
Friday 31 January 2020

Your Next Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

OOhh Thank Goodness it's Friday!!! This week has been long, I haven't felt great either which hasn't helped, I was feeling too rough to see Pat on Tuesday so that made the start of the week seem so much longer, Sue did come over Wednesday and took me out for lunch, which was a lovely treat and we then went over to our newly discovered Craft Shop to pick up my new stamp, mind you we were stood in there and the lady is like us and loves a chat, which meant that we were both stood for up for over an hour chatting, she (Val) is a really lovely lady, she has 'Open Mornings' on Thursdays when you can go and spend the day at the shop and play with anything that she stocks in the shop, which is the most amazing collection of stamps, inks etc, so I think that would be a fantastic thing to do.
When Sue and I got back in her car though we were both wincing in pain, my knee was hugely swollen the rest of the night.  
I had to be up and showered super early yesterday morning too as Sophie wanted me to go with her to her Physiotherapy appointment for her wrist, I was sat for almost an hour in a very warm waiting room at 8.30'ish and could have quite easily nodded off as I had only about 1 1/2 hr to 2hrs sleep.
Sophie and Lucy then wanted to go shopping for Birthday gifts for each other, so they loaded up my wheels and off we went, fortunately I think I have the only teenage girls that HATE shopping so we weren't out for too long. They both got a few things for each other and I got them a few bits too.
When we got home I could have quite easily gone to bed, but I went into my craft room instead, I think we will have an early night tonight.

Your Next Challenge

Now I don't want any of you to panic about the 'Name' of this week's challenge, as I think that the title can be daunting but actually it's something that you have all done in the past.

So I would like you all to have a go a making a Pretty Vintage/Grunge style card, I have shown you a few examples of cards that I have made above, while I was looking back through my cards I saw at least one card from most of you that would fit that category perfectly.

You could use background dies to create the look like this sort of thing......
There are loads of cards on Pinterest featuring this kind of die so it's worth a browse.

Background stamps, text stamps, florals, using your Distress Inks (both original and Oxide) are great for creating this kind of background.
You could do a blended background and stamp a Silhouette stamp, or different textured stamps, there have been so good ones on magazines this past year.
Adding flowers and lace is another way to get he Vintage look, you could even colour them with Distress inks to make them look vintage (but you don't have to).
I have also included a card that I made with toppers etc that also fits the bill for those of you that may prefer to use those, we all have some vintage one's of those stashed somewhere.
I know that most of you probably don't need me to go through these lists of ideas but I like to in case any of you are daunted by the title.
I will add some more Inspiration in tomorrow's Blog Post too, just to give you some different ideas.

I don't want to get into a 'rut' of doing the same challenges every month, so I am trying to think of different ideas each week, I also want to get us all to step a little bit outside of our comfort zone, maybe to try new things or like the last challenge I think it's good to look at our stamps and dies and see what else we can do with them.
I for one am guilty of seeing a card or project on the internet and ordering the stamp, I will make my version of that project and put the stamp away and not use it again.

I hope that you enjoy the challenge my lovelies, if you have any questions just add them below.


Margaret if you are looking in I hope that you are ok, we miss seeing you in everyday my lovely , Sending you lots of love and hugs XXX

Lynda I hope that you are home from Hospital and fingers crossed on the mend, we all miss you so much my lovely XXX

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-how did you know I’d panic when I saw this weeks challenge???!!!! I’ll put my thinking head on (no idea where I left it) to come up with some ideas.

    I have a Challenge suggestion...perjured could all take it in turns to host a challenge during the year??? If we all took at least one turn then it wouldn’t be many for us but a break for you. What does everyone think???

    I’m going into work early as we have another set of twins that need Parental Nutrition ordering-they’re both really tiny, just over 1kg each.


    1. Good idea I don’t mind doing that

    2. Brilliant idea, something about perjured but I am not going to lie about it lol

    3. Oops-PERHAPS!!!! That’s what happens when you’re typing so very early in the morning before work!


  2. Morning Everyone
    I'm sure you are in need of them.

    I'm in agreement with MICHELE re taking a turn to suggest a Challenge. If we all do it it will not be too much and we'll all get inspiration from each other.

    Well it's that day again. Where has January gone.
    So you all know what I'll be trying to do today.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you all to pop as all are welcome new and old.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.Take care and stay safe xxxx

  3. I hope you have a slow relaxing weekend SANDRA and recover fro your AF and having to stand etc That shop sound fantastic- being able to go in on a Thursday morning and play WOW!

    I’m looking forward to this challenge It will really take me out of my comfort zone

    Big hugs LYNDA and MARGARET

    I am so glad it’s Friday Although January has gone quickly this week has dragged I think we’re looking after Oscar tomorrow night Not sure if he’s coming here or we’re going there We’ll see
    Take care all xx

  4. Morning Ladies,

    Happy Freedom Day to everyone.
    Another week almost over and celebrations to be had later this evening although I think I will be fast asleep I shall miss it.
    Can't understand why the timing is so late when all the signing off was done during daytime unless that's EU choice so they don't see the celebrations.

    Hope your day is kinder to you Michele, Lynda and Margaret.

    A lovely parcel of goodies arrived yesterday and I need to start playing with them and also using my Artez pens for colours.
    With the early morning brightness these days I find I am awake much earlier which doesn't help with getting extra tasks done as by lunchtime I am so exhausted and need a little comforting afternoon nap. I think I may find the most boring programme on the TV, settle down under my minky and hopeful be asleep in no time.

    Grunge for the next challenge will be a challenge that I am happy to try out. A departure from my usual shabby chic. Thank you for taxing me to another limit Sandra.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely cards today on display. My word you were hanging about for a long time when you went to collect your stamp from Val who runs the shop.
    Not much on here today although I am cooking a batch of bolognese to freeze. Some of it was going to be for tomorrow’s lunch. However, last night I got a batch of beef casserole out to have today. But I’m off to see a pantomime that Romilly is in tonight and Craig has asked me over to have dinner before we go. I don’t think any of my groovi work counts as grunge Sandra. But I do have a card which l did ages ago that might suit. If I can lay my hands on it I’ll send it over and you can see it it fits the bill.
    I’m glad you had a lovely day out with the girls though. Hopefully you’ll be ok for us to meet up next week. I have a Groovi class in Redditch next Sat which I’m looking forward to. This is replacing the one at Crafters Companion in Evesham that I went to. When Sara Davies left Hochanda she stopping stocks no Clarity stuff in her shop. They said that no one bought it but if you don’t stock it people can’t buy it. She very nice to the ladies that ran the classes either apparently. Not in person but by email. Gentle hugs to all who need on today. I hope your all feeling better soon.

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Lovely cards Sandra. I will try my best to join in. Have this weeks ones to make first. Hope that Sophie will be alright. You have some rest over the weekend.
    I'm feeling a bit lost after no sleep so I went last night at 10.30pm and slept to 11am this morning. I probably could easily stayed in bed all day but OH got me out to the shops in the end so now are more awake but not much. Need to do some "swearword" too but hope to have some fun make the cc's first this afternoon.
    Special hugs to our poorly and missing friends, wishing you better and you are back soon again with us in the cafe'.
    Have a good day everyone and take care, hugs xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Three lovely cards Sandra. I confess to having a look on Pinterest to help me understand what it actually is also for ideas on grunge. Think I’ve got it now - watch this space!
    Yesterday sounded a very exhausting day, I’m sure the girls kept you going when you were shopping, I’m sure some of their energy rubbed off on you xx The lady in the craft shop sounds lovely, what a brilliant idea to have an ‘Open Morning’ sounds great fun. I hope the swelling in your legs has gone down, if not elevate them when you are resting. Maybe next time you could request a chair, sure she would be happy to oblige xx
    Enjoy your weekend everyone, sending big squishy hugs to all our poorly ladies.
    Take care Love Brenda xxx

  8. Hello All, wet and cold, although they keep saying how mild it is. Must be just me.

    Sandra hope you are feeling better today, great challenge for next week , just up my street.

    Love the idea of personal, but not sure I’d get it done , as these days I’m not getting anything done on time. Still have this weeks cards to do!

    Margaret and Lynda do hope you will soon be on the mend, big hugs , Lilian
