
Tuesday 25 February 2020

More Bright & Cheerfulness!!!

Good Morning Ladies,

I didn't achieve the day in the craft room that I was determined to have as I was knocked sideways by another flaming UTI, this one came from nowhere and there was no gentle build up to it either, my goodness me I did not know what to do with myself at 6.15am yesterday morning!  I rummaged around and found some Cymalon powders so took those straight away, followed by lots of water, cranberry tablets, I ended up having to take extra pain relief too, I wanted to give it a couple of hours to make sure it wasn't just a cystitis kind of thing but I soon felt  all of the other symptoms that accompany a UTI, I am beginning to wonder if my body has become immune to the cranberry tablets I have been taking and therefore they aren't as effective, because I had all but eradicated these infections.  It's so frustrating, I am guessing it's the after effects of not drinking enough on Saturday, as we are up really early and out of the door, where usually I would have had a large glass of water and at least two cups of tea, we both took our water bottles but neither of us emptied them, we did take the flask and made two cups of tea too, but it was clearly not enough.  I ended up feeling that rough that I had to go back to bed where I slept for another 2/3 hours, I will say that I couldn't sleep the night before and was watching Tracy Evans YouTube video's until 3am, thats kind of normal for me though.  I think I become more susceptible to these things when I am a little run down, going to two shows on two consecutive weekends was probably a bit too much.  (lesson learnt)!

Our weather seems as bad as it was during the recent storms with really high winds and heavy rain, It's getting a bit boring now to be honest.

Now onto today's card, I ordered myself this stamp a few weeks ago as I love it and have wanted it for a while but it was just not available in this country, so I reluctantly ordered it from Amazon and it came from the USA, now what worries me with that is that they can add Import Tax without warning, which can double the cost of your purchase, this company did say that there would be no Tax added though so I went for it (after checking that the price was good with Val and Snazzy's as she stocks Hero Arts and knows the price of most products) she said it was a good price so I went for it, I wasn't expecting it to be here for a while yet so it was a lovely surprise. I couldn't wait to have a play, it was the excitement of opening this stamp that made me drag myself out of bed and into the craft room.
I just went for a super simple card to start with, I placed the stamp in my stamp tool and inked it with Candied Apple, Ripe Persimmon and Squeezed Lemonade Distress Oxide inks.  I wanted a matching mat so I took the Ripe Persimmon ink pad and swiped it around the sides of a piece of white card 1/4 of an inch bigger than my topper. I then added some matching ribbon, and mounted it onto a white base card, for the sentiment I coloured another piece of card with the Ripe Persimmon ink and stamped the 'Birthday Wishes' on and added white embossing powder and heat set, I die cut it with a SU Tag die and tucked it under my ribbon knot.
Super Simple but I think it's bright and cheerful !!

Pat is coming over today which will be lovely, I have some new Groovi plates for us both to have a play with, I think that we will both be having a gentle day today.

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies
    Sandra-gorgeous Card, love the stamp and the colours you have used.
    Sorry to hear you have another UTI, I think the cause is probably not drinking enough plus the two shows on consecutive weekends are tiring.
    Take Care today & have fun with Pat.


  2. Morning Everyone
    from yet another very wet start to our day here.
    I have everything crossed that the 'white stuff' stays away.

    Well we have an extremely busy day here.It's K&N for me this afternoon and Jim is also on duty so his 'taxi' sign will be well and truly used today.At least we have a journey plan and so if all goes well we should be OK with no-one having to hang around

    I hope you're feeling somewhat better this morning SANDRA.

    The CAFE is OPEN and it's nice and warm so pop in for a cuppa and a chat.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.Please take care and stay safe.

  3. Your card is so pretty SANDRA and well done you for managing to create something so beautiful when you clearly don’t feel well I hope you feel better today It does look like the lack of drinking may have been the trigger All I can suggest is drinks with bicarbonate of soda and hot water bottles between the legs and small of the back It does help me relieve that agonising pain
    The course was good but mind boggling Thankfully they’ve offered 1 to 1 consultations
    I was so pleased with myself that I managed to complete 3 cc that I’d started over the weekend
    Off out for a meal tonight with some work colleagues that moved across to the new Trust I’m really looking forward to seeing them
    Take care all Big hugs MARGARET and LYNDA xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a gorgeous card, the stamp really is beautiful isn’t it. Sorry to hear you have another water infection my lovely. I hope you get on top of it very soon xx
    Not a great end to yesterday as we heard that a dear scouting friend had passed away after being a 1st Longworth member from the age of eight 67 years ago as a Wolf Cub over the years until the end of last month as our Scout group leader. He said he wanted to be involved until the end so he did get his wish. RIP Skip. We also had a call from eldest son RJ to say that Chris jnr has got Chickenpox. He is fine at the moment but we will see as more spots appear, bless him xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a gorgeous card Sandra, Love the colours you have used, they work so beautifully together. The stamp is so elegant.

    Sorry to hear you have a water infection yet again, yes it is probably due due to the lack of fluids on Saturday coupled with tiredness from all the extra things you’ve been doing lately. Do take care, keep warm and give in when you feel tired........listen to your body.xx ☹️

    Hope Lynda, Val and Margaret ( Also anyone I may have missed) are all coping as best you can, sending love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  6. Evening ladies,

    Apart from a short window of sunshine and dry weather just before noon, it has been getting decidedly very cold, windy and wet.

    Shut away in my craft room I am lovely and warm listening to the rich baritone gloriousness of Scott Engel singing slow melodies. I do believe he got better as he aged and took a travel into Avant Garde music.
    I might have an early night too snuggling down into an electric blanket warmed bed with my Tablet to play a couple of games.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  7. Hello ,hail showers today.

    Sandra so sorry to hear you are unwell again, I guess it’s your body, telling you to rest.

    Lovely card today very pretty card, lovely stamp, I’ve never been charged import duties when I use amazon, and I ordered many things from USA sellers.Not the cheapest I know.

    Very sore shoulder today, arthritis is gradually affecting all my joints. Not much else going on, hugs to all Lilian.

  8. Evening again ladies.
    Sorry to hear you have another uti, hope you soon feel better. Take care and look after yourself.
    The card on show is beautiful and I love the colours and the stamp, very nice.
    My day started early with going in to town. Did ok at ww for once and celebrated it with a breakfast and bun at J.Lewis. After town OH drove me to Dobbies to meet up with some other ladies who are with a Fibro group on line but live around here so we met up and talk while having a coffee and cake. By the time we were back home I felt so tired so fell asleep on the sofa so no card making for me today. Tomorrow tho hopefully will be a day of crafting.
    Lilian- take care and hope your shoulder feel better soon. Do you feel worse when it's cold and wet ?
    Sue- hope your cough is better. Hopefully Chris jr's chickenpox won't be too bad. Best to have it as a child tho, know someone who had it later in life and was really bad with it.
    Karen- one of the ladies I met today was going to crochet a Sloth, it looked really cute. She said it was a pattern from Hobbycraft. Would it be alright to tell her about the books you got ?
    I hope the rest of you have had a good-ish day and the mojo is back with us all again after it's break.
    Sleep well everyone and hugs, Maria xxx

  9. I love the simplicity of your card Sandra and the stamp is beautiful.
    Hope your UTI is clearing- have you tried Orange or Lemon Barley water to help with the symptoms? It's a bit old school but does help some people.
    Not had much chance to craft - my elderly next door neighbour recently moved into a care home and as well as visiting him, I keep an eye on his cottage for him. Unfortunately one of his radiators burst so have been busy coordinating repairs and cleaning! Love him to pieces though so it's no hardship.
    Take care my friend. xxx
