
Thursday 30 January 2020

Pretty Peony

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, we had a chilly but lovely sunny day yesterday, it makes such a difference.

I have an early start today as I am going to Sophie's Physiotherapy appointment with her, I think that we are all going into town after to do some Birthday shopping, I can't believe that they turn 20 next week !!

Today's card is made using my first attempt at stamping my new Penny Black Peony Stamp, I ordered it a while back and after chatting to Karen the other day I messaged the lady to ask if she had any in, luckily she said that she had one that somebody had ordered and not collected so I grabbed it.
Sue took me over to collect it yesterday and I was itching to have a play as soon as I got home, so I popped it into my stamping platform, inked it up with Memento Sky Blue ink, repeated again and then inked the green and that was it, I absolutely love the stamp, although I admit that using a stamp that doesn't have a full outline was different as you wonder if you have inked it up properly, but I have and I do love the way it looks.
I just added a stamped sentiment, coloured the outside edge of piece of white card with the same ink as I stamped the peony in to create a matching mat, then mounted onto a white card base.
Simple card but quite effective I think.

Oh have any of you been watching the BBC's 'Spy in the Wild' series?! I don't think I have enjoyed a nature program more, the technology that has gone into making those replica cameras is genius, absolutely amazing program.

I hope that you all have a lovely day today,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful Stamp, it’s made a really lovely card.

    Thank you all for the good wishes earlier on the week-should have said that yesterday. Think I was still a bit groggy! I had a lovely day yesterday-went for a walk into the village in the morning then played in my craft room. We had rain the the afternoon so I was glad I’d gone out earlier.

    Best get a wriggle on & get ready for work.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Beautiful card SANDRA and in one of my favourite colours too.
    MICHELE-Sorry to hear that you have to have a return in four weeks. Huge HUGS on their way to you today.Take care.

    Tasks for today -I have to finish off my CC card and sort out bday card for the week-end.

    The CAFE is OPEN and a lemon drizzle cake is waiting to be eaten.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.Take care and stay safe xxxx

  3. Lovely card SANDRA I’m glad you got in touch with the lady It is a pretty stamp I love that sentiment Where’s that from
    Thank goodness for Aldi yarn I have become addicted to crocheting in the evening But I think it’s helping take my mind off things and less agitated It’s very relaxing
    I am on my own on Wednesdays and can’t bring myself to watch that Spy in the Wild programme because of Gary Hey ho 😢
    Nothing much on later Take care all xxx

  4. Ladies I just wanted to let you know that I had a message from Our Lynda yesterday to say that she was back in Hospital after another fall, she hasn't broken anything thank goodness but I think that they are just keeping an eye on things xx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I know how long you have been waiting to get hold of the stamp. Your card is beautiful. It is such a pretty stamp and I love the colour. I hope you’re not too sore after our trip out yesterday my lovely. I haven’t seen the programme but will have to watch it on catch up as we love any wildlife programmes xx
    Lynda, I’m so sorry to hear that you are back in hospital again. Thank goodness you have broken anything this time and I hope they are able to help you get a bit more mobile dear friend. Gentle hugs for you and Terry xx
    I’m at Mum and Pops today instead of tomorrow so I will be a day ahead of myself, I suppose it’s better than being a day behind as I often am!
    Mum/Margaret is waiting for the doctor to call as she is feeling dizzy when she stands up after several days of being deaf in one ear. Doctor thinks she probably has Labrynthitis(? Sorry the spelling is wrong but I think you will know what I mean) so it will mean more meds for a few days probably. She sends all of her love and hugs to you all with extra gentle ones for Lynda x
    Mrs A. It is lovely to see you here on the blog. It would be great to see some of your makes. Take care x
    It a grey day here today but not too cold luckily. Have a good day whatever you get Ito. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  6. Hi ladies.
    Gorgeous card Sandra. I love to know where you got the sentiment from too, it's nice and big.
    Thanks for telling us about Lynda. Hope she soon back home to recover.
    Margaret- sending you hugs and well wishes, take care.
    Had a day out yesterday and then not much sleep so haven't been able to do anything today. Hope to make some cards tomorrow but can't believe it's near the weekend again.
    Many hugs to you all ,xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Love your Penny Black stamp, I’m not surprised you couldn’t wait to use it, the colours you choose are beautiful and shows off to perfection the details of the stamp. Also love the sentiment you have used, is it a Stampinup? xx
    How did Sophie get on at her physio appointment? Hope they were helpful.xx

    Oh Lynda sorry to hear that you are back in hospital, I hope you are being well cared for and can return home soon. Sending love and prayers. xx

    Margaret hope the doctor was able to to explain why you are having dizzy spells, thinking of you and sending love and prayers xx

    Take care dear friends, love Brenda xxx
