladies.

  4. Morning Everyone
    Sorry I'm late this morning but the CAFE is OPEN as usual.Thank goodness we have this wonderful'CAFE' where we can still meet and chat.

    I'm on my own this morning as Jim has had to do his 'essential'hospital run.
    I had a telephone call yesterday afternoon to say that our K&N afternoons have been cancelled until further notice so it will be Crafting at Home. We will all miss our get togethers but it's definitely better to be SAFE than sorry.

    HUGS are on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE xxxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Love the card Sandra, gorgeous colours together.
    Hopefully the girls will get better and it is only the flu, even if it's bad you know it will go over.Perhaps is good for Matthew to get away so he doesn't catch their bug.
    SIL and her husband are both very poorly and she phoned 111,after an hour she got through to ask what to do. Unless they got respiratory problems and come to hospital they will not be tested for the virus but stay away from people for at least 3 months. SIL husband who already hate they moved to a flat and is in a very moody way, he will go nuts.
    Luckily we do have our crafting to do and I also like watching films or read so I be fine but OH it is harder with for his hobbies are cancelled. Maybe I should get him into card making, know Paul made some nice cards .
    So sorry Brenda that a friend of your sister did pass because of the virus. You and John,look after yourself.
    We had another nice walk around the lake and just got in before the rain started. If it's nice soon I want to get some digging over in the borders, will see if Son can help a bit on the weekend.
    Take care everyone. Hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Lovely card you’ve made here Sandra, beautiful vibrant colours and very modern in design, are you really are very talented, thank you for sharing. Hope the girls will feel better soon and it’s nothing more than the regular winter colds. I would think Matt will be better in the Lake District as long as he’s feeling well.

    One of our grandchildren in Essex was sent home from school yesterday because he was coughing. He is just coming up to his GCSEs so not a good time, School did say he didn’t cough anymore he could go back in today, When daughter got home from work yesterday he only coughed once the whole evening, but she said to the school she will keep him home for a few days just in case, her other two sons are working from home as he is a husband all on the instructions of the companies they work for. Daughter has gone into work today she said the roads are lovely as hardly anybody is using them even on the M25 there was not a lot of traffic, so she had a smooth journey into work. But everything will hit the fan through her working day, as is usual in schools. Our other daughter is working from home, although she did have a meeting planned in Yorkshire but nobody wants to have meetings these days, It’s all teleconferences.

    I hope all you ladies are keeping well, thinking of you Margaret, Lynda and Val in Spain. I can keep myself busy, as have like most of you I have lots of things I can amuse myself with. John on the other hand likes to be busy and likes to get out and about, but getting out is a bit of a no-no, although he did go to Lidl at 8.15 this morning, we only wanted bread and some fresh vegetables, he said it was ridiculous people with trolleys piled high and the queues for the tills even at that time of the morning were extra long. Not a white loaf to be seen so we have a brown sliced and a packet of white rolls. We will survive!

    I think we’ll have a cup of tea now - anyone care to join us?
    Take care everyone love Brenda XXX

    1. Yes please BRENDA xx
      I was sorry to read about your sister’s friend xx

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love your card today. Stamps and colour combo are great. I have a few AALL and Create stamps and stencils, although not really got around to doing much with them as of yet!
    Hope the girls are feeling better soon. Also hope everyone else is keeping well and staying safe.
    Hugs to all
    Sonia xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Wow I love it!!!! What a fantastic hello plate background and I love the poppy? stamp. You have definitely beaten back the “neat and tidy” tidy urge that we have with the gorgeous random colours and shapes making up the layers. I hope you are proud of yourself as I know how hard you are on yourself. Please give my love to Sophie and Lucy. I hope they feel better soon and keep their hugs to themselves. I also hope Matt and Becca stay well. Being in the caravan will probably be safer for Matt won’t it. I’m sad we won’t meet this week but it’s silly to take unnecessary risks. Chris and I went up to White Horse Hill today as we both wanted to get some fresh air and there is plenty of room on the hill so really easy to avoid people. We only saw 10 people and none came near so it was lovely up there. Please stay busy at home crafting yo pass the time dear friends. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

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  10. Hello All, wet again, I know I sound like a parrot.
    Sorry to be late again, did a bit too much gardening on Monday, so have been “paying” for it these last two days.

    Really different card today, I am no good at these sort of cards ,but your look great.

    See you all tomorrow, hugs Lilian
