
Saturday 1 February 2020

Mixed Up Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,

Well that was January, here we are in February already, it looks like this year is going to whizz by as quickly as the last one did!!

Today's cards are Ramadan cards that I have made with the dies that Inlovearts sent me at the start of the year, to be perfectly honest I was totally out of my depth as I have no experience in making cards for other Religions, so I looked on Google at some of the Manufactured cards for this festival and used the dies to create something similar, fingers crossed they meet the brief!

Michele's Magazine Review

Hi Ladies,

Simply Cards & Papercraft has 2 coordinating free gifts this month.

Here’s some ideas of what’s inside the magazine.

First of 2 articles using the free gifts.

More ideas using the free gifts.

Interesting feature on ink blending on black card stock-what a stunning look it produces.

This lady makes the most stunning flowers out of paper, it’s hard to believe they’re actually made from paper!

Cardmaking & Papercraft has 2 Alice in Wonderland gifts this month.

Here some idea of what you can make using the free gifts.

Great article on Quilling.

Blast from the past = Shrink Plastic.

That’s all for this week so Happy Crafting.

Love Michele

Thanks Michele for another Bumper Magazine Review, some great features once again, it's nice to see articles on Quilling and Shrink Plastic as they can sometimes be forgotten. 
Jesse Sui's flowers are incredible, what a talent.
Thanks again for making time to create these reviews Michele xxx

Michele's latest cards

Michele used her day off wisely earlier this week, finishing off this amazing collection of cards! There are some great cards for Boys/Men and sone really super cute cards too.  You must have felt really good at using your day so wisely! 
Thank you so much for sharing them with us xxx

Karen's Latest Book

Karen has shared her latest Crochet Book with us, it looks lovely, I can't wait to see what you make from it Karen, thanks so much for sharing xxx

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    We have an extremely windy start to the day here-50mph gusts!

    Sandra-your Cards are fantastic & I’m sure they’ll be much appreciated.

    Karen-the book looks great, I’m sure you’ll enjoy making lots from it.

    Luckily we had no idiotic fireworks last night. I’m certainly not celebrating that we’ve left the EU as all it’s done so far is cause me problems at work with supply issues for some much needed drugs. Rant over!

    I’m off to the hairdressers this morning then we’re going to see my Father in Law this afternoon, can’t say I’m looking forward to going.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope the visit to your FIL went well. I hope you know who wasn’t there.

    2. Meant to say Michele well done for making all those cards.

  2. Morning Everyone
    Lovely cards SANDRA.

    Thank you MICHELE for your usual great mag review.

    We too have high winds this morning butat least it's dry so fingers crossed it stays that way at least until we've done the shopping this morning.

    We too didn't have a lot of noise etc last night and I'm certainly not happy abougt the whole thing.

    The CAFE is oPEN ready and waiting for you all.
    Cream Teas this afternoon so help yourselves.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.Take care and stay safe xxxx

  3. Your cards are gorgeous MICHELE I would have struggled as I don’t know very much about the faith either
    Fantastic array of cards MICHELE and thank you for the magazine review
    I knew I couldn’t leave that magazine/book behind It would have been rude to not to and thank goodness for Aldi yarn and a very generous husband!
    I hope LYNDA and MARGARET are on the mend
    Nothing much planned except maybe go through some boxes that have been stashed in a bedroom untouched since Alan’s mum passed away
    Take care all xxxx

    1. Whoops I meant SANDRA re Ramadan cards They are gorgeous

  4. Morning everyone.
    I like both of the cards you made Sandra, especially the purple one.
    Thank you Michele for the mag. reviews. Good start for the next fair with all those cards.Love the Koala. Hope the visit to FIL goes well.
    Nice book Karen, hope there are some cute critters in there.
    Help, my cutting machine is clunking and the handle don't wont to go around properly so I think it is on it's last leg. This and extreme exhausting have made me not to make any cards this week.
    What machine do you think I should go for next ?
    Hugs to you all and have a good day as possible. xx

  5. Good afternoon ladies,

    A brilliantly sunny day started off well then since lunchtime the wind has been increasing so much it now very gusty. No rain as yet which is a good thing as it lets the soil drain before the next lot comes down.

    Still decluttering my bedroom, finding so many 'things' I have kept for some reason but cannot now remember so in the charity bags they go. I think I can restock our CLIC shop all on my own lol.
    Tonight is presentation night for our New Year's Day Football Committee to hand over a substantial £5,000 cheque to the Committee representatives of The Children's Hospice South West. Such a worthy cause. We have had village families whose children stayed there.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Congratulations on everyone raising such a great amount for the hospice.

  6. Hi, just lost my comment so keep this short, dry today, hurrah.

    Sandra two great cards, how cleaver you are.

    Michele good review, thanks, great admiration for having made all those cards you have made.

    Karen book looks good, hope to see some when you have made them.

    Hugs to all, Lilian

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra what a star you are, you certainly rose to the challenge making theres Ramadan cards, I’m sure In love Arts will love them.
    Sorry I haven’t sent my challenge cards to you. I made my first one and this afternoon got on with the second, it involved stamping my image then cutting a frame into it, all went well until I tried to remove the frame from the dies, I managed to rip the frame which has part of the stamped image on,
    unfortunately it in the top section right in the centre, can’t think how I can cover it up, think I will have to go back and start again! SORRY
    MICHELE thank you for your Magazine review, WOW you are amazing making all those cards xx
    KAREN I’m know you are going to have a great selection of Critters from your new pattern book. Have a lovely time with Oscar tomorrow xx
    Take care everyone, Big hugs, Love Brenda xxx

  8. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Very late today looking in. It’s not even that I’ve been to busy as I haven’t. Been blowing a gale today and I managed to get my washing dry. Even if my sheet did get blown off the line. Good job I now have shingle instead of earth.
    Great reviews Michele. Thank you for all the work you put in every month.
    Sandra great cards with the products you were sent.
    Look forward to see the critters that are in your book made up Karen.
