
Wednesday 26 February 2020

Some Bright and Cheerful inspiration

Good Morning Ladies ,

I thought I would share some Bright and cheerful inspiration with you today, I had forgotten that I had the last two stamps, I think that we can all be guilty of doing that from time to time, we buy it then use it for your version of the card that inspired you and then it gets put away! Until you look back at photo's and think, "I forgot I had that l hD that stamp", I think that these are both Honey Doo stamps.
The top card is all Berry Burst and White with a little Old Olive for foliage and swirls, the background is a piece of Berry Bursy Dsp that I embossed and then punched the flowers and shaped them and arranged them over the green swirl and leaves.
The Second card is stamped  and coloured with Honey Doo Mica Powders mixed with water to a paint like consistency, I just used a paintbrush to paint in the flowers, having the outlines embossed really helps too.
The third card is again a Honey Doo stamp that I stamped onto a blue background and coloured with Stampin Blend (alcohol markers) I believe,
I die cut some vellum butterflies that I had stamped to add a little fun to the card.
I hope that these give you some inspiration.

Pat came over yesterday and we both spent the afternoon making some Groovi cards, I finished one and Pat was busy working on the one from out last Groovi Class, I haven't even attempted mine yet.
Pat's looked amazing, I can't wait to see it coloured in and finished.  There are a few tricky techniques on this one that are taking me a while to master! I am waiting on a tool that I had to get replaced before I can finish mine as the one I bought has some extra long needles that shouldn't be there, it makes trying to line it up impossible.  Clarity were fantastic though and replaced it without any quibbling.

We are all having haircuts bright and early this morning, then I hope to go and play in my craft room.
I will be needing the heater on though as it is really cold here at the moment.  Paul said last night that the Snow and Ice team were on standby, which got me all excited, we did have sleet at about 5pm, I doubt it will be any more than that though.

I hope that you all have a lovely day and that those of you feeling under the weather start to feel brighter soon,

love and huge hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    There gorgeous cards Sandra, nice bright colours. Your afternoon with Pat sounds productive. Good luck with the early morning hair appointment.

    I’m setting off earlier than usual as I’m off to the other hospital site for a meeting-all morning. I then have to travel back to my usual place I’d work and do battle trying to find a parking space-annoying when I pay £28:95 a month for the privilege of coming to work!
    We had sleet & hail a few times yesterday but no snow than goodness.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope your meeting went well this morning. I think it’s awful that hospital staff have to pay for their parking, then having to hunt to find a place to park.

  2. Lovely cards SANDRA and yes I’m definitely guilty of buying something, use it once and then put it away forgetting about it
    We had a little bit of snow last night but thankfully it didn’t settle and have bright sunshine this morning
    The meal was lovely with great company Will definitely go there again
    Of course tell the lady about the books MARIA The company is TOFT The books start with Edwards Menagerie written by Kerry Lord Google Any of that and should take you to site John Lewis also sell them but maybe not all additions
    Hope the spots aren’t multiplying too much for CHRIS JNR Bless him
    Big hugs to LYNDA and MARGARET and anyone that needs that little boost We’re here for you
    Take care xxxx

  3. Morning ladies,

    I hope you had a better night than we did here in Somerset. We had a veritable bombardment of hailstones clattering and shattering on the ground like jumping crackerjacks going off, and with my neighbours security light blazing away every couple of seconds lighting up my bedroom like the Blackpool lights, I didn't get much sleep. I feel an afternoon kip will be very much welcomed.
    This morning is bright sunshine with a blue sky and white fluffy clouds briskly being blown across the sky as though in a race. Doubt if it will last long like yesterday's weather.

    Pete's Magnolia Stellata is just about to start blooming, there area couple of buds quite high up with a touch of pure white on their tips. The tree looks magnificent in all it's glory so my fervent wish is that the winds finally stop their march around the world to show it off. Last year's winds completely stripped and shredded the tree bare of it's beautiful starry flowers.

    Beautiful cheery cards Sandra, love the pop of colour in the flowers on no.1

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  4. Morning everyone.
    Fabulous cards Sandra. I love the colours, the Berry Burst looks lovely.
    Michele- hope the day goes quickly for you and no problems on the way.
    Karen- thanks, I will do so. It was another lady with us who wanted to learn how to start Crocheting but it didn't matter how much she was told how to hold the "hookie", she just couldn't do it 😂 I surprised myself to remember how to, must be 30+ years since I held on.
    Sue T- hope your neighbours place is alright. Nice to see you, do pop in again.
    I wish you all a nice day and the weather soon decide what it want to do (we had hailstones here yesterday)it's going to rain all day so staying indoors today.Brain is busy but not body, scream !
    Hugs for you all and extra ones for our friends who need some, take care. xxx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Three beautiful bright cards today Sandra, I love the berryburst colour of the first one. Have a lovely chatty morning with your hairdresser friend, Sophie and Lucy. It sounds as if you and Pat had a lovely day yesterday working on your Groovi projects. It will be lovely to see the results.

    I must remember today to take a picture of my Farnborough shopping, it’s still on the desk where I put it when I unpacked my little trolley, never dare put it away until I’ve actually taken a picture........... I will make that my next job!

    We did well yesterday, The weather was fine and blowy until mid afternoon, so was able to get the washing packed out in the fresh air, just as well because I had three machine loads, it smells so lovely when it comes back indoors, it’s the simple things that really please me. Ha ha

    Time to get a wiggle on, not quite ready for lunch but have the soup maker at the ready we are having leak and potato soup with crusty bread, Yum Yum Yum.
    Sending love and hugs to everyone, especially our friends who are not feeling their best. Love Brenda XXX

  6. OOPS I’m sure you realise we are having Leek and potato soup

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely cards today Sandra. We both had a lovely day yesterday, grooving away. I hope you show your card on her and groovi worldwide Sandra as it was lovely.
    I went into Vodafone this morning re my phone. I said I was getting beyond cross not not having a working phone. I’m supposed to switch it off and then back on at 2.00pm and it should be working. If not, I’ll be straight back down there. Then all I have to do is figure out how it works. I had a letter today to say that the Nissan Note car Pete had has a safely recall for the passenger airbag. So I need to let Craig know plus let Nissan know who has it. It can be fixed by the RAC at home or wherever you choose. So shouldn’t be too much of a problem.
    Take care everyone in this awful weather. We have sun today but due rain again later. I do feel so sorry for those people who have been flooded.

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Three bright and cheerful cards to cheer and inspire us. They are all so different but beautiful. Just what we need in these dull days, actually the sun is shining as I type but it has been dull the rest of the day. We are forecast snow over the next day or so too so let’s see if it appears. Chris jnr still doesn’t have many spots so RJ and Gemma are doing the “ Is it really chickenpox?” at the moment. The only two in our family that haven’t had it are our Gem and granddaughter Penny. Hopefully Gem won’t ever get it now but hope Penny does while she is still little. I’ve been given meds for a chest infection so hope it will start to improve soon! I’m so fed up with it now! Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladie
    Do. We hadbrain winds a snowbfl flurry and now we have snow balls.
    Really cold too..
    Sandra lovely cards today all very pretty & coloured beautifully.
    LILIAN thank you so much for the stamped flowers I received from you today they are lovely I will love colouring them i. I still carnt get into my craftroom
    It's so frustrating it's veryi cant get my walking frame in there.
    Thank you for all you kind r messages love LYNDA XX

  10. Hello all, only one shower today, but managed to get the washing dry, as Brenda said love washing dried outside, especially my sheets.

    Sandra love today’s card, and yes occasionally I find stamps I’ve bought, and put away without using them.

    Going to go to my friend tomorrow, it’s the first time I have been since I’ve been having the heart problems, get nervous without R with me, although he is taking me and pick up again later. Going to make some cards, so looking forward to it.

    Lynda glad you liked the flower pics they printed on my ink jet , so be careful,if you use to much water the ink runs, ok a little. Hugs to all Lilian
