
Thursday 19 March 2020

My second TicTacToe Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all staying safe and well and that you are able to get the things that you need from the shops.
We popped out when Paul got in from work yesterday afternoon, we tried Aldi and Asda but neither had ANY meat of any description, not so much as sausage, clearly people hadn't got 'that desperate' as there were some 'Vegan' alternatives in the freezer!  Even the 'Feminine ' aisle had been emptied, baby milk, nappies were all gone, if you were a young mum you would be worried sick.
What I would like to know is.....where on earth are people storing all of their stockpiled food, I can visualise people sat in their lounge with Toilet Roll 'pouffe's  and tinned food fashioned into lamp tables!  In our stores the freezers are as empty as the shelves, we were joking with the cashier about people storing their shopping, she said that her partner worked for one of the big electrical (white goods) stores, she said that they had sold out of chest and under counter freezers! Can you believe that? !  I asked if they had thought about when this pandemic is over and people have food stockpiled that will last a year or more, she replied saying that they were worried about job cuts due to a lull in shoppers.
We seemed to have moved so far forward over the past 24hrs, schools now closing from Friday,  even filming of the regular Soaps is stopping (not that that affects us at all), my point is these are things that we wouldn't have dreamed of happening a couple of days ago.  I wonder if Bin collections will stop, will Mail be affected?!  So many elements of our lives that we take for granted.

Now I have asked Paul to help me get on the Soap Box...…. I ordered a pack of paper and a die from Crafters Companion way before we went to London last week, both items were in stock, so I ordered and paid for them, I was hoping that it would be waiting for me on Friday when we got back from London, but no, I waited until Tuesday and still had had no notification that it had been dispatched, so I gave them a call, I explained the situation and asked if she could give the me status of my order, I was taken back when her reply was ''well hopefully it will be 'picked' today or tomorrow and then will be packed and despatched" I had to ask again ''so it hasn't even been picked from the shelves, 10 days after I placed my order'', she just said ''yes, well we have had a couple of busy shows this last few days'', my response ...''but my order was placed before that'', she clearly didn't want to answer, all she could say was ''well it should be with you in the next 7-10 working days''.  No genuine reason, the TV show orders clearly take priority!  I think that having to wait longer than 2 weeks for something  in stock to arrive is frustrating, I will not order from them direct again!
By sharp contrast I ordered a couple of Aall&Create Stamps with some Fresco paints from Stampers Grove at lunch time on Tuesday and my order arrived mid morning the following day, my postage was Free too, (I hadn't paid for special delivery).  Such amazing service, they also emailed updates regularly, what a difference!  I would recommend anyone to them, they carry a great range of stamps as well as most other craft supplies. I will leave the link below if you would like to go and browse, I came across them at both Stamperama and Farnborough shows and the ladies on the stand Demo'ing for them were so incredibly inspirational and helpful.

Stampers Grove

Today's card is another from the free Card Making Kit that I bought after Michele featured it in one of her Saturday reviews, I loved the look of the papers, but wasn't as keen once I had opened them, I do quite like how this card turned out though.
I cut a piece of the paper about 1/4 inch smaller than my card base, the next mat was plain white card upon which I added a piece of paper that I had accordion folded, (across the card), I added a different piece of the paper down the side of the panel.  I used an off cut of the paper I had used as my first layer to create a border, matting it onto white card for stability.
I ran a piece of narrow ribbon down the side panel and arranged some flowers that I had die cut from some off cuts of the papers with some die cut leaves.  I tied a double bow and topped it with a pearl flower, some more pearls to the centres of flowers three little pearls at the bottom of the panel.
I was pleasantly surprised at how it turned out.

Categories Used:  Die Cuts/Patterned Paper/Floral.

Sue and I agreed that it makes more sense for her to stay home this week, I wouldn't want her to pick up anything from here (although I am a bit of a Bleach Queen so thats unlikely) and infecting our lovely Margaret or Pop's who is Margaret's carer.  Of course I will miss her the same as missing Pat yesterday but we have to be so careful. I hope that you will still do some crafting ladies, I look forward to seeing what you make.

That's all for today Ladies, stay safe while you are 'Hunting and Gathering' your food,

Love and hugs (at arms length) to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    A very pretty card this morning SANDRA.

    I too had some problems ordering my weekly order from Tesco yesterday as they didn't have any counter meats etc but I managed to get everything else I needed. There's no bulk buying in this house. I just do not believe in it and never will.We will work around things as always.

    I have to get my CCs sorted today and hopefully sent off. Well that's the plan.

    The CAFE is oPEN for you all to pop in.PLEASE TAKE CARE ANDSTAY SAFExxxx

    1. I don’t bulk buy either Janet. I always did have extra toilet rolls in as Pete used a lot of it after he had Bowel Cancer.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Quick visit as I’m just about to head into work having been to Tesco at 7am to do my shopping!

    Gorgeous card Sandra.


  3. Lovely card SANDRA
    I’m surprised you went out as both you and the girls have had flu like symptoms
    Alan has been shopping and things like the usual + milk and bread was missing too
    (Make room on the soap box SANDRA) I wish they’d bring in rationing It needn’t be as harsh as the war but I think that’s going to be the only way that’s going to make it fair At the moment supermarkets might be limiting the stuff we buy BUT there’s nothing stopping people going around again and buying it all again
    As well as us vulnerable people and pregnant ladies working from home my office is doing split times One week in the office and one week working from home to help with social distancing
    No craft club today obviously So I am going to try making a cc this afternoon instead
    Right time to fire up the laptop
    Take care all and stay safe xx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies.
    Great card today.
    Well Sainsbury’s opened as usual at 7.00 am. I set my alarm and got up to be there for that. Well the queues were horrendous. It went from the front doors right round to the mother and baby parking around the side of the building and back too the front door. No 4 pints of milk so I got 2 of the smaller ones. Managed to get most of the things I needed.
    Amber is worried about her GCSA grades. Amy & Matt have to take a month off work as BMW is shutting. Keith & Sophie will be the only people working.
    Helen Jill’s DIL has been told to self isolate until her baby is born at the beg of August. I hope it doesn’t last that long.
    Take care everyone out there.

  5. Hello All, thought I’d come in early today, before I forget again, time just flies these days.

    Sandra lovely card, love the very feminine look. Hope you are keeping well and the girls are on the mend.

    Hoping to start this weeks card today, will have a good look at the grid and hope inspiration sparks.

    As for Crafter C I had to wait 14days for my delivery, then when it came my fabric glue stick was missing. They very replied to email and they are going to replace, but how long that will take who knows. They have always been a bit slow, but they have sewing “things” that are very useful so have to put up with slow delivery.

    Have a good day, it’s wet here again, but a fine weekend is forecast. Hugs to all Lilian

    1. It’s wet here this morning. It looks very dreary outside today. I used to buy from Crafters C years ago. But they don’t stock Groovi so longer buy from them.

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Lovely card again today 😊
    We popped to Tesco last night and couldn’t believe it. Never seen anything like it - empty shelves and freezers! Went for our usual weekly shop and came home with hardly anything. We did manage to get eggs though as they were restocking those. Looks like it’s going to be egg on toast until our bread runs out!
    Terrible service from Crafters Companion. Never ordered from them myself. Did order from CraftStash the other day, and although it was dispatched the same day it still didn’t arrive for 2 days.
    Well I’m back to work tomorrow. Have enjoyed my time off and got lots of crafting done, but I’m looking forward to going back and seeing how everyone is. Haven’t heard that we have any cases of the virus, although a couple of my colleagues are panicking, so not sure what staff levels we’ll have.
    Stay safe everyone. Sending hugs to all.
    Sonia xx

  7. Hi everyone.
    Nice card Sandra. Hoping you and the girls are taking care..
    Having a crappy day and it's raining so nothing have been done today as I wanted. OH had planned to go and see some people today but I had to stop that and he wasn't happy but he is the one with heart problem so....
    This virus have really made folk go crazy, they are taking food out of other peoples shopping trolleys so fights are braking out. Not putting my foot in a store at the mo and we managed to get a slot with Ocado for 1 of April, just wonder if anything left ?
    Lilian-hope you feeling better today. Take care if doing any more gardening but yes the weekend seem to be good so I hope to do some too.
    Take care everyone who are visiting the cafe' or just having a look in I hope you are all safe. Many hugs to all xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Lovely card Sandra very bright and feminine. Hope both you and the girls are feeling a little brighter today, although this damp miserable weather doesn’t lift anyone spirits, do take care all of you.
    John went off to do our shopping this morning, not many items on the list, he arrived at Asda before 8 am and had to join a queue as they were only letting in so many people at a time. By the time he got into the store there was no plain flour or and no porridge on the shelves. If we are desperate we can always have toast for breakfast. We are not stockpiling my flour is almost at the bottom of the tub and we have enough porridge to last over the weekend, so feel justified in buying more. Later on he went in the Streatham direction and tried both Sainsbury’s and Tesco’s neither store had the items we wanted.
    We have two very disappointed grand sons both would have been taking their GCSEs prior to going to university. Callum (he has Asperger syndrome) particularly disappointed as he really enjoys exams, He has two uni offers one for Sheffield and one for Loughborough. The other grandson has an offer but is in two minds whether to take it up because he also has an offer of a job in the city. It’s a question of working out what is going to be the right choice for him. Time will tell!!
    I agree with everyone Crafters Companion deliveries are really slow. When I was with my sister over two weeks ago I ordered some new plates for her gemini machine they only arrived this week. I should have taken pictures of the plates she was using, if I tried to describe them you wouldn’t believe me, to say they were warped you would be an understatement! Hopefully they are in the bin now and she is using her new ones.
    Better get a wiggle on I haven’t organise dinner yet. I’ve been tidying boxes of ribbon in my craft room, it’s taking forever but I am being good and putting some aside for my daughter to take into school. Yes she will be in school next week although some of her staff will work from home doing the jobs teachers do when the children are not around. School doesn’t end at 3.30!

    Sending love and best wishes to everyone, Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    WOW i love your card Sandra so pretty with the colours you have used.
    Terry hadto go Tesco this morning for our meditation & some bread milk well not a crumb or milk in site. He tried all the supermarkets
    All the same emty
    Love Lynda xx
