
Thursday 27 February 2020

Pat's Gorgeous Groovi card

Good Morning Ladies, 

It sounds as though some of you have some very exciting weather, we had a little hail stone shower and a bit of sleet but other than that it's been really high winds and rain, I wouldn't mind seeing a bit of snow.  
It's so awful seeing all of those poor people with flooded homes, it seems to be getting worse for some, I can't imagine being unable to live in your home for months on end while it dries out.  My heart really does go out to them. The river Thames seems to be getting higher and higher, so I can imagine other places are even worse. 

Today's beautiful card is one of Pat's gorgeous Groovi cards, it is just so lovely, the petals of thise pretty daisies have been embossed to perfection, they stand out even more against that lovely green background,  the vibrant yellow centres really make them pop too, the highlight of the card is that stunning lace border,  I now know how much work goes into a border with that much detail.  There is cut work as well as the embossing, which gives even more beautiful detail and texture.  This must of taken ages to finish Pat. 
Thank you so much for sharing your card with us xxx

Sue I hope your antibiotics kick in fast and that you start to feel better really soon.  I hope little Chris is lucky and doesn't get too many chicken pox, sending hugs XXX 

Sue T, I'm sorry that you haven't got much crafting in, the good deed that you are doing for your lovely neighbour is more rewarding, although it can sometimes be frustrating waiting for workmen to arrive.  I look forward to seeing your next craft project when you get things sorted. It was lovely to hear from you. XXX 

Lynda it was lovely to see you in yesterday, maybe Terry could bring you some craft tools etc into the lounge, so that you can do some crafting there. I hope your physio is going well my lovely XXX 

Love and hugs on their way to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Pat-what an absolutely stunning card, it’s gorgeous & so much detail on it.

    Big day today at work-we’re finally allowed to start making up drugs!! We “closed “ on 18th October and we never imagined it would take this long to reopen.


    1. Hi Michele
      I’m glad you liked my card. I sent Sandra a few over. She can use them when she’s not feeling too good,
      I bet your over the moon your now able to start making drugs up now the works finished. My it’s taken an age.

  2. Morning Everyone
    PAT Oh what a gorgeous card. So pretty and so so elegant.

    Well we expected some of the 'white' stuff this morning but thank goodness there's non to be found. The roads etc are wet but we can cope with that.

    I have to finish off my CC today and my heairdresser is coming at lunch time.

    The CAFE is ready for you all to pop in and theirs some lovely homemade leek and pot soup for anyone who would like some.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Please take care and stay safe xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I’m glad you like my card. I posted your in the postbox near me. So fingers crossed you receive it. Not to sure why my post goes walk about sometimes if I use that box. I try not to if I can.

  3. Beautiful card I bet it took a long time to do
    It is snowing quite heavily here but not settling at the moment
    Hope the chicken pox is not too troubling for Chris JNR
    Big hugs for LYNDA and MARGARET
    Is the shoulder easing BRENDA
    Does your friend knit MARIA (get you remembering how to hold hook) because I crochet as if I am knitting ie hold yarn and hook in same hand
    I agree with you SANDRA It awful the devastation is causing people I feel very grateful that we live in an area that appears “safe” from flooding We just have worry about wind damage and swallow holes
    Take care and stay warm xxx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    I’m glad you liked mtpy card. I’m learning more and more designs for cutwork with Hazel Edwards who runs classes up in Redditch. Although these are on border plates. Hazel runs looks of classes in the Tamworth area but too far for me to travel. Such a shame that the next one in Redditch is not till May.
    I woke up to a bit of snow falling. It’s stopped now but looks quite bright now.
    It’s still very windy & cold though.
    Take care everyone and take care if you have to go out.

  5. Morning ladies,

    One very bright albeit cold and breezy day forecast for my little corner of Somerset. Mind you 'they' have been know to get it wrong on many occasions hahaha.

    Watched an very interesting video on YouTube last night about where do the craft items we buy come from? I bet you would be very surprized to learn the majority is manufactured in China.
    If my memory serves me right, did not the well know craft companies in the US and UK exhort us all to block the trend of buying direct from China as it would damage their integrity? Well look through your supplies and read the back of the packaging. Where do the majority of the big names products all come from?'ve guessed it CHINA!
    With C&C's latest overpriced new releases and outrageous claims from Carley Dudd and partner, I think I know where my money will go from now on.

    Mum's birthday tomorrow, she will be 88. Fiona and I are popping over to treat Mum & Dad to lunch. Dad is 89 next month. Both doing OK at the moment, the weather is keeping them indoors thank goodness.

    Stunning card Pat. During my annual clear-out for the Preschool I came across some gorgeous coloured and patterned vellums. And on Declutter I found and bought a quite reasonably priced pre-loved Clarity start up kit. Looking forward to trying it out next month, beforehand I have been very heavy handed using the Glitter boards and wrecked a couple of projects so I am hoping the Clarity stuff will address that problem and who knows one day I might end you a card then you can tell where I have gone wrong?
    There are no classes or groups near me where I can get tips from.

    Nearly time for lunch, I hope your day is good.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  6. Afternoon ladies.
    Beautiful Groovi card Pat, that cutting must have taken you some time to do. Lovely work.
    Happy birthday tomorrow for your mum Cheryl and have a lovely lunch together x
    Lilian, hope you have a nice day too today seeing your friend.
    Karen- my friend she is making a lot of knitting and crocheting. Not sure when she got the time tho with 6 kids,2 grandchildren and having her own business house cleaning business plus having Fibro and not taking any meds.
    Michele- exciting day you now can make up the drugs again. Hope your day is fine.
    Woke up to a white garden this morning which was pretty but also with a hedgehog in the throat :/
    Take care everyone and if going out wrap up warm. Many hugs to you all,Maria xxx
