
Tuesday 17 March 2020

Sue's 'No Die' Challenge cards

Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all staying safe, are any of you planning to self isolate? It does make sense I guess and by the look of things you can still go for a walk as long as you don't go near anyone.
I think that the worry will  make people stay home anyway.
Our Becca is really worrying about her work as the hotel has had a lot of cancellations and people have been advised to not go to Pub's, clubs, theatres etc. The effects of this virus are spreading so far and wide, it's so worrying.

Today's card are Sue's 'No Die' challenge cards,

The first card was made with the new Woodware Stamp that Sue bought at Stamperama, she used it for another challenge but in a different colour way.  I love that sharp black against those soft orange shades, it works really well Suex

Sue's second card is a Groovi Card, using a Tree design that has been coloured  beautifully, the background lines are from Groovi Plate too. I love the sentiments stamped around the card, meaning you could leave the hole image on show without obscuring it with sentiments.

Two lovely cards Sue thank you so much. xxx

I am to spend the day in the craft room today, all being well.

Have a lovely day,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sue-two gorgeous cards, I love the Groovi one.

    I need to collect a parcel this morning then I have my appointment with the Consultant gynaecologist at 9:15 for a review after my Hysteroscopy. I’ve managed to chip my front tooth(it’s been repaired twice) so I also need to phone the dentist.
    I’ll be expected to do a full days work regardless of what time I manage to get back into Pharmacy! Roll in 5pm.


  2. Morning Everyone
    SUE-two beautiful cards.I love the Blackbird on your first card.

    Well I'm not sure what's happening today. We need to see the recommendations re this horrible virus and decide how we're going to manage.

    At least our 'CAFE'isn't affected so pop in when you can for a cuppa and a chat.
    HUGS a plenty are winging their way to you all.PLEASE take care and stay safe xxxx

  3. Beautiful cards SUE The 3 of you (+PAT and SANDRA) are definitely becoming The Groovi queens)
    I hope you and LUCY are beginning to feel better
    I took it upon myself to work from home mainly because of the diabetes but there was something happening at work that I didn’t like and agree with
    It looks like a lot of us will have to go into quarantine (is that the word they used yesterday?) anyway which I am gutted about but at least I feel a lot safer in my own home
    I hope they bring in proper rationing soon as this panic buying is getting ridiculous A friend was outside Tesco at 7.30 this morning The queues were worse than Christmas and the shelves were empty including bread etc
    Take care all xxx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    W lovely cards today.
    I expect your feeling a bit better today Sandra if your spending the day crafting. I have the chiropodist today which is why I’m not over crafting as well.
    I will still be going out food shopping at the supermarket. I can pop to see friends as well. Or they’ll come to me.
    Stay safe out there everyone.

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I love yesterday’s card, so pretty. I’m sorry that you and Lucy aren’t feeling well and I hope you both recover quickly my lovely xx
    Thank you for the kind words about my cards. I have just realised that I forgot to put a sentiment on the first card and I should have used black ink for the sentiment on the second one as the green ink dried so much lighter so all in all I’m a bit annoyed with myself. I fo love the blackbird stamp though, remember to heat emboss it next time to make it pop though.
    I hope you all stay well and can get the shopping that you need. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  6. Hi ladies.
    Hope you all taking care if going out. We had another lovely little walk this morning but now feeling so tired so a nap is coming up :P
    Two beautiful cards Sue, well done master the groovi. All very nice.
    Pat- we also have booked for the theatre but it is cancelled so hoping for a refund. Unfortunately I won't get anything back on the train ticket for nec. They want a £10 handling fee for that so I let it go.
    Sandra- hope you and your daughter are feeling better today. Michele- thinking of you going to see the doc. take care.
    Lynda- take care, sending you and CU lots of hugs x
    Margaret- thinking of you and Pop every day, take care x
    Many hugs to you all and do take care going out. xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Wonderful cards today from Sue, love them both.
    Hope everyone is well and having a good day.
    Hugs to all xx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    We have had really nice sunshine but still cold
    Terry has gone shopping so hope he gets home soon. Aparantly tomorrow we can't go out at all. We are on
    Lock down
    Love Lynda xxxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra I hope you and Lucy are feeling a bit better today, keep warm and drink plenty of fluids. xx

    Two lovely cards Sue, I had to smile when reading your comment, we are our own worst critics. They are both beautiful cards. Thank you for letting us see them..

    Lynda lovely to see you in the Café, at least in this cafe we don’t have to worry about the Coronavirus.

    I heard of lady related to someone in my sisters community who died yesterday from the virus. So sad.
    One of our Essex grandsons offered to come over and go shopping for us. We are managing very well, John is happy to go shopping, I’m avoiding traveling on buses, I feel at the best of times they are a breeding ground for spreading germs, well in this area anyway, often there is standing room only with school age children sitting in the priority seats. - I could really get the soapbox out - but will not on this occasion as I will not be able to stop!!!

    Goodnight everyone, love Brenda xxx
